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Forty-fourth Congress

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Tuehday, April 18.- tenate.- A bilí wíb paspod authorizing tho Congre&Bional printer to copies of tho Record, and extracte thc re f ruin, to the members of Congress at cost, and otlier public documenta, etc1., with ten per cent, additional thereon, and to eolhet the money af ter delivery .... A bilí was aleo paesert authorizing tho repavement of Fennsylvania avenue: Tho House Deficicncy bilí was calied up, amended, and linally pMsed....A ine&Bügc waf roceived from l'rcsidmil Urant vetoing thf: bilí reducing tbo salary of the President of the Uuited Statea from $60,000 to $25,000. JIo takes the grouud tbat tho salary of $26,000, flxed wbon the population of the United States was but 3t(K0jH)O, la iusumcieut now tbat the populatíon le 40,0f0,000, When the PreBidont'a solar? watj L25,000 per annuxu the calary cif members of Congrí: was ftxed ;tt $0 per day, avcragmff about (750 jer ;iunum, Congre8 has inereaised it f rom lim to time, and now it s $5,000 per annuin. Xfafi Prealdent eayB lliat no onc who has Ud iu Washington can regard $25,000 as a eufficient Balary for the Cliief ftlagletrate, aiid, while it will make but little differenet; to hint. justieu towanl bissuccessor dttLtandn that he shoníd veto tho biil. House. - In the House to-tiay the formal argument in tbc long list of contostod election was beguu. The lïrst reaebed was tbat of Bromberg (white Democrat) vb. Haraluon (eolored Kcpublicau). It wan deoided in favor of the latter, the committec haviug unaniuiously reportetl th;it he was entitled to the Beat. The case of Finlay vs. Wall (colorcd) was bcgun n. xt, but not concluded. WEDHE8DAT, April 19. - SentUe. - There was a large and brill'aut r-iuiicncc prcRcnt to witnoss the Beoond day's proctediuga of the impeachment tnal. Belknftp. aooompa&led by hi counna). appeand at half-pant 12 o'clock, and tot.k tbiir ve&ie. Five minutes bofore i o'cloek, the House , tasat in, and tbo prodeedings werc at once begun. After roading the minuten, the replication of the Uoiitfe was proseuted by Manager Lord and read by the Secretar?. Aiu r the reading was conclnd'-d, Carpen ttr said that Bclknap dcbircd a copy of the repUcfttion, and time uutil Monday, the 24th, to opneider the f time. Manager Lord Raid Ihat the Houne managers dí'sired to bav the trial hastned as much as ponRiblP, lor rcasoiifl &Ot nff f+nary to bo Btated, and thcrefore he atOied tnat time be givrn uu1il F.-iday, tb: 'Int, Kdnnmds submilted an ordc-r giving tbc dofense nntil next Mnnday, and that the House Naoagers file their answer thereto by Tucaday, the 25tb, and that tbc triiil i roceed on Tlnirsclay, thn 2ith. Tllifl was I aareed to, a-ud thd court tbcu adjourned until the 27th After the im}cachment proceediDga, the House bilí to define th(; tax on fermentad and malt liquors wae past-cd On motiou of Thurmao, the vote by whirh the bill in regard to the cotinting of the votes for President and Vice-Prealdent was paesed was reconeidered, and bül placed on the calendar. Bmiae.- The Sergeant-a toarme reportod that he had obeyed the writ of corpus in the Hallott Rilbourn case, and that Kilbourn wasordemd by the Judiic into the custody of the Marshal Bakt r, of Indiana, off p red a reaolutíon inatructing the select rommittce ou the rt-al estáte pool to investiga t fvhether au y memberH of the fornicr ConfirpBR wero connectedwlth tbat pool vrhilesuchmembere. Adoptèd, Whitthorue batrodnoed a bill for refunding the btanng debt of the United States In United States coneols hearing foir peroent. jUl fnterest, au(f ba viu g forty yeara t o run. . ..O'Brleu introdiincd a bfll to provide for the colnage of Centenüiiil coins. It provldefl for BÜvcr dollars and lulfdollarBj (ne Ritlp of (Jir coíiih to glve a COZTOBponding value in colns of other principal oomznerolal nationa The contestod election oase froin l-'lorida, W'allH vh. Finlav, wan declded in favor of the latter. .. .The Speaker lafd before the Qonse variouH exeentive doooments, including au immeuse masa of paper done up in half a dozen hugc packagee, oontalolng responsos to cnlln for information iw to Bbareholden m NatitmM bankw Tbo executive esnion wan devoted to the dlseussicn of the bill to tranKi'cr the Indlao bureau to the War dtyaztxncnt, Tuurhiay, April 20.- Señale.