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Mortgagt? Hule, lilvl AL'lr havingbeen mad1 in ihe rondittons Aof a certain mortgage, made and execnted by .Tane A.iïriffith, oi rpsilantl, Michigan, to Bullfvun -M. Cuteheon, of said place, dated rebruary the eleventb, 1869, and recorded ín the Office of Register of Deedf ofWa&htenaw County, Michigan, Id líber 40 of raortgages, page 199, "i same da; i( was executed, w Mi h mortgnge waa assigned by s'1' Cutcheon to Irfary K. Koster, ii deed o) assignineut, recordad Ín liber tbrre "t Rjisigmneuts of raortgages, al page 152, in said Kegister'a Office, and Ihere oelng claiined to be due al date of thls ooti e, on na ld mortgage and the accom pan ying note, the sum of slxteen nandred and fifly dollars; nlso au nttorney fee of twenty-flve dolíais ; and do proceedings :it lau or in equity havlng been Lnstituted lo recover the :uin' or au y pari thereof : Notice iherebj given that undei the statute, and by virtue ui the power of sale iu said mortgage contalned, 1 will, uu Batuiday the 22d day orJaly, a. l. istï, ai )] a. h. ofsaid day, at public auetlon, to the nlghesl bidder, Bell, at the south door of the Court House, in the city ol Aun Arbor, Michigan, that being the pütee for holding the Circuit Couri toi said ounty of tYashtenaw), the premiseti deBcribed in :iM mortgage, or so muón thereof as shaO aeceesary to utufy sald amounl irith costa wad expenses allowed by ïw. Said premisos are desertbed as follows : The west half of Iota Beren and eight. in block foiu Boutfa of Uu ron street, and range eigbl east, In the ctty of Anu Arbor, Michigan, and the righi tocro&a and raeroas, irith teams or otherwise, over b private alley twelve feel wid-, off f rom the north siete ' luis Beven and ten In aaid block uur, aforeeaid. Dated, April 28th. istü. MAIïV E. FOSTER, D, ('kamer, Assignee of Mortgage. Attorney. tfiSO Ewtute of Robf-rt Po wel 1 UTATEOF MICHIGAN, county ot Wabhtenaw, u. At ti saflaion of the Probate Ooort for the oouDty ot Washteuaw, holden at the Probate OtSoe in the city oí Ann Arbor, on Fridtiy, the twenty-thwt duy of Aprii, in the yer one thoututnd eight hundred and yeventy-iix. Presen t, Xoah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the muiter of the enlate ot Kobeit Powell, decfnsed. Ün reading and tiliug the petition, duy verified, of Lydia PowttU, prasing that her dower in the estáte of saiu deceased muy le aarignsd to her. Thereupon il. is ordered. thnt Tuosday. the twenty-tlmd day oí Muy next, at ten o'clóek in the forenoou, be oMdigned for the hearing o( said retition, and that the devíseos, legatoe, and beiw at law of nid deceated, tind nll oiher personi intereotediosaideslate, axerequiredtoappeax at h sraeion of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if finy there be, why the pi ayer of ttie pelitioner should not be pranled : Anit il is further ordered that n:iid petitioner ifivc noties to the persona iuterested in aaïd estule, of the pendency of said petition, and the hiMiring thí'ieoí, by cau-sing a copy of thin ordtr to be published in the tacktffOM Argut, a newspnptr printed and oirculated in Kaid countv, tltree auccessive weeks previou. to said day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) NOAH W CüErJVKli, 158ft Jndye of Probate. Estáte of Patrick Dunnelly. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Comrtrof Washtenaw, bs. Ai a Besslon t" the Probate Couri for the Coanty of Washtenaw, holden al the Probate Office n the cltf of Ann Aibor, oa Uonday, the -i v.'Mi. i-nth day )' April in the year one Ihousaud eight Uundred and seventy-Alx. Present, Noah W. Chevver, Judeeof Probate. In themtttei ol the estáte ■! Pal riek Donnelly, dticeased. Edward DutTy, execiitorof the tasl vUl nul totaineut of uaid deceased comee ínlo couri and represente thai heianon preiared tor ader hb final account as sucli cx urn. Thoreupou il i ordered thai Wednesdav, the seventeentli dayoi Maynext, al ten o'clock in tn foreuoon, be atnagned for cxamiuios