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Collector Ford's Timely Warning Against Mcdonald

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The claim bas been recently made in behalf of the President that he has beeu blintled to the corrupt ions and scandals of his administm.tion by thoso who immediatelr surrounded and controlled him, and that when hia eyes were once fiiirly opened he got rid of Jiabcock, Luckey, and others. This defenao will not hold good. Indisputable teatimony has been produced, showing that the President was earnestly wai-uod nearly five year? ago by his most iutimate and trnsted friend, the late Collector Ford, of St. Louis, againstGen. MoDonald, the head and front of tho St. Ijonis whisky frands, and who has just entered apon hia term of imprisonment in the penit?ntiary. Notwithfitnuding Mr. Ford'a warning MoDonald was always a welcome guest at the White-house, and on his last visit bnt ome lo Washington the Presidonl, Imd liim on i buggy ride. Mr. Ford' letter has beea submitted to the Houso Judiciary Oummittce invesiigaüu tbe wUisky iruuds, auú, ing some personal mattel's, íb in f uil as follows : St. Louis. May 30, 1870. My Deak Oeneual: - L wrote yon a few days ago about this man MeDjnald au Supervisor in place of Jtarr. I enclcso jou a couple of slips cut from the Ijeavenworth Commercial. I auderbtand McDonald was in the town of Leavenworth wlicu thoso articles appeared, bilt offereil no remon.itrance or xplauation in regard to tlicm. ïho Demacrat jcro hai been McDonald's frieni, and I think recommeuded hira for the app Mntmeut. McKno told me that lic had called ald's attention to theso articles, aud aeked wliat tliey meant. He auawerod very cooily tliat he did not read the uewspapers, and thoy wel'e of lio conBefjiienoO, and the Dcmocral ha8 dropped hlm. ilcKeo ayf) he can't defeud a man for ouoh chargeü. They wcro nnanswerable. aud tho Demoomt has dropped him. Mo Kee aaya he can't defend a mivu from mich charguM ai these, who has nothinp to nay fur liiimelf. From allí can learu I am satistted McDonald 8 d egg, and that so far as being any credit to vouï administration he is a downright discredit to it. lis entirely without capacity as a business man, and the business i community know it, and have no coníldeuoe in him whatever. You will pardon ma for tho interest I take in the matter. I do not want such a man to go about the country represei;ting himself your special and personal íriend, when I know, and others too; that you take no stock in such a character. He is no credit to you or your adminiHtration, but an absolute damage, and I hope for yonr sake and onrs you will have him nquelched. You Will pardon me for the interest I take in the matter, hut I hate, and no do all your friends, to seo such a man au McDonald traVeling through the country au your special Champion and attempting to ruio the intorestn of iuternal revcnue in such a loud mauner. A man that Hepubllcaii papers denonnce as being without Bense, withont trutb and common honesty. I teil you this confldentially, having no doubt of itn truth. We all hope you will satisfy yoursolf of tho truth of it. If you h ive any doubts. do y urHelf justice and the country a service by equelching him at onoe. (Signed) C. W. Fobd.


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