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Mortgage Sale, TkEFAULT haviDgbeen inade in tlie conditions -of a certain mortgage, made and executed by Jane A. Griffith, of Ypsflanti, Michieau, to Snlhvan M. Cutcueon, ol sak! place, rtated Febrnary the eleventh, 18(59, and recontad inthcOifice ol Register of Deeds ofWaahteuawCounty, Michigan, in liïier 40 of mortgagea, page 499, on lamedaylt was .1, whicti mortgage wa aMsigned by said Outcheon fco ,Mnry E. luster, iiy deed of aulgnment, recorded iu llber lUrw of awugnmeuta ii" mortganee, al page 1Í2, In eaid Register' a Office, aud therc ijfiiiK rlaiinnl to v due at date of this notice, OD ;i.l mortgage umi tb accompanying note, the sum of sixU-cn hundred and Bfly dollars; also an attorDOy fee of twenty-liv dollar! ; aud uo proveedings atlaw or in )iuiy liavfng been tnstituted to recover the saine or any part thercof: Notice ís ht'ivhv given tlt;it under the ntatute, und by virtuc ut' power of sale in said mortg&ffQ -tiiuainod, I will, on Satiuday the 22d day of July, A. D. 187 1;, at 11 a. m. of said day, at public auctton, m tlic highest bidder, scll, at the soutb door of thfl ( ouri ECouse. In the city oí Aim Arïmr, Michigan, íthat x'inp tlie place tor holding the Circuit Couii for said Countr of WaahtaoftnO, 1 1 1 ■ - DromUea described in said mortgage, or so much tbereof as sball bc neoes.sary to satiafy said amount with COSta and expenses allowed bv ïaw. Said proinisos aro dOBCiibM as follows: The west half of loto iaren and i'ight, in block four south of Iltirou street, and rang(' eigbt, In th city of Aun Arbor, Michigan, ana the right to cross and roeros, with teams or otherwiso, over a privatn ailfy twolve fcet wid, oft'from the oorth siae of lote seven and ten in said block four, afon-xiM. Datcd, April 2Sth, 1876. MARY E. FOSTER, D. Crami-.k, AÁlgneeof Mortgage. Attorney. 150 Estáte of Robert Powell STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wahtenaw, 88. At a seaaion of the Probate Court for Ihe couoty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office ín the city oí Ann Arbor, on Friday, the twenty-flret da y o f "April, in the year 011e thousand eight hundred and aerenty-f ix. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the miitter of the estáte of Kobeit Powell, deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duy verifled, of Lydia Powell, praying O. at her dower in the estáte of win. deccaeed ra.-iy be aaaigned to her. Thereupon ït is orderea , that Tuesday, the twenty-third day of Mny neit. at ten o'clock in the foreuoon, be assigned for the hearing of suid teütion, and that the de visees, legatees, and heira at luw of said deceaaed, and all other peraont? int 'TCHted in said enlute, are required to appear at n session of sai'l (Jourt, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, íf any there be, why the praycr of the petitioner should not be granted : And Lt in lurtht'i ordered th;it said petitioner arive notioe to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated Ín said county, three succeasive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (Atruecopy.J NOAfl W CUEEVER, 1580 Judtre of Probate. Estáte of Patrick Donnelly. STATE OF MX&A&AN, County of Washtenaw, nu, AtftaettlOB of the Probate Court for the Cnuuty of U'ashteiiaw, hoMn t thp Probate ortu-v in the ciiy of Ann Arbor, om Momluy, Ifae seventtvnth day of April in the y car one thousand elffht hmidred and .seventy-i,. Present, Noali W. Cheever, Judffe of Probate, In the mttler of the estáte of Patrick Donuelly, Kdwanl Dnffy, 'Xfcu(or ftf the last will and 18taiiu-iit