Probate Court
The following orders have been made in the Pruoate Court siuce our last report: Estáte of Sarah E. Blood, deceased ; notice to credttora published ; claims to be heard July 18 and Oct. 13, by the court. Estáte of Isaac W. Corbin, deceased ; petitiou for appointinent of admimstrator ; day of hearing May K. Estáte of Patrick Donnelly, deceased ; ordftr for hearing final account of exeoutor ; day of hearing May 17. Estáte of Allraendingers, minors ; license gratited to sell real estáte ; to bc soid June 3. Estáte of Oliver Blood, Sen., deceased ; petition for ippointment of administrator de bonia non ; day of hearing May 15. Estáte of Julia Murray, deceased; order tor hearing account of executor ; day of hearing May 19. Estáte of Robert Powell, deceased ; order for hearing account of executor ; day of hearing May 19. Estáte of Robert Powell, deceased ; petition for assigdmetit of dower ; day of hearing May 23. Estáte of Elias Westfall, deceased ; notice to creditora published ; claims to be heard July 18 :ind Oct. 18, by Hiram Pierce and Nathau Pierce, coinmissioners. Estáte of Mial Masou, deceased ; order for hearing final account of admiuistrator ; day of hearing May '20. Estáte of Sarah Ingalls, deceased ; John N. Gott appoiuted admiuistrator de bonis non. Estáte ot Peter W. Brass, deceased ; final accouut of executor heard and allowed. Estáte of Rebecca P. L. Oillespie, deceased ; J. Lathrop Gillespie appointed administrator. Estáte of Harriet W. Larzelere, deceased ; wül admitted to probate and J. W. VanCleve appointed executor. Estáte of Elias Westfall, deceased ; Palmer Westfall appoiuted executor. E-itate of Joel McLeau, deceased; final account of administrator neard and allowed. Between two and three weeks ago Mr. J. Gr. Leland, living on William street and one of the best kuown citizens of our city, attempted to kill a rat in his stable. Gettmg the animal cornered in the stall it ran up the pitchfork liandlc and hit Mr. L. several times on the hand. Some days a.o the hand began to swell and now, Wednesday P' M., the entire arm is swollen and black, and the whole system is poisoned. A fatal terrnination is certain and near at hand. - We have just time to add that Mr. Leland died yesterday at a quarter to 12 m. See death and funeral notice in another column.