- A bill wa pasaed to admit thi Kgyptian wedding present of diamond to Mr. Slmmian-ritcb f ree of duty,... Sarged ntbmltti d the lollowing resoluUon : "Xhat the Henate rot-oiumend lo the President that he cnuRe negotiatious to be íntored upou with the Chinas1 Governmont to effect ench ohange In the exlstíng treaty betwien the Qnlted StaU r and China a will hiwfully perinit tin applioatiozi of restrtotioni iiiou the grf-at influx of Chlneflc snbJect6 to thls country," ordrred prlnted tiud to lit on the tablo . . .The bill to araond the law relaiing to the b'Kiil tender of Bilver coin was dlscussed witliout action. House.- The Houso indulged in anothor long debate on the bill to transfer the Indian buroait to tke War depart ment LawrenCO inlroduccd ;i bill to limit the power of eourts to punisli lor oontempt, Isd lo enlavve tbe privileges "f the writ of babeas corpus Singleton, frono the Committe on Appropriation, reported back the Benate amendooents to the Consolar and Diplomatic Approprlation biil, and Qtovedthai they be non-oonenrred In. Ag ■ i to....Young offered a resolution requestlng 't"1 President to order b military force to the ltio Grande lor the proteotion of the frontier, and uIko requestlng that b direct the Qoneral of the aruiy to prooeed In person lo the sceno of the thrfatcned outbreak ...Cox. frnm the Commtttee on UuU'h, made a report on the ca-c of Charles IÍ. Snuth, the journal clerk wlio Issued a circular heekIng business In the ooUeotlon of addlbional bounty claimn fhe report repn hends sevtrely the lotion of Bmith, but, as he lm.l resignod lid action wai rucomiueiided üate offetod a reeohrtíon direotluy au UivctíUtíaUuu iuto tbo cUargeu ufft-'ctuíy tbu official conduct of Secretary Bristow, in regard to the remiHsinn of a forfeituro in the oase of the bark Mar y Mcrritt, which was Beizdd in HUwaÚlceo, Wis., in -Mine, 18C9, for a violation oí the customs Iilwb. Adopted. Fkiday, April 21. - Senate. - Not ia sesfñon. HOUM - Knott introducert a bilí to Mgnlatfl the privilege of a vrit of babeas corpus jn cc rtain cases. Keferred. It pTOVldes the Supremo oonrt ehall have the origina} and exclusive jurisdiotlon to issue a writ oí habeas corpus in alt caHCB whcre tlio party Miall be detained or robtrained of his Uberty bj the anthority orunder tho order of eithc-rLoitse of Cotigress. . ..The bil] tranafoning the Iiulian bureau froui he Interior to the War Department waspaescd by 130 yeaa to C4 nhyn. .... A motion wan oflVivl by Bfaeson tliat the invi sÜgationOf the ohargAB againat Sorretary Brlntow. caltcd for by tho resolution of Cute, be conducted openly. Aciopted- 170 to '63. Satcbday, April 22.- Señale. - Not iu ses! sion. Hoitfic- No business was transacted in ihe I House, the day being devoted to the discussion of Faulkner's bilí to define the rights o" American citizons ín foreign oonntrlOB. Monday, April 21.- Srnate.- The bill to aboli-h tho oilice of Surerviaor of Iutcrnat Hevcne was diflCUSSed uutil the expiratiOQ of the niorn, ing hoiir, when oozuideration of, the biil toamoad the lawa rr iitine to the tegal tender of sllver ooic was ri'sumed. and Jones, of Nevada, oude long argument in favor of the doublé standard of gold and silvr money. Wheu about half through his epoecii the Senate ïdjoiirned. ƒ'".-''. - Sevoral billa were introduced, lltoludJ&g the following : By Campbell, to th1 oiroulationof National bank notos: to relieve theNational biinkH f rom the tax on thcir circulntion ; to liquídate the uational debtt and to Btrdngthen the bablio oredit ; by O'Brten, to reorganice tho n.u y ; in Ëaywara, to permtt national banka to issue om ptüaüog notes ( qual iiiamouut to 100 percent, of tho curre ut mark et valueof the bonds depoflitod bytaem. ... .ïaulkncr, trom the Couimittce onForefgn Affaire, report ed a joint reRolutiou, reqaestlog the President totakesuch stops a; mayresultin the early release of Bdwa'd Ü'.M. Cbndon from Lis iiuprisoiunt'iit in England. Pa?sed.. . . Snyltr pre■iiiu 'il tho pctition of the tobáceo manufaotarerfl ol ('iiifinnati, Ohio, and Co ving ton, Ky.. tor a n - 1 uction of the tax on tobáceo to sixteeu e ut- u-r pouud. Reí erre d - Gibsou offered ■ resolation ior the appointinent of a Belpct committeo of nine to make examinatioii Into thn maD&gem tiI of the New Orleans Custom-honpn and oihi r Federal offloea in iliat, city, with power to sit In New rleane durius the reoees. Adppled In te aftornoon ülaine obUiued the floor and Kpokfi at Buine Ieugth in deniai of the Btorles ooncernlng bit allcfgrd connccticn with oertain traQSiCÜona in Pacific rdilroad bonds.


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