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TUK KAST. Plymouth Chotch bas decided to have the Beecher scandal again investigatod. , Barnet Williams, tlie woll-known 1 dian, died in New York, last week. He was a ' nativo of Irclaud, and was fifty-threo years of age Tlio widow of Moaher, who kiduaped Cliarloy Boss, lias called on Westervolt, au p.ccomplice iu the crime, uow servin; ont a souteYice in the Pennsylvauia penitentiary, and asked hira to givo sómo cine aa to the fato of the child. Weatervelt protostcd bis inability to do 80, deelariug tliat be engaged in the conapiracy moroly iu the hope of shariug the reward, but had no knowledgo of tlio whöreabouts of the stolen boy at the time of Mosher's death. Aiiticlfh for exhibition at the National Centennial Exposition are arriving in great profusión, by ear-loads and s'iip-)oads, and tlio utniost exertions' are bcing made to get evervthing in order by the opening day. Gov. Bice, of Massachusotts, has vetood the bilí to legalizo the marriage of James l'artou, on grounds that the act is not within the constitutional power of the Legislatura A largo ïuunber of the most important liqnor dealers iu New York city have been indictod for crookeduess. The witneeses in most of the canes ar Chicago men. James 51. Fair, a Iad of 15 years, a member of the farnily of Mr. Tyler Watts, living at Jamaica, L. I., deliberately hung himself last week, bec&use, it is Baid, bis patrimony had been speat by an unclo. Abiel F. Fifielu, registrar of the Water Board of Cambridge, Mass., is doclared to be an embezzler in the snm of 18.000. THE WJiST. The Leavenworth (Kansas) Times says: "Thecrops in this State lookj fine. ünless some verv nnnsnal event happens the wheat erop will be both the largeet and the est ever known in Kansas. Iu every direction broad fields of wheat, green and luxuriant, meet the cyc. and the farmers are jubiliaut." Tuf. profewMoiial baso-ball season in tho WeBt was oponed on the 25th of April by games at Lonisville between the Chicago and Louisville eiuba - score, i to 0 iu favor of Chicago- and at Cincinnati bctweeu tho St. Louis aud Ciuciunati, tho Porkopolitans winning a ball from tho Mound City cliap by a score of 2 to 1. Wii.t.tam McKie, ono of the proprietors of the St. Louis Globe-J)emocrat, recently conv;cted of conspiracy to dofraud tlio ravenuo in counection with the whisky riug, was last week sentencod to two years' imprisoument in jail, and to pay a fine f i-10,00ü. All the convictod whisky-thieves at St. Louis havo uow been Bontenced. The representativo base-ball clubs of Chicago and Louisville had a second meeting in tho latter city on the 27th uit., and resulted in auother severo defoat of the Southcrners by a scoro of 10 to 0. On the same day St. Louis again succunibed to tho superior bafl powers of Ciucinnati, her pet club coming ont at the little end of tho hom. Score, 5 to 2. There is wailiug and gnashiug of toeth in Louisville ana St. Louis, and a corresponding degreo of rejoicing in Chicago and Cincinnati. Tuk supplies at tho Eed Cloud and Spotted Tail Agencies aro exhaneted, and the Indians aro ro portcd to be on the verge of starvation. Gov. Tuaïeb, of Wyoming, has arrived at Omaha, Neb , to confer with Gen. Crook relative to military protection to be afforded to the Black Hills stage line. The General bas promisod all the protecüou possible. and an order bas been issued to that effect Trials of the partios indicted for counection with tlio Monntain Meadow masiacre will Bhortly commence again at Beaver, Utah Oeorge W. Deitz. a Western vetrran, 70 years of age, started last week from New Albany, Iud., to walk to rhiladelphia, to attend the Ceutennial Exposition. He was eacorted from the Court-house to the eastem bouudary of the city by a larga coucourso of citiiens, headed by a brass baiid. - SOUTH. Bklikving he bas no power to appoiut a Senator