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Ex-Gov. Archibaud Dixon, of Kentueky, died recently at his residenoe in Henderson, in that State, aftor.'in illness of many weeks. He succeeded Henry Clay in the United States Senate in 1852, and was for many years distinguiaed in State and nationol politics. He was seventy-four years old and had lived in Hendersoa sinee 1805. PoSTSfASTEB-GENEUAIi JeWEILWÍII figure as Oonnecticut's "favorite son" in the Cincinnati convention. At a meeting of the State delegation in New Haven eight out of the twelve delegates were present, and letters were received from three others. Ten wero in favor of Mr. Jewell, one, Gen. Hawiey, was in favor of Bristow, and the preference of the other is unknown. And now it is announced that the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph compauy is about to extend their lines through Richmond to the South and West as far as New Orleans. If this company will abstain from consolidation, aud keep their rates down, they will be able to perform most beneficial service for the public, and will deserve all the patronage the coinmuntity can give them. Boston has allowed its ancient landmarks to be obliterated in a fashion unworthy of the Goths and Vándala. John Hancock's house has already been torn down and the site covered with residences. The Old South church was turned into a postoffice, and its parish will sell it and it will be torn dowD. The Old Province house, the residenco of the Colonial Governor, is a lager boer saloon. Faneuil hall, in its lower part, is a meat market. The " eradle of liberty" will soon go to tho seeond-hand farniture dealers. Dom Pedro played a practical joke on the people of San Francisco. They had organized a grand reception for the distinguished, foreigner, and employed a brass band to enliven the occasion. When the regular train arrived, the crowd surrounded the car in which the Emperor was supposed to be, the band began to play, and the people shouted themselves hoarse. But lo ! when a few prominent citizens entered the car, Dom Pedro was not there. He had chartered a locomotive at Pleasanton, about forty miles from San Francisco, and had. reached the city in advanco of the regular train. While his reception was going on he was at the hotel laughing, no doubt, at the success of his ruse. The United States Supreme court, in rendering a decisión in the case of Walker vs. Suivant, to recover for refusing refroshments to defendant, appealed from Louisiana, reaffirms that article seven of the constitution, provid"ing that in suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall not exceed $20, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, relates only to trials in Federal courts, and say that the States, so far as this amendment is concerned, are left to regúlate trials in their own courts in their own way. A trial by jury in suits at common iaw pending in the State courts is not, therel'ore, a privilege or immunity of national citizenship, which States are forbidden by the Fourteenth amnndment to abridle. The nnmber of plans for completing the Washington monument has been increased by a plan suggested by Mr. Eobert O. Winthrop, President of the Monument Association. The design is to abandon that part of the original plan which calis for a temple or pantheon, and to erect a simple shaft three hundred feet high. The purpose or surrendering the charter or allowing the monument to remain unflnished or be taken down, is to be abandoned, and subscriptions are to be solicited from time to time until the monument is completed. The association has approved the plan, aud the Oentennial grounds will probably be ornamented wíth boxes similar to those which greet the visitor to the Patent Offifis._ajad_.other public buildings in A novel suggestion is made in behalf of the fire insuranco companies that there shall be a fke coroner elected or appointed in every county, whose duty it shall be to hold au inquest in every case of fire occurring within his county. The plan, it is claimed, would have the following excellent results : Every lire would be investigated, and much valuable light would be thrown upon the origin of fires generally ; and the honest man, as well as the timid man, by having the facts deveioped, would be relieved from suspicion ; while the be incendiary, knowing that his fire would be officially investigated, would be deterred from committing the crime. The objection which exists now against an official investigation on account of the suspicion it carries with it would not exist under the plan suggested, because all would be served alike.


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