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The Republican County Convention

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In giviug plac to the cali for the Republicau County Convention, the Register said : There never wu a time in the history of { the Republican party wheu so much depended ou the character of its representativas as uow. I Resolutions and platforms will ainouut to but ) little iu the appronching poiitical contest. The people demaud men ; men of unblemished character ; men in no way connected with i " salary grabs," " credit mobilier," " whisky nugs," or any other " rings." The time has come when empty promisee will not HU the blll They demand men as caudidates for ftoe whose character will be a guarantee of an honest administration of the government. The Republican party have plenty of such men, and we trost that the Kepublicans of old Washteuaw will msist that they shall be represented by such in the county and State conventions. The convention was held on Wednesday and the demand of our cotemporary for " men of uublemished character and clean hands " complied with by the election of the lollowing delegates to the State Convention : E. P. Allen, Kobert Campbell, J. Webster Childi, WH. Dell, R. A. Beal, A. J. Sawyer, George Renwick, Geo. S. Wheeler, A. D. Crane, Nathan Pierce, Charles H. Wines, G. R. Palnier. And then to satisfy the Register that " cleauhanded " men were to be sent to Cincinnati the delegation met, elected Judge Crane (the "noble old Roman" so much loved by the Register folk) chairman, and then voted by ballot to present the name of R. A. Beal to the State Convention as a delégate to Cincinnati. Pension Agent Sam. Post, of Ypilanti, the man who locked himself in his oflice and cried over Ohaudler's defeat by the Democrats and the recusant Ropublicau members of the Legislature nder the lead ot Hon. J. Webster Childs, wou the firat " hand " iu the orgauization, and did ït very handaomely. Chairman Kinue proposing to name the " boas granger " as tempotary chairman of the convention, Post objected in no mild terms, and Kinne waving the un-usual privilege, Post promptly nominated that veteran Republican " Uncle Androw" Robison, of Sharon. Then Poet moved the committee on permanent organization, was made chairman and permitted by " Uncle Andrew " to name bis associates, Hon. T. D. Lane, of Salem, and Chas. H. WineB, of Sylvan. Childs wasn't made President of the Convention, butLane as, and Post was happy. When the convention divided into three minor couventions and recessed tor flfteen minutes, to enable the districta to name their delegates to the State Convention, the great interest was concentrated in the First district " side show." The other two were tame affairs, our neighbor of the Courier (sometimes, by some of his Republican "friends," callad "Ole Beal ") having it all his wn way in the Second, and the Third district (comprisiug ten towns and being represented by almost as many delégales) being able to harmonize. In the First district a motion to nomínate Hon. J. Webster Childs as a delégate was the red rag which summoned the Chandler men to battle, and Col. George W. Lee, of Ypsilauti, just appointed by the aforesaid Chandler Indian Agent for this State, took the floor in behalï f his benefactor, the Pension Agent and the Postmaster at Ypsilanti and a sympathizer or two "egging him on." Leo charged Childs with being a traitor, with conspinng with the Democracy to defeat that great and good man Zack Chandler, with making nis room the headquarters of the oppoaition, with being closeted with anti-Chandler Bepublicaus and Demócrata day and night, - " I know it, he aaid, Sor I stayed in his room uutil midnight to keep them out," - and a heap of other sins. He wanted this question of " loilty " (to Chandler) settled, wouldn't accept the declaration of a naughty delégate from another district, - Wing, of Scio, - who proteated that " a man can be juat as good a Kepublican as there is on God'a earth and yet not support Chandler," but demanded a " categorical " answer from Childs. Mr. Childs gave it : He helped organize the Eepublican party under the oíd oaka at Jackson, he had giveu his time and his oí hu'héart (impressively plácTng Eis Iiáñd whre his heart is supposed to be) beat in sympathy with it, and he allowed no man to impugn his loyalty to its principies. Which didn't aatisfy Lee, we mean the Indian Agent, who insistod that he must hare a "categorical" answer. Childs gave it,- he didn't support Chandler, and then the district, by a vote of 17 to 7 scattering, indorsed Childs ín his oppoaition, and said you are a good boy, go and represent us at (rand Kapids. The second " hand " was lost. Then carne the recoustjuction of the County Committee, Chairman Kinne, with an eye to his own eaae, having suggested in calhng the convention to order that the committee be appoiuted now, to avoid "swapping horses wlule crossing the stream." M. H. Goodrich offsred a resolution providing for the appoiatment of a County Committee now, " and that hereafter the committee be appointed at the first conventisn held in the year of a general election." Mr. Noyes, of Chelsea, didn't see the necessity for the action ; George Benwick, of Salem, wanted all alter the word " horeafter " atruck out, he was afraid of a " hereafter ; " Judge Crane moved a further amendment tbat the committee hold for four years ; Capt. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, oppoaed Jude Craue's motion, was afraid that some ot the committee might turn Democrats before their four years' term was out, but thought there had been a " looseness " in thia committee business, and that re-constructiou was well ; "Uncle Andrew " sald he knew, you all know, and God knowa that there has been corruption in the party, that if Republicana, being in power so long, had not learned to steal they were poor acholara, that it was time tor cleaning up, and so he favored a new committee, as a blind, we preBume ; and J. Webster Childs favored the proposed new deal. A new committee was ordered and was elected, as followa: A. J. Sawyer, E. P. Allen, J. Webster Childs (Po3t, Lee & Co. tryiug to " place " Postmaster Spencer), H. C. Waldroa, and M. J. Noyes. A malicious (himself a lawyer) outsider suggested that it was a Beal committee, that when Kinne was Beal's lawyer he could be chairman, but now he must " step down and out," and Sawyer go up head. A Sly delégate trom Superior, who looking in upon a recent Democratie City Convention, in which there was a little jarring, expreased conaiderable amusement and disgust, was looked up, and pointed to the First district " side show," and d - d - darned - his friend for his pains. On the whole it was a very enjoyable conventiou. We forgot to aay that the chairman of the Committee on Kesolutions, Mr. Sawyer, said that they had concluded (with the Register) that " resolutions and platforms amount to but little," and ltaving the nght " men " they reported no " platform." Their report was satisfactory, and the convention - a amall and not over enthusiastic body - adjourued. Thihty railroads have agreed to give half farc to all delegates and others atteuding the Democratie National Convention. The Imperial flouring milis at Buena Vista, Kent County, were destroyed by flre April 29, with all their contenta, including a large quantity of grain. Loss, $25,000. The earnings of the Michigan Central during the second week in April were $133,478, an increase of $1,744 over the like period in 1875. Catherine Kierdon, of East Saginaw, April 30, died at the age of 104 years 3 months and 10 day. She came to America from Ireland in 1825. A liouse known as the Powers boarding house in Lansing, was burned on Monday. Lob, $4,500.


Old News
Michigan Argus