and allowinp suchaccount, and that the do ísces, togatoea and hein al Uw of sald diwcased, and all other persons i mr;, -ir.) in ;i;ii eiitatc, are rcquired tn appear m a tHMslon of said cottrt, Lben tu Ite holden al the Piibiitc (fffii the city of .Ann Arbor, in uatd county and show cause, i ;my there U, why ili mii acconni should ooi )■■ allowed: And it i furtber ordered thal said execuioi iv notlce t the pi-r-uh io-tereuted in .said estáte oí the pen deucy of said account and the hearing thereo b; causmg :i copy of thls order t be publtshed In th' BtichiffÓtti ArffuêB nevspaper printed and drculal [og i' sald county, three snooieasive weeiu prarlou to said day of hearing. (A Irue'copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, iG7lw:j Judgeof Probate, Eátateof Nolaon B. Cole. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coanty of Wanhtenaw O bs. At ii aessioa of the Probóte ('ourt fo the county dt Vabtenaw, holden at tlio l'robat Ooien, iu i he city ot Ann Arbor, on filond:ty ; the tenlhday of April, in the year one ihotu and eight hundred aao seveatr-slx. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter ot the estáte of Xelon IJ. (Jole deceiised On readiog and il ing the petition, duly verifted oí Klizub:tth H. Cote, priyiiiji tfjai nu aaministra tor may be agpointed on the estáte of said de ceaed. ThtTOupon it is ordered, that Monday, th Ifteenth duy or Maynext, ut ten odock in th toreaoon, be assigned tor the hciriuir of said petition, and that the heirs at !kw ol s:ud de ceabed, and all other persons interestod in aaid estáte, on reqaired to appear at a sestrion of said Oonrt, tben to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Aun Arbor, aud aho-w cause, if any there be, why the prayer o the pettttonei sbould uot be granted: Am it ís furthar ordtréd, that aid potitioner giv notieeto tiie penoBfl interested in said estáte, o the pendeney oí said petition, and the hearini t.hcreot , by eanaiiur a copy of this order to be pub httlied in the Michigan Argut newspaper printei uitd eii-culated in aaid count -. tfuí-r suooeesivi weekH previüiiti to s-iid day of hearing CA line copy.) NOAH V. CHlfiBVEB, 15" Judjfe of 1' róbate. Hheríff8 Sale. BV VIRTUE of one wiit .f exeontlun Issued ou of and under the seal of the Ctrcull Court fo the County of Lenawee, te me dirocted and de IWered, I dld on the 3d day of Jaouary. A. D. 187( Utvv uponall the right. title and interest ■) Jacob !■ Miflcr and CathaiineMlUer In and to the followini descrlbed real estáte sltuated in the County o Washtenawtate ol Michigan, to wit: The nortl half of the weel half of the uortheaat quartor of sec ü.-i! number twenty-nJne ; ils., tl' Dorthwee quarter of the northeasi ijuarter of actlon 80, ex cept.six acres off trom the south end then ui thesoutbeasi quarter of the noutheast quartei - Bectton 19 also the orthweet pari of the east hal of the Dortheael quarter of w otloii 29, bouuded a follows: oommencing at the northwcsl corner aaid east half of the aortheasl quarter ofsectioi 29, running thenoe south forty rooB, thenoe easi u theoenterof the EUver Etalsln. thence aortLwester ly alona the center of sald Rlver Ralstn to the north une oï sald seetion 2, thence west along th -i-, tios Une to the place of beglnning, Bupposed to contain flfteen aerea and forty square roda oí land al thal jan:cl 'tl' land knowu and deseribed a belng aparcel of hvnd taken off from the easi sld of the Plummer farm, on the east stde of the terri t'-rial road, (socalled) the west line thereol bein the center of sald territorial road. .sau panol of land coiitafning oue acre of land more #r leas, and belng a part of the eas part of the northeast quarter orsection 29 all iu towuship four south of range four ea.t, oontalnlnj iu all one hundml and thirty and a quarter acrec more or less, in Washtenaw County, state of Bflchi igan. Whlch above deacrlbed property I shall offte (oí sale tothehlghesi bidder, at tne south door o the Court House, in the city ot Ann Arbor, a-ii