whero tho vacaucy arises from faüure of the Legislatura to elect, Gov. Kellogg, of Louïsiana, will not desígnate a man to fill the lilaco that Piuchback did not fret in the Sonate at thiá sesbion. Tho vaeancy will be left for the Louiaiana Legislature to fill next winter. WASHINGTON. Is responso to a note froni tho Chairaran of tho House Committee on Expenditiires in tho War Department to produce certain papera r.i:(4e(l ín tbe pending inquiry, Secretary oxectTEïvo"OTrër íáS been "leeueü ' prohibitmg the removal of origiual papera froni the files of his department, and Henee he decimos to comply with the committoo s reqnest. Postmaeter-general Jewell has made a similar reapouue to the committee'a deniand for papera in the Postoffice dopartment. 1 he House Couimitteo on Territories has agreod to report favorably on two of the moat important mensures that havo been submitted to it : The establishment of a Territorial Government in the Indian country, and au onabhng act for the admisaion into the Union as a State of New México. The Preeident, in conversaron wiíh a gentleman the other day, told the true story of tho madmau who has recently given such romantic testimouy beforo the Comicittee on Exponditnree n the Interior Department, The President sayo ho was conscious for nxany weeks that he was being shadoived ; that he could never leave the Whitc-houso without finding tho mamac turn upon him at some street corner, and glowor upon him witli his roaming ves ; that the espoinags beeamo intolerable, and the President one day stopped tbe man and toid him tkat 'jo uiust cease, or he would havo üim arrested. It did not cease, and tho ProeiJent m lua walks carried a cflne Tho rnadman still contiimed to haunt tlio Whitehonae grouuda and the streets, and was fiually taken to the asyluni. He wa subaemiontfy rcleaficd and sent to Iroland, and it was not known tliat he had returnod until he appeared before tho committen lúe. Uouso Pacific Kailroad Committee have afreed to report favorsbly on the öcnate bill extending for ten yenra the time for the conHtruction of tho Northern Pacilic railroad With a view to an houeet collection of tho tax upon diatilled spirit, anti tho prompt punishnient of persons engaged in defraudiug tho (tovernment, tlie Commisaioner of Internal Kevenue aska tho co-operation of houost distillera, rectifiers, an;l li]nor-dealcre. Distillers and dealere m liquors having knowledge of fraud, or good reaaou to suspect its oxistonce arorequestsd to communicate the fact or ausp-cjon to the Bureau at Washington. Thev uiay do so with asaurance tliat thoir Communications Hhall bc trsateii as atrictly confidential. The Information thus given will be made the basia of mi immediate investigatiou by somo oiïicer of lutr-rnal Kevenuo. l'iiERiDENT Gbamt, Secretarles Bristow and Jewel!, and aoveral othor diiitinguished officials visited Balt.imoro one day last week, for the pm-poae or attending the weddins of tilas bhoeniaker, daughterof S. M. Khoemaker manager of tho Adama Expresa Companv, to Willümi O. BoyteUm. It wan a vory bnliiant affair. 1 he hnde roceiveil a vast ñumber of licautiful nudcofitly prfsents, the total valuo of wmeh is placed t i'200,000. KiLBOuuiiE,tho coutumaciouslwitnesa recently imprisoned by order of the HoiicO of BeproKeutativf-H, haa been relcased on a writ of babead corpu.t by Chief Justico Cartter, of the District Supremo court. The Troaeury books show that, at the end of April, tho total eoutraction of the logaltender currency under tho operations of tho r-r'nrin ?n,?Ct Wa8i 'n TOaa'X ulimbera. earj ïoü,uyt,iuu. Dübino tho mouth of Aprütho njitional debt waisif:auced.2,781,181. Tho followiug is the ofiicial statement : Kit per cent mini { 981,999 650 Fivc per cent bonda 710041,800 Totaleoin bonds $l,G95,0H,450 Lminl mouoy debt $ 14,000.000 Mlturcd debt 8,414,270 i. :- tendera 87O,69fljl88 Oerti(ictes of deposit :w,CG5,0ü Fróctioual currency io 8C'uü;i Ooin certidcatee 27,975,700 Total without interes!. 