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Our State Central Committee

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1' rom thp LriHiid líninils p.-iuuerat. Iu the last issue of the Allegan IJemocrat he editor, in the coune of a leading article, oudemns very strongly the present inactive, nefficieiit Stftte Central Committee of the iemocrntic party. He ulludes to the blunderug eonduct of the campaigii two yeura ago in 10 miucing terins, and justly lays tlie party's defeat, especially that of Mr. Ulmmberlain, at he door oï the committee that eveu could nol a much ir see that, Demócrata in all parts of lte State had the ticket of their party to vote. The spectacle presented at hundreds ot polling places in the northern part of tlie State, where Demócrata were disfrancliised because the State Committee had uot furnished the State ticket for distribntion to the voters, is one thst calis for a reorganization of the cominittcc with some one at the head who has tlie necessary executive ability for the place. We protest that in saying' so uiuch we are solely speaking in the interest of the party and are but reftecting the views of leading Demócrata in this part of the State. The present chairman of the committee is a couscioutious and ahle gentleman, but his ability is not sufficiently practical, and a reorganizaron ot the committee is demanded preliminary to the inauguration of a vigoroua and thorough canvass of the State in the approaching election. Tho Allegan Vernoemt and its Grand Rapids naiuesake exhibit an unaccountablo as well as au unjustifiable ignorftnee of the duties of the State Conitnittee. We have yet to learn that the State Committee has anythiug to do with furnishing State tickets " for ditribution to the voters," and that is the only blunder or sin of oniissiou which is pointed out. As the "State ticket' is necessarily a part of the lofal tickot that is, is nece8arily printed in couuec tion with the local tickot, - State ant county officer8 being votbd for in a sin gle box and upon a single ballot, - it is the fault - or crime if a crime - of Coun ty Couimittees that " hundreds of poll intr places," or even a single polling place, were not supplied with Demo oratie tickets. The State Committee o neither party assuine -to print or furnish the tickets : they would meddle witl dutifis which do not belong to them which they could not well discharge and for the exponse of which they aro not provided with funds, did they at tempt any such work. And so the two Demarráis must fix the responsibility fo Mr. Chainberlain's defoat elsowhere. Mu. BLAINB having made a very gnc C38sfui defense ou Mouday, against th charge of having swindlod the Union Pacific Railroad Corapany, - by an ex change of some $75,000 of the almoR worthless bonds of th Little Rock anc Kort iSiuith Kailroari Company for $t4, 000 of the U. P. bouds- the public i anxiously waiting the next move o Morton'8 friends. Tliis sraut gaine, iu which the friends of the several Repub lioan candidatos for President are en gaged, is one in which Domoorats hav no interest except as lookerg on, and the House Conimittees should hold wellbalanced acales. It mittters little which kicks the beam. But in this conuection we wish to suggest that scandal straws are too eagerly grasped at - at Washiugtou and elaewhere. Baseless suspioions and rumors are given ear to, and íiiuch valuable time is being speut in chasing down petty scandals. lf traces of real frauds are discovered let them be followed and the perpetrators exposed, but it is creditable to neither the Governuent nor the great Auiericau people to euipty the pitch pot protuiscuoV8ly over the heads oí each and every man in public lite, or who has held an official position within the last two or three decades. The reputation of no public man should be assailed - in the pruss or by acommittee - becttuse of the secret whisperings or in sinuations of some worthless vagabond. Investigtttion is a good thing, but aren't we getting too uiuch of it,- and at tlio expense of necessary legislation. - J. H. O. Harbison, of Indianapolis, Morton's banker and backer, has been heard trom siuce Blaine's speech, and don't seem to be satisfiod with the exSpeakor's explanations and denials. He desire8 to go before the Judiciary Committee. Now THAT Col. Whitely, so long at the head of the Secret Service corps, has exposed the improper use of the secret service fund, the Republicans have suddenly discorered that he has " a swet-8cented record," and that before the war, (in 1808) "he was known in Kansas as the leader of au organized band of fugitive slave-hunters and border ruffians." Wheu be was the agent or tooi of Willi&ms and Ackerman and their predecössors, doing the bidding of unscrupulous superiors, he was a model officer, and " his sweet-scented record " was a feather in his cap rather than a stain upon either his personal or official reputation. If a man would experience a sudden collapse - a loss of good name and lucrativo position - ho has but to turn his back upon the Ad ministration and exposé souae of the misdcuds of which he is cognizant, and the thing is done. Senator Hamlin' and bis backers are laboring under a serieus mistake if they thiuk nowspapor publishers are individually or finaueially interested in the reduction of postage on transiüiit newspapers or magazines. It is the paoplo, and not the publishers. Another and satisfactory rate is charged upou papers from the office of publication. " Sttcond hand " papers are what catoh it. It is fashiouable, but not very profitablo, for legislators and other officials to vent tbeir spito upon " the ncwspaper," because of thair frae criticism of public men ond measnres, but strike fair is all we hitve to say. The Dkmochacy ot New York met in State Oonvention at Utica, on the 20th, but adjourned until yesterday at 9 o'clock A. M., without oomploting an organization. The indicatious favored a complete Tilden delegation. - The Massachusetts Ropublican State Couvention was held in Boston ou Weduesday. The rejected Dana heads the delegation to Cincinnati. Bristow is said to be the favorite, - though no instructions ere given. - The California Republicans held their State Convention on ttie '2(th, and elected nearly a unanitnous Blaine delegatioa to the Cincinnati Convention. MÓsks W. FlELS is to Ínflate the State greenbackurs at Jnckson next Weduesday, May 'i. And this while millions of national bank circulation are beiug retired mouthly bocause of inability to make loans.


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