tenaw County, Mtehlgan.on the I8tfa day of Mai A. JX 187fi, al 10 o'clock . m, ui .Mtid day. Dated, March SOth, 1876. _ó'(i ■__ M. FLEM7NG, Sheriff. Chancery Notice. THE Circuit Court tor the Countv of Wawhte na In Chancery, Em(?line Órump, eom platnaat, v. Eplintim Cramjp, defenduut. ItKt ifnctinly appearine to fliis ('ourt by ftitlavit anc the return of the oificer on the subpinna in thi cause, that the resïdenoo of the detWidaut is au known, and that said defendant is nol withintht jurisdiction of this court; on motion of (". ('rn mer, solicitor foi the compluinant, it ia orderei that the defendant oanse lus ppenrauce to be on tnred in thiueause wiiliin thn-e months Trom tht date of this order, and in onne of his appearing he cause his answer to the complainant's lill to 1 ril'd in thiseauae, and a copy thereof to be servet on thecomplainHDt, or her aoUoltor. within twnt daya alter aiirviue ou him, or ! i solicitoi, ot n cop] of the bill of coinplaint rlled in this eaue aud i notice of tbis order; and in default thertof thn the 8;iid oomplainaot4 bill be taken as .onfessed by the khhI defendant: And it is furtbei ordered tlmt within twentydfijs the Kid oomplain a&toause a copy of this order to bc published ii the Michigan Aryus. a public newpnp.-r printedii siiid County of washtenaw, nd timt the pnbtioa (ion continu; once ench week for six sneoeesfv weeks, or thnt ste oanse a copj t this order to be personally serTed on Ihe aaid fmë&dant, aoooxdinf lo the rule aiul practice ol" thls court. Dated, HarohSOth, :876. 1,575 JOH.V F. LAWRENCE, D. CnAMi:n, Oirouit Conrt Comr, Solicitor for Comp'nt. Washtennw Go. Mich. STATE OF MICHIGAN, the Clrcuil Court Ru tlie County of Waabtenaw- Iu Cbanoery Uargarel A. Berry, complainant, vs. Charle s. Berry, deiendant. Duo proof by affldavll haviuj; been made Iu tliis cause that the defondaat, Charlw s. Berry, residí a oul of (hls State and thal be resides iñ tlieState of Npw Vork: On inotioo ol Ueakes A üutchcon, üoliiiitors Po iiipïaiuaut, M ks ordered thai the sald Charles S. Bcrr) appear aud answer the t'ill ofcomiilnlni In thia cau&e within ni' m froiu auaafter the date ol thls order: Aud il U furthei 'ir lered thal the coutplainaut cause -1 oopy of thia ordei i" be published on. -e in eaoh week, for weeks in anccesslon, In the Miclii'jn Aniry.n iH-wjiaper prinlfd ut Ann Arbor, in said county. Dat f d at Ann Arbor, in said county, April lfith, ISTfi. -T. F. LAWRENCE, Cl reuil Court Coramissioner, Bsakes & Cutchjcon, Washteuaw Countv, SoUcitoi for Conipuunant. Mi tb. 1579 CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial chÖcuit- In Chancery. Sult pending in the Olrcuit Court for the County ol Washtenaw, in chaucery, n hereln Thomas Bkuce Is complainant, and Ksth.T A. Skuce Ie defendant, at Ann Arhor, this 27th day of March. 1876. Opop due proof by affldavitthal Enthor A. Skuce, the defendant in the above ontitled cause pending In thia Court, resides out of the aald ötate of Michigan, and In the State of Êïew ïork, andou motion of Babblil and Emerlck, sollcitora for complainant, it la ordered that the aaid defendant do appear and answer the bill of oomplatnt ttletl in tli' said oause, within slx waeksfrora the date of tiii order, else the Baid bill of complaiot shall !■ taken :is confessed : And further that thls order )■ published, within twenty daya Erom t í 1 i-s date, In the Michigan Irpiu, 1 newspaper prioted In thesaid County of Washi-naw, and li publuthcd tln'ii'in Once in eaoh ree-h rorsli weeks in Buccession; such pubUcation. lowever, shall nol bc necessary In case a copy i bis order be served on the sald defondanl penonillv, at leaMi t renty tiayn before the time bereln tresci Ibed tof her appearance. Dated thls 'Ttli day -t March, A. 1). 