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- Kecorder Kmtner haa established his of jee iu the " corner store," Gregorv block. _- The next session of th State Medical As gociation ia to be helü in this city on the lOth oí May. _ A large number of old papers tor sale al the ARU8 office. Just tiie thing to put unde carpe ts. - cteorge S. Bowers, of Sharon, took the ,ivst prize in a recent Erosophean oratorica contest at Albion College. - Chas. S. Fall has removed to Detroit tnJ has the asaurauce to say that it is " a lit tle better place than Ann Arbor." - A Republican County Conveution has leo caüed to be held in this city on the 3d of jlay, at 11 o'clock a. M. Fun ahead. _ Two mails daily are sent each way i'rom this city, slosing as follows : going west, at 11 M. and 5 p. m.; going east, at 8.15 a. M. anc jP. M. - Col. J. F. Miller having completad tliat little job of organizing the Repúblicas party (in Zack Chaudler's interest) left for Washington on Tuesday. - Hon. J. J. Bobison was in town on Monday last, en route for Rochester, Tí. Y., to purchase fruvt trees,- for ihe grangers and othera, himselt iucluded. _- We hear that Mrs. D. J. Mozart, of this city, has been appoiuted to a clerkship iu the Treasury Department at Washington, and will enter on duty next week. _ Mrs. Roehin has purchased a lot on Washington street, adjoiuing the lot of Hinsey & Seabolt, and will build this season in coánection with those gentlemen. - Kegeat McGowan was in the city on Tuesday arrangiug for the commencement of that investigatiou. He said Regent Graut (vould be unable to reach here before the 28th. - John Clancy, brother-iu-law of Wm. H. Mclntyre of this city, Grand Rapids oa Saturday last, and his remains were brought here on Monday for burial. He was 30 years old. - It is said that the deteat of Sorg, the Republicau caucus candidate for treasurer, was a victory for Aid. King, and was to "puuish" tha First ward " dutohman " for backing Aid. Cate for re-election. - A special meeting of the board of supervisors will be held on the second Monday va June,- to equalize the assessment rolls, this being the year for the meeting of the State board ot equalizarion. - Peaches and all other fruits promisa a fine erop. W heat looks green and luxuriant, except on clay lands. Grass is good and pastures iook encouraging, büth for butter-makers anil butter-buyers. - Auother stray planet (of the asteroid species) was " caught on the fly " by Prof. Watson, on the night of the löth. It is of the llth magnitude and circulates (for the present) in the constellatiou Virgo. - Judge Cheever, assisted by probate register Willcoxson, planted out a blackwalnut in the square on Saturday last, and a quarter of acentury henee there'U be uuts lor somebody to crack and thank the Governor for. - City Attoruey McReynolds and Marshal Herrón claim to be the flrst officeis of the grade ever re-elected in this city, and are considerably " stuck up " in cousequence. " Pride goeth before a fall." - A Jai-ge nuinber of " centeunial " trees n.tout in this city and vicimty on the lóth: inobservance of the recommendation of (ioreraor Bagley. Who of our readers will coutract to interview the aforesaid trees at the next " centennial " 't - The Turn Vereiu is to engage in the " centeuuial '' tree planting business on a large scale, ol Thursday atteruoon next, at Turner Park. Anybody not owuing that foot of ''öod's earth," are privileged to juiu theTurner's m tree planting. - A few of the Arqus subscribera, as well a3 a large number of the Demócrata of the county, have evidently forgotteu that the old proverb "money makes the mare go" is equal)y applicable to the uewspaper business. This is Dot a dun but a reminder. - We are indebted to that rehable seedsman and florist, James Vick, of Kocheater, N. Y., for a large package of garden and flower eds. Having tested Viuk's seeds in former yeare we can commend both him and them to our readers. His seeds are both good and true te name. - The Ypsilanti Commercial calis for the nforcemeut of the obsolete statute- sac. 2118 of comuiled laws - against profane swearing, -the penalty beiug uot less than $1 nor more than %'i. Strict enforcement and sure collechoD of all the penalties would próvida liberal library funds. - Report says that Saline prangers made a poor " spec " in purchasing piaster. They pa-id $4 at Grand Rapids, and 14.10 a ton freight, and theu got a wet, dirty, heavy article. The members could have bought much better piaster in the Aun Arbor market for Ï.5O, saving 60 cents a ton. - A caucus of the Bepublican members of the Couucil was held prior to the seasiou Monday eveniug and Fred. Sorg agreed upon as the candidate for treasurer. And then he ras n't elacted. Auother próof ot the inaxim " there is many a slip," etc, and of the f act that Eepublicans are unroliable. - (Joldwater must be both a litigious and "nhealthy town : ten lawyers and ten physicians coütest for the spoils by adYertising in the"card" column of the Republican. The Aeous "Directory" indicates- by the absence of professional carda - a butter state of the moral, social, and physical health. - A new time table went into operation on 'he II. C. E. B. on Siinday last, and parties intetested will note changes. Under the new ftrraugement the way mail going west has taen trausferred to tlie express train passing this station at 11:26 A. M. A locked bag comes UP írom Detroit on the early train, bringing the moruing dailies and Detroit letters. - The village council of Manchester approPriates $40 lor the publication of its proceed'"S in the Enterprise. The citizena of Ann Arbor depend on the enterprise and generosi'y of the Arüus for a report of the proceedlng8 of the Common Couucil. Not oue cent 'loes that body appropriate to provide Information of ita doings for its constitueucy. "Penny wise and pouud foolish." - Araong the muny relies exhibited in th "ceutenuial " department at the Ladies' Lihary Tin Wedding celubration, was a copy ot Oeclaration of Iudopuadeuce, printed at Salem, Mass., by order of the Colonial Government, "1 witlnn ten days lifter its adoption at PhilWelphia. It is a very rare document, the ex"tence of not to exceed a dozen copies being known. Of the original Congressional edition but two copies are known. The copy under "otice is owned by Dr. Dunster - Coto pany B's trial shoot, held at Relief pMt on Tliursday afternoon of last wek, reulted iu the tollowing ten winning the honor ontesting for the prize in the match with Company H, of Ypsilanti, to come off in this c'ty ou Thursday next. They scored as folW8 in a possible - strmg " oí 50 : Wn A "Mch, 39 ; C. Weitbreoht, 38 ; Henry AlimanIi'nger, 37 ; Chas. A. B. Hall, 35 ; Chas. Bald". 34 ; Henry H. Hatch, 33 ; G. Fred. Lutz ; (iottlieb Weitbrecht, 30; C. J. Kintner ; Wm. Kay, 28. Wm. A. Hatch takes comttand of the team.