of aaid deceased comes lato rail and represeata thai l ■ is op prepared i reader bil final iii-i'ount as SUCh 4'.i ■utnr. Thercu]Kin it is ordered that. Wednea&tT, tbc BOTenteenth dayol Ma) tH-M.iit teoo'eLoekiB the tbrenooD, be arawned fox enunlolng and alloirtna sirchjiceount, and that the deviMes, legateea and hfirs at law of said deoeued, and all otiker ]u Intorested in said csiati', are reqoir- tn appear al : seraioji of said emirt, then to be holden at Mie Prut te Ofttcv, in the city of Ann Arlor, in sald couBty, iuad show causf, if auy there bp, why tho nara account . hou ld not 'm: ailowed : And it h fortber ordered that said executor gire uotiee to the persona tñterested tu said e.taií 61 tin; pendencf of -Liid account and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be puhlished in the Michigan Argos % newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three successive weeks preVious to said day of hearing. (Atrue copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVKR, 1679w3 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Nelson B. Cole. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, sa. At a sesMon of the Probate Court for the county of Wwsliteuaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the tenih day of April, in the year one thoueand eight huadrecl and fieventy-six. Present, Xoah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Neltion B. Cole, deeeaaed Ou roadiug and filing the petition, duly verifledof Elizubath H. Cole, praying that au administra tor may be appoiuted on the estáte of aaid deceased. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the fifteenth day of May next, at tn o'clock in the forenoon, be anaigned tor the hearing of aaid petition, and that the heirn at law ol smd deceaaed, and al] other pernon interested in Huid estáte, are required to appear at a session of aaid court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if aoy there be, why the prayer of the petitioner sbould not be grunted : And ü is furlher ordersd, that said petitionor give notice to the persous iuterested in Kaid estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing tbcreof , by causing a copy of this order to be pub"liiíhcl in the Mivhifjnn Argtts, a newspnper printed and circulaied in said couuty, three successive (A true copy.) NOAH W. C'HEEVER, 1578 Judgc of Piobnte. Estáte of Louia E. Buchoz. STATE OF MICHIOAN, County of Wnshtenaw, as. At a se&jion of the Probate Court for the county of Wsehtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the sixth day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte o) Louia R. Buchoz, deceased. On rcadine and filing the petition, duly verifled, of Altrert J. Buchoz, admimstrator, praying that he may be licensed to sH the real estáte whereof said deceased dieü Beized. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Tuesdaj, the ninth day of May nexi, at ten o'clock in the fnrenoon, be assinned for the hearing of said pttition, and that the heirs at law ot said dccused. and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate office, iu the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be ffranted: And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estille, of the pendency of said petition, snd the hearing thereof. by enusimr copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argüí a newspaper printed and circulated in said county four Buccpssive weeks previous to said day ot hearing. CA true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1577M Tudge of Probate. SherifFs Sale. BY VIRTÜE of one writ of execution issu.