1S7G. .t. F. LAWRENCE, Atruocopy; attest, Clrouli Court Coui'r, Putbh Tuitk, Register. Washtenaw Co., Mich. BAnniTT A BHBBICK, Solicltora for Corap't. 1676 END25c. toG.P, ROWBLL A. CO., New York, ö for pamphletnf ion paires, oontaiatng lista of ,000 newspapera, and estuantes show iuj coat ofadvertiBing. EDWARD DÜFFY HAS JUST RECKIVED AN Entire Itfew Stock t goud 9 consisttng oí Teas, Coffses, SUGARS AND SYRUFS. BoughtinNEWYORKfrom first hands FüR CASH, and is offering them ai l'Miï SLUIT ADVAIP over New York Cost. Alofulllineof LADIKS and GKNT].EatEN"S W K A B in BOOTS & SHOES, All of which be ia offering VERY LOW FOR CASH. It paya everyiiody t. bnf their troods tor Cash. Cali and exuniine imds und pricee, and I WILL INSUEE SATISFACTION (roodst delivered to any part oí' the City freo o charge. EDWAKD DUFFT. " Maynard'? bloeit, cor. Main and Aun Btreeta Anu ArbOTi Micli. 1876. 1876. SPRING STYLES. W. WAGNER HAS JUST OPENW) Tin; I 1M.ST STOCK 01 CLOTHING To be found in Aun Arbor, comprising uil the SKWKi ! M vu: and i' i CERNS, Whicfa he h ai prlces that DEFIES ALL COMPETITION All who are "ressed witli the hard times and desire A CHEAP SUIT Can find it at WAGNER'8. My stock of Piece Q-oocts Wil] be found complete and roíame all the NEWEST DESIGNS. Suits Made to Order. A Large stocik of FURNISHING GOODS. 21 South Main Sr. Akk Abuok. w;iril'.l the Highrst Dfedal il Vicuña. E. &H.T. ANTHONY & CO. Ö!M llroitil way, i York. COpp. Metrojxïlitfin IIotl. nannfarhirers, Iinorii-t & ii;dn in CHROMOS and PEAMES, STEREOSOOPES& VIEWS, Albums, GBAFiiosooras, avd Bvkfabue Visws. o IMiotograpliic Materials. We ure Heiidquartera tot cverythiui.' in the w;n of STEitEOPTIEOS & Ï.WTflRS. Being nuwmfaersrsn oï the MTCRO-SOIENTIFIC T.ANTKHN, ÖTEBEO PANOPTI0ON, ÜNIVBR81TY sTKKEOPTiroN, ADVKRTISI.K S il.]; K H'TICON AüTOPfiCON, SCHOOL LAXTKRN. FAMIT.Y LiNTERN PEOPLE'S LANTKlï.V. Eaeh atyle being the best of its ctasin the market. o- - Catalogues of Lantrns md slidts with directious for usinii sont on appüoatiOB, Any enterprising man t-an nutke money witha Maffic Limteru 1571 BiSCut oui thia advertiwemont for refareHoe..JP C'OK BALE. My store next door to the S-A."sriisrc3-s b-a.istis:, Now oocaptod by 0 . Lewlt. Itee of the best locatiuns in thi? :ity. AlflO my State St. Property of Stores, looáted ftt College entrance- northwesi corner. AJaoiny Famih Horsc, Cftrrlag-e and Hartss. l liavt' (K'cided to sell the above projmt;. and will mak1 piio'f tosaittbe times. TJñQ piupt'iiy Lsoieai ot hII incumbrance and titjtvd pafieoti ï. metm boaineai u 1 expeet to 1 ■■ . . Inciuire of Stwte Street, Aun Arbiïr, Pebrouy l-r, 1876 -..n FOUND ATLASTI A Washiu-Mactime that plOMOi'oTorjrlioiljf Calkins' Champion Washer ]).i-s i: work uuickly, without tnjnHnff tlte fubrie oi bnwkinA ort buttons, and oompietea trork, ftODD the rintist liurys to i :i' QtUfDOt ; S(t simple thilt u chihl enn use it, and ay eoaily handled is a cominon wringer. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Or Ur money refunded. Cali und nat a circular and se1 Üie Washt and try one. I have on? that I apprupriate especially lo that use, and wil] send it ( vuur luHi.sf und c:;ill for it agoln if you are not ooxtvlnáed thai it u jast T HE PKR K BCT V' AS H E R And wfeu to parábase one, or try it lurther, all riiiht. Wanted- t few Live Ag'tsto Canvassthe County Alao, s xesponstble party lo handle them in Ypilauti, Siiüiif und DextMTi G. J. PEA8E, llardniirr.Tiii, nnd House I 'ui nlsiiintf iuucIn. Ij 1 v 1 1; Som 11 .Iluin Streel, Alm Arbur. DINSEY & SÜABOLT'S BAKERT, GKOCERY - AND - i'LOÜR & PKBU NTORE. We ket-p conatiiiitly on nand, BRRAD, CIIACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOK WHOLESALE iMD RKTAIL TKAUK. We sUall atoo keep a supply of DELHI FLOUR, . M. 8W1FT & CO-ü BE8T WHITE WHKA1' FI-OUR, KYE KLOt'R, BUCKW WIIKAT t'LOUR. Ci)KN MKAX,, FSBD, &c Sco. At wholesule umi retuil. A (?enerHl stock of :ittl( KI1IKS AND PROV1SIOXS iinstiiutly on hand, wtiü-h will br old op as rettin tórin ae ftt iiny otlu-r liouiie in thip city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Couutry l'ronce generally. Kf Gouda delivered to uny part of the city with ut extra charge. lllst:v S SGABOLT. Anu Arbhr, Jaa. 1. 1870. 1564


Old News
Michigan Argus