Local Affairs
- Phil. Bach has gone on a tour-ce nteunial ward. For iuciting cause sea macriage head Here's our jjy . - John H. Maynard has made an assignment to Dr. Wells, S. P. Jewett, and B. M. Cheever. Assets and habilities not yet stated. -Mr. John Divine, ot Webster, haa purchased the agricultural implements stock ot George C. Arms, of Dexter, and will continue the business. -President Angelí, Judge Cooley, and H. Tf!. Bogers, have been invited to attend tho Bryant-Schurz-White convention, to be held in New York on the lóth inst. -The Methodists celébrate the tenth anniversary of the laying of the corner stoue of tbeir church on Tuesday evening next : with a supper and speeches of course. -Dr. Lewitt was married at Sacramento, Cal., April 18th, to Mrs. LeRoy Perkins, formerly of Delhi in this county : the lady to whom that poetry was inscribed. -The members of Ann Arbor Commandery, Knights Templar, have been summoned to meet this evening, for inspection and review by Grnd Captain-General Hollis Knapp, of Jackson. - Subjeete of discours of Bev. C. H. Briglam, at Unitarian Church on Sunday next : Moming- "Spiritual Treasures." Evening - Budihisn in Japan." Students' class at 9.30 , m. - " Character of Daniel." - Michael Hangsterter, of the Fifth ward, vent on a spree on Saturday night last and beat his wife severely, for which Justice McMahou ticketed him on Monday to the House of Correction,- for eight months. -The steam saw mili in Lodi, on the Ann Arbor and Saline road, belonging to Edward Hammell, was bnrned at a late hour on Monday night, - the fire probably originating from the boiler arch. Jjoss about $1,500. - There was a severe frost, with ice half an inch thick, on Sunday moming ; also íroste and freezes on Tuesday and Weduesday mornings, but our fruit-growers report peaches uniDJiired. In the western part of the State consiüderable damage is reported. -Wm. T. Randall and H. F. Bither, for several years past einployed ia the mili of the Bock Kiver Paper Compauy, at Marshall, have purchased a half interest in the paper-mill at Geddesburg, owued by the Michigan Paper Company. -One of the wheels of Dr. Herdman's carriuge collapsed on Main street, near the Courier office, 011 Tuesday forenoon, and both the Dr. and his wife were thrown out. Fortunately neither were injured, though Mrs. H. waB omewhat jarred. - "Chicken" Taylor was around a few days ago soliciting an appointment as deputy sheriff er deputy marshal - special deputy to u look up some tellers as are stealiu' chickeus on my name." He was sure he could catch 'em and save his reputation. -The Dexter Leader brings out George A. Peters, of Scio, as a candidate for County Superintendent of the poor -successor to Geo. C. Arms. His " experience " as postmaster, jusjice of the pesce, and granger, are the qualifications the Leader nnumerates. -This is how the Adrián Press puts it: "The village of Manchester allowe the Enterrrise $40 per year i'or publishing the proceedings of the Uounoil. Good for Blosser. Ann Arbor appropriates not a cent to its newspapeis for that purpose. Is its Council ashamed o! lts doinga, or stingy f" -Kuowing the immsnse expenditure of ■mwitó and physical labor which enabled the "combiued star troupe " to produce the leader in the Register of Wednesday, we can do no Iess than extend our hearty than ka for the "effort," and future favors of the same sort will be gratefully received by the AROrs. - A boy uamed Frank Mansell, aged about 15 years, was sent to the House of Correction by Justice Babbitt, of Ypsilanti, on Saturday, forstealiag about ïóO ia money, a jack-knife, anda pair of socks at Stony Creek. He wanted to go to the Reform School for a home and an education, having neither father, mother, nor friends. - A stranger named C. E. Harris, hailing from Portage, Kent county, Ohio, committed snicide on Friday last, by taking two ounces of laudanum at Dr. Thomas' cáncer institute, Tpeilanti. He took the poison at 9 o'clock a. ï. A number of physicians were called, but wlien he was discovered at 2 o'clock p. je. he was past all medical assistance. - We are requested to say that the annual festival of the State Pioneer Society will be held iii this city on Wednesday, June 7. The sfficere of the County Pioneer Society - which holds its next regular meeting at the same date- are expected to make arrangeinents for the accommodation ot the State Society. There will probably be a large gathering of the State pioneers. -The Organ Concert at the new Congregational Uhurch will be given on Tuesday evening next, instead of on Wednesday evening as stated in the Aeous of last week. Prof. Frieze, Prof. Morris, and Geo. N. Lovejoy will oficíate as organista ; and Mrs. Beebe, of Jackson, and Mrs. C. D. Bliss, of this city, with other local musicians, will do the singiug. The church will be dedicated on Wednesday sfteraoon, Kev. Dr. Eii.ly, of Detroit, preach"g the dedicatory discourie. Services will alio be held in the evening. -The following extract from the city charter (page 22 of McBeynolds' edition) may be of service to those parties who are asking the Council to suspend the collection of the tícense tax: "and the Common Council SHALL pro'i(le by oidinance for the assessmeut and collection of a licuase tax of not less thau one hundred dollars, or more than two hundred dollars, anmially, payable quarterly, upon each and every person within the hmits of id city who is or shall be engaged in keeping victualing house, saloon, or other place for funushing meals, food or drink." This lanKuage would seem to leave no discretion in the Council. -The Council his inaugurated a custom which will be " more honored in the breach thau in the observance." It is m allowing bundies of bilis in gross as reported from the Finance Committee, without having read the list of claimants and amounts allowed to each. No matter how honest and pahis-taking a committee may be it is an unsafe way to allow accounts against the city. Individual memere of the Council not on the auditing committee ought to know just what billa they are 'oting to allow, - if not every item, certainly the names of claimants, the nature of the serTices, and the amount ot each claim and award. Thk State Medical Society. - The annu' meeting of the State Medical Society will behold at the Opera House, in thm city, next week, commencing on Wednesday forenoon and closing on Friday afternoou. The open'ng exercises will take place at 10 o'clock a. m (Wednesday), and after prayer by the Rev yllys Hall, au address of welcome will be iven by Mayor Kmue. The report of the Executive Committee will immedintely follow The annual address of the President wiil be delivered Wednesday evening, and the election of officers is Bet down for Friday af ternoon. The session will be open to the public, and our citizens will, no doub fcid the proceedmgs ot geueral interest e understand that on Thursday evening th physicians ot thia city will give the members of the Bociety and invited gueat a reception in th new Hospital PaTÜions.
Michigan State Medical Society
Washtenaw County Pioneer Society
Old News
Michigan Argus
Philip Bach
John H. Maynard
S. P. Jewett
B. M. Cheever
John Divine
George C. Arms
H. W. Rogers
Mrs. LeRoy Perkins
Michael Hangsterfer
Edward Hammell
William T. Randall
H. F. Bither
George A. Peters
Frank Mansell
C. E. Harris
George N. Lovejoy
Mrs. C. D. Bliss
Rev. Wyllys Hall