-d out of and under the seal of the Circuit c i Ibr the County of Lenawee, to me directed and delivcred, 1 did on the 3d day of January, A. D. 187f levyuponall the rlgh t, tiUo and inicnit of Jacob f?. Miller and Cathariae Miller In and to the followin" described real estáte situatcd in t)ie County oi' WaahtenawjState of Michigan, to wil : The n'ortli hall' of the west half of the uortheast quarter of tec(icni BDmbei the northwesl quarter of the Dortheasl qnarter of sectlon 80 cxceptsix acres off froin the south end thereof: alao theaoutaeastqaaftu of the aoathoast quarter of sectiou i;i; also the Dorthwest part of the cast half of the northeasl qnsrter of sectlbii 29, boundedaa follows: conmeDcing al the northwest corner of ■aid aast half of the northeast quarter of section 29, rumoing thence outh forty rods,thenoe saai to the centerof the Kiver Haisii'i. theuoe northwesterly along the ccnlr of said Kiver RaMn I" the norlh line of raid swtion 2ü, thenee went atona the wction line to the of heginniDg, sappoeed to OOntaln Ifteen acras and lorty mis of land ; uImu that parcel of latid knowu and deseribed a baing a parcHl of lamí taken off from the cast slde of the nummer farm, on tho cast mi(. ,,r thi' n rritorial rnad, (so callcd) the west line tberool boing the center of said territorial road. s.iid parcel of land OOntainlog one acre of land more or less, and bmog a part of the aast part of the nnrthrast ouaner oisectlon 20,all in township tour snuth ol range foureast, containlng in all oiip hondred aiii thirty and a quacter acres, inoiv or Iobs. in Washtenav iounty, siate ut Michinan. Which abare deserl bed property I shall offer foi sale tu the higheal bidder, al tin south door of tbe Court House, in the i-ily of Ann Arbor, Waslitcnaw Coiinty, Michigan, on tlie l.Sth dav of Mav A. D. IS7i', at 10 o'clock A. m, of said dav' Dati:d, March gOth, 1876. 1676 M. FLKMING, Sheriff. VÉTATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Clr0 cuit. - Iu Chancery. Buit pending in the Circuit (Jour! tor the County ol Waahtenaw, In i-hancery, whereln Thomas Sktice is i-on.phiinant andEsther A. Skn.vis defendant, at Ann Arbor. tliis 27th day of March, 187Ï. Opon due prooi by affldavittfaal Esther A.skuce, the defendant In the aboro ontitled cause peodióg Is this Court. roidi-s out of the said State of UxchJgan, and In the state of Ni" Y.nk. and 'm motlon of Babbltf and Bmerick, solicitora for complainan it is orderrd that the mui defendant do appear and answer tlie bill of couplainl flled In tbeBaidoauae, wiihinsix w.teks from the date oí this order, else the a'l bill of oomplaint shall be laken as conteased : And further that this order be pnbltabed, witbin twenty iaya Grom Uüa date, in the MtcMgan Arout, :i nevspaper printed In the .said County' of Waahtenaw, and be pabllahed therelB once in each week for six weeks in succession ; snob ]ublication, liowevcr, sliall nut be necessary in case acopyof this oitler be servel on tiie said defendant personally, at least tw,-nty daya bctorc the Ume harein preaeribed for her appea rai Dated this 27th day oi March, A. I). 1876. J. F. tAWRENCE, A true copy : attest) ('in-uit Court Com'r. Pr:K TuiTK, Register. Waahtenav Co Mirli. BABBHT A Emkhick, Sollcitors for Comp't. 1576 LOR SALK. My tore next door to the sA."vi"rsr3-s B-A-isric,! Now occupied by C. A. Lewis. One of the beBt locatioriB in the city. Also my State St. Froperty Of throe Stores, located at Collei?e entrunce- uortltwest cornt-r. Alsuiny Family Hrse, ('arriaëre and Harnss 1 have decided to stil the iibove properi y and will make prioes to snit the times. This property iacirnr of all iticumbmncti anl title períct. I i menn bubines au i expect to leave the city. Inliiirt of : W. I. SM1TH, State btreet, Ann Arbor. Ftbruary 16, 1876. 