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- Thi8 is Good Friday and the next Sunday is Easter. - A new time table on the Central road nsxt Sunday - Our real estáte reporta show considerable sctivity, - especially in farm property. - There was a very heavy thunder storm at 4 A. M. yeaterday, with considerable hail. - Company B were out target-shootiug yesterday, - " preparatory to going to Mexico." - Dr. W. B. Smith has brokeu grouud for an addition to his residence on Hurón street. - The late R. J. Speechly rau the first hack in this city, and it was thought a wonderf ui vehicle. - The Ypsilanti admirara of muscle are investing in photographs of Martin, the " butcher boy." - Edward Treadwell has bought the Solon Cook place on Huron street, north side, paying $5,000 cash. - Geo. Lovejoy is to be the organist at the Congregational Church. He is an accomplished musician. - Company B of this city and Company H of Ypailanti are to indulge in a friendly shoot in this city on the 27th. - Dr. Pomeroy, ot Calumet, Lake Superior, has been spending the week here, visiting his old friends and associates. - The large addition to the store ot Kearney & Cropsey is nearly completad aud will sooö be filled with groceries. - D. Henning did n't sell that Thos. Wood farm in Pittsfleld on Monday. No auxious bidders stocked with greenbacks. - Messrs. Rinsey & Seabolt broke ground Wednesday for their new block on Washington street. It will be a fiue improvement. - The administrator of the estata of the late Edmuud Blood, of this city, has received 15,000 on the policy of insurance on his life. - Street Commissioner Isgalls commenced scraping down State and Hu,ron atreets on Wednesday, making the rough plaoes smooth. - J. Beal Steere entertained the Young People'a Society of the M. E. Church on Wedaesday evening. Subject : The Phillipine Islands. - " Ypsilaoti ia to become the Manchester of Michigan : " or so the Commercial sayS, aud if that Journal dont knoir that what does it know ? - Now is the time to clean up door yards aud gardens, and burn up the rubbish in the street,- just the place where it ought not to be burned. - W. W. Hawk, late of Cook's Hotel, is going to Philadelphia, to run the St. Louis Hotel on Notth Niuth street : during the Centennial we suppose. - A. B. Covert, of thia city, has been honored with an election as a corresponding jaember of the Nuttal Ornithological Club of Cambridge, Mass. - Judge Huntington has notified the Clerk that he caimot hold the adjoumed term set down for Tuesday next, but will be here on the 9th of May - Services will be held to-day at 10 o'clock A. Jt. at Zion Churoh (Lutheran). The rite of coniirination wiü be adminisUrad to 30 candídatas uext Sunday. - Herman Krapf and Lewis Sohleicher have purchased the Miller machine shop ou Detroit street, and the wheels of industry are already in motion. - To-morrow is the day on which all goed aui loyal citizens owuing a foot of ground will set out a tree,- in accordance with the requeat of Gov. Bagley. - Chas. E. Hiscock, for several year3 teller of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank, has heen promoted to the position of cashier. A deserved recoguition of faithfnl service. - The oíd " relie " has been removed from the lot southeast corner of Fourth and William stieets, and Joe T. Jacobs will immediately proceed to build a tiue resideiice ia its place. - A large audience assembled at the Armory on Monday evening, to witness the inspection aad drill of Company B. A social hop took place after the drill. Everything passed off pleasantly. H. H. Finley, of,St. Paul, formerly of this city, is at Washington giving testimony before the Committee on Expenditures in the Interior Department concerning the Lippiucott-Indian acrip swiudle. - Washtenaw Lodge of Odd Fellows, of this city, has purchased an elegant set of officers regalia, collars and sashes, the pric of rtich was 1225. They were manufactured by Armstrong, of Detroit. - Rehearsals are beiug held for the Organ Coucert to be given the latter part of the month in aid of the orgau fuud of the Congregational Church. Mrs. Beebe, of Jackaon, will assist the city musicians. - On and after Mouday next the mail from the east will be carried on the Day Express traía as formerly, arriving at this city about oooa. A lock bag from Detroit will be resired here by first morning train. - The aunual renting