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Dom Pedro says he intends to visit overy State in our Union. Ho goes to tho PacHic const to get a good start, and wiH work lus way eastward. TnErtE are i 11 opefation iü Canada 4,483$ miles of raihvay, which have boon eonstructed at a cost of $299,782.557.04 The profit on this large amount of capital is only about 1- per cent. Manï silly stories are going the rounds oi' the papera about the superstitious notions of the late A. T. Stewart, bis belief in signs and omens. But it is a very singular fact that at the last Sunday diuner held in his house thirteen guests sat down to the table. Tuk editor of the Macón (Qa.) Teleraph eau snnff a candió at flfty paces and carrif'S a cañe like a weaver's beam, and ko when he says that there is an Indiañ couple residing in Grahnm cottnty whose respectivo ages are 175 and 130, every mau oarnestly declareB that he knows them. Trosten Polk, at one timo Governor of and United States Senator from Missouri, and in war timos a conspicuous figure in the politics of that State, died recently in St. Louis. Polk espoused the cause of the South and was espelied from the Senate in 1862. Ahoüt a month since Daniel McOruly, of Tiffln, O., moved to Kansas, 900 miles distant, taking a shephord dog with him. The day after his arrival the dog disappeared. The other day he turned up at Tiffin, well though footsore, having evidently walked the whole distance. There died in Detroit, Mich., recently, that widely-known and somewhat cm-ious character, Dr. Orestes A. Brownson. A man of continual mental research, he was ever changing liis views, ospecially upou matters pertaining to the soul, having boen in his life over und through tho fields of nearly every religious creed, from Unitariauism to Iloman Oatholicistn. His writings are numeroua, and his death at seventythroo years of age closed a life as restless as it has boon long. Mr. Iïobert C. Winthrop, Presideni of the Washington Monument Association, has prepared a plan for the completion of the monument, which bas been adopted by tho association. The design is to abandon that part of the original plan which calis for a templo or pantheon and to ercct a simple shaft 300 feot high. The purpose of surrendering the charter or allowing the monument to remain unfinished or be taken clown, is to be abandoned, and subscriptions are to be solicited from time to time until the monument ia oompleted. There recently arrived at Leavenworth, Kan., a bufi'alo-huntcr from the Pan-Handle of Texas, whose experience has never liad a parallel in this country. Previons to the terrible storm of March 15 he was lost between Cantonment and lied Deer creek, 100 miles away from any habitation, with no clothing or arms. For ten days the poor fellow lived on roots dug from the frozen ground. One day he fouud the leg of a imfTalo that had been killed months bofore, and ate the rotten marrow. This und the roots were his only subsistence. Both feet have been amputated. The wife of George I. Amsdell, a wealthy Albany brewer, obtained a divorce from him in 1870. She was granted $50,000 alimony, of which $20,000 was paid in cash and the rest in a mortgage. In 1874 they were remarried, and the wife gave back the mortgage. In 1875 they were ready to part again. The wife began a suit to recover the mortgage. Mr. John T. Hoffman was made a referee in the case, and he lias decided that the seoond marriage was nuil and void, as Mr. Amsdell had io right to marry again while his divorced wife lived. Thorefore a new mortgage must be given to her and the arrearage of interest paid. President Grant has signed the silver resumption bill. It is now a law. No more moncy is to be spent by the Government in printing fractional currency. As fast as it bc comes too worn for use it will be retired in favor of silver pieces of the denominations of ten, twenty, twenty-fivo and fifty cents. The law is peremptory and immediate in its direction to the Secretary of the Treasury to issue silver coins, although he is allowed some latitudo in the details of the work. It is probable that a good deal of the fractional currency will bo redeemed and retired before it becomes too mutilated for use. CniNA ia apparently becoming the "sickman" of the farther east. She has two distinct and prosperous rebellions on hand at present, mauy interior towns being already in the hands of the insurgente. And worse than that, even, is the tact that the Government finds itself compelled to submit to the bullying of so insigniücant a power as Portugal, whose usurped position at Macao, having been au incurable nuisance to the Chinese for a long time, is now extended by the occupation of an island in the neighborhood which China wanted to use for a customs station. There is obviously not much hopo for a nation of hundreds of millions of people that foimely submits to snubbing from a state whose whole population might be housed in a single Chinese tovra.


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Michigan Argus