3uilÖ70 RAILROADS. MlCílHUfl CETRAT7 RAÏLRÖAbT APRIL 16, 17B. OOIMO WKBT. jLjLÍeÍeÍ'Í A.M. A.M V.M. P.M. P. lf. p J Detroit, lenve, 7 00 i,i 06 ü i0 4 00 6 00 9' u.' Wayne JuDcliou, 7 5" 10 49 3 32 4 53 b 4" ir. 7, tfpuilanti, 8 SI II li' 3 51 5 Ï8 7 12 n u Ann Arbor, 8 56 11 27 4 13 5 45 7 45 n 311 Dexter, !' 20 4 85 6 06 8 lu ' Cheleea, 11 40 4 47 6 23 8 28' GrB I-nke, 10 OS 6 49 8 85 . "■ A. K Jacknon, :1OL7I2 37 5 ■13 7 15 'J 30 ij 4j P. M A.M. Kalamaw, 1 52 3 03 12 30, 2 6S Chicago arrive, i 7 80 1 8 00 6 M' 8 00 (niNli IC.sT. [ilill'il'S A.M. A. M. P.M. P. K. A W Chicago, leave, 6 00 o 00, S 16 0 00 [ Kalamazoo, 10 4ó 136 10 26 ï J ZH PM. A. M. A.M. Jnckson, 2 Vi 4 00 7 00 12 40 4 55 9 j UraK Lake, 2 45 7 30 & 23 lll Chekea, 3 10 7 86 6 50 1(H{ Dextei, 3 26 8 13 6 08 10 ii Ann Arbor, S 54 6 15 8 36 2 00 6 28 1 Ypailanti, 4 IJ 6 28 8 55 2 20: 6 48 11 51 Wayne, 4 52 9 25 2 40 ! 7 08 ü :,n Detroit, arrive, 6 46 6 26 10 15 3 30 8 00 12 3 Stmdaya excepted. Saturday and Hunday ex. cpted. tDaily. H. B. LKDYAED, Oen'l Supt., Datrolt. H. C. Wentwoeth, Oen. Pass. Agt., Chicago. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA RAILROAD. rnj OOINi; WF.8T. -1876- OOIMO EABT.J TATIONS. Mi:. Exp. STATIONS. Kxp. Mil A. M. P. 11. Detroit, dep... 7:fK 6:00 ... Ypmlanti.... 8:35 7:16 : Bankers. 0:00 2:3f Siiliua 9:20 7:46 Hillsdale ... 6:30 2 Hridgcwator.. '.':45 7:57 Manchester.. 9:16 4:18 Manchester. 10: 8 8:00 Bridgewater 9:45 4:ji P. H. Online 10:10 4:j i Uillixlale 1:15 10:00 I Ypailanti.... '10:55 5: j Btnkera. .. 1:80 10:10 Detroit 12:30 6:J Trains run by Chicnjro time. To take t-flect , April Ui, 1876. W. F. PARKER, Bup't, Ypsilanti. m EDWARO DUFFY HA8 JU8T RECEIVED AN Entirc We w Stock f gmds oonciatíng -t Teas, Golfees, SUGARS ANO SYRUPS. Boughtin NEW YORK from first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them at VËRY 8LIGHT ADVAII over New York Cost. Also a full line of LADIES and GKNTLEMEN'S WKAR in BOOTS & SHOES, All of which he is nffering VERY LOW FOR GASH, It pays everybody to bny their poods for CmIl Cali and examine goods and prices, and I WILL IUSUEE SATISFACTIOK Gooda delivered to any part of the City free o charge. KDWAUD DÜFFÏ. ' Maynard's cor. Main and Ann street Ann Arbor, Midi. Í87ér 1876, SPRING STYLES. W. WAGNER HAS JUST OPENKD THK FINFST STOCK Of CLOTHING To be found in Ann Arhr, coniiriinir all lli; newkkt stylks anti patteëhs, Which he i offering at prices that OEFIES ALL COMPETITION All who are nressed vith the hard times and delire A CHEAP SUIT Can find it at WAGNEE'S. My stock of Piece Goods Will be found complete and contains all the NEWEST DESIGA S. Suits Made to Order. A Lavge stock of FUENI8HING GOODS. 21 South Main Sr. Ann Arbor. Sewing Machines THE SXXTGEXl, NEW DOMESTIO, And tlie HOWE, And evBral good Second-IIand Machines at tlie 8EWINU MArm.Ni; OFFICE, Ann Arbor. Al Needies for all Machines The vpry beet that ure oude, and attaohmente and partas for nearly all in:iehinee. S1NGER MACHINES Bspaind btttei therc than anywhere i-Iüo in Amerlcft. It yoor nuohtus.dont work well, trade It for one that dos, or haTe il repafred. All machines sold ou easy uaymeiits at the ollice. Scr.aiid door cast of Pont Office, Ann Arbor, Uii h. (VSK) I 1.. GRIN!GLL, Acrent. SEND 25c. toli.p, ROWELL . CO., New York, for pamphlet of 100 paefl, containin Ü8t8 of -í.ímh newspapera, and estimateB shouing cost of advrti8inft.


Old News
Michigan Argus