of pews in St. Andrew's (Episcopal) Church takes place next Mouday, at the church. The treaiurer desires tliat the payment of all uusettled accounts be made on or befora the above date. - A. L. Noble, of the cheap Star Clothing House, came mto our effice a day or two ago braggiug that he had the largeat assortmeut of collars in the city and at the loweat prices. " A prooi of the pudding " - well go and se for yoursalf. -The ladies of the Librarjr Association are working with a will, and mean to make a suc888 of their entertainment next week- Tues% and Weduesday. They wül offer some ittractive features. Lay your plans to give tliem a benefit. - A vacant dweiling was burued iu Ypsilauti on Sunday evemng last. In assisting to lrag the steamer Cürnwell to tlia fire a man oamed James Smith, uot a member of the nnpany, feil, was run over by both wheels, ad was instantly killed. - City Marshal Herrón ofiicially reporta the amount expended in the reheí of the poor í this city, for March, as $220.39, distributed íollows : lst ward, (38.56 ; 2d ward, $57.03 ; Sdward, $55.19; 4th ward, $52.54; 5th ward, "2.85; 6tli ward, $19.12. - Now comes the tug of war : that is next Mouday eveuing iu the Commu Counoil,- for Atturney, Marshal, and Treasurer. We de81gnd to appeiid a lull list of candidates for Mh oflice, but their uauies being legión our owded space absolutsly forbids. -Mr. (ierner, wbose suelden death ís noticed in another item, had $8,000 KM insur""ce: $4,000 m the Continental, $2,000 iu "W New Englaud Mutual, aud $2,000 in the Mutual Beueüt, of New Jersey. A gsod thing 'or the widow aud hsr large iamily of chil- Subjects of discourse of Rev. C. H. Brig"u, at Uuitarian ühurch next Sunday: Mormng- " Christ as Mediator," an Eaatur ="aou ; eveuing-" How Christ brings back "e dead to those who mouru." Studeut "'ass at 9.30 A. 3L.- "The character of Nebuliaduezzar. - Üue of the city papers gav last week the u' of oihcurs eleuted id a siugle town and thiï eekaddud auother: tally tico. Auothur loca' paper alo had a raport trom one town. ike Aeous gare complete and correct lista omí-OÜBrEEN towns. ÜAmp papers or P&pn given away are uot always the most aterprisiug or newiy. -The Tin Wedding of the Ladies' Library Association will ba held at Smith'i Hall next week, Tuesday and Wedneiday eveniugs. Those haring relies are arnestly requttd to leav them at the hall on Monday, aar tim after 10 o'clook. They should be earef ully labeled, and all fragüe articles will be placed in glass casöu. - At about 5 o'olock A. M. of Friday last, John Gerner, living ani carrying on business at the corner of Main and Liberty streets, feil down several steps of the stairs leading up to his living rooms, fracturad his kuil, and died at about 8 o'clock. His funeral was very largely attended on Sunday atternoon, the aeveral Germán societies of which he was a member turning out in full numberi. - Robert J. Speechly, for about soven years janitor at the central school building, died very suddenly ou Sunday afternoon. He had been unwell for a wsek or ten days, with a cold, resulting in rheumatism, but was so much better that on Friday evening he discharged his temporary assistant and arranged for resuming work on Monday. He took both his breakfast and dinner on Sunday, and at the hour above named rose from his chair to cross the room, feil, and was dead in a few seconds. " Bheumatism of the heart " is what the physicians say. Mr. Speechly was 67 years old, and was as old resident of the city. He laaves a widow, and a son and daughter. - The Ceutennial volume, preparad in accordance with plans adopted and recommeaded by the State Board of Managers, was sent to the Seoretary, at Detroit, Mr. Noble, on Wednesday. It is a book of about 1,100 pages, being prinoipaily - all but 60 pages - the work of pupila in the several departments and classes - high school, grammar school, and ward school. The examinatiou papers embrace Greek, Latiu, Germán, French, Algebra, history, geography, book-keeping, free-hand drawing, and other studies. Experts highly compliment the work of the scholars both for correctness aud beauty of manuscript. The introductory matter contains a brief history of the school, courses of study, etc, with an ngraving of the central building, ground plans of the same, and fine photographs of the Third and Fourth ward buildings. It is handsomely bound in fuil Turkey morocco.