473,098,377 Ttal flebt .' $2,190,552,408 TotaH.-acrest :H17 375 Canil la TreaBi-.ry : oi'" $77,605,428 g'lr'Tiy7 5 16 186 Speeial tlopoaits held for redemptíon ol certifícales of deposit 38,665,000 Total In TriBiiry "llO,431,Cló Debt lesa cu iu the Treasnry $2 107 938 2f 8 DaccoaM f debt dming April j. 2'781'lHl DwoaaH alnce June O. 1876 2n'v:,ii'i ,; Úoud iKsuecl to thri Pa-iflc Balhvay Uomiinmre. interest jiaynblc in lawftö mouey: Principal outstat'-linR K!4.(!23.r12 Interest aecnicri and not y.t icid ... 1,292 470 Int. p a bj the Dntted State 30,141,513 lutcrrst ropald ■ (lur.sjjortaüon of mails. ,:U 6,787,472 Ualancc of interest pan by United States 2,335,384 The Presíáeul .sadeclared that he will veto fio Consular luid li]]omaüc bilí if ent to him in tbe - - - l j It pai een! the House. nKNEKAL. Dak utorja ofmterfeit five-dolJar notes on ml bank of New Bedford, lion. They are so well sxecuted as to almost defy detection. He on fout guard Chicago, St, Louis and Milwaukee have no monopoly of the whisky war. In vsrious Southern States a great contest has been waged by the national authorities againet "crooked" distillers and thieving revenne jflicers, but bo silently as to have attractcd but iittlo general attention. Last week the results of the campaign in South Carolina wero shown by the eentenoing of twenty-four distillera convicted of fraud. They wero seutenced to the Albauy peuiteutiary for torms averaging two ycars each. Prof. Blake, known thronghonttho country ai a mind-reader, committed suicide in Sau Francisco the other day Tho Contennial Commissiouers, after having considerad tho qnestion in all its hearings, and being unwilling to offend the religión sentiment of Philadelphia, have decideil to close the Exposition grouuds on Sumlays. They have also dotermined that no spirituous or malt liquors shall be Bold on the grounds A correspondent of the New York Tribune gives what purforts to be the details of a story to tho effect that Wilkes Booth made an attempt to take the Ufe of President Lincoln at the time of hú second inauguration, and that J. W. Westfall, a Capítol policeman, saved his life. The General conference of tho Methodist Episcopal church is in sesaion in Baltimore Assuranco in given by Dr. Linderman, Director of the Mint, that there ueed be no apprehension of a scarcity of eilver coin, as there has been issued hut il, 500,000 under the Subutitntion pet, while the Treasury Department bas on hand about $14,000,000, and the mint eohiage will supply from .$1,500,000 to $2.000,000 per month from this time fortn. It will be necessnry, however, before the $14,000,000 of silver coin reserve can be made available for circulatiou, that Congress authorize itö exchange for legal-tenders, these, in turn, to be exchang for fractioual cr.rrency, and the latter to be de stroyec!. A propositicn to this effect has beeD introduced and will probably be adopted. i'DUTlOAL. Hou. E. B. Washbübne, United States Min ister to Paris, wbose name bas been prominently mentioned in connoction with the governor ship of IllinoiB, telegraphs to his friends in Chicago that he wouid be compolled to decline absohitely the noininatiou. Thf. Massachuaetts Republicans held (hei State convention at Boston last week. Kesolu tions approving the energy and courage o: Sccrotary Bristow and associating the name o Mr. Blaiuo with the oföco of President wero tabled. A resolution waa unanimously adoptei that the delegates to the National convention be unpledged, but requiring them to work an( vote for those candidatos wbose charactcr givo unquertionable aaeurance that they will be faith ful and zealous to maintain the equal rights o all ; to bring about tho resumption of spocio payments at a dato not later than that aireadtixed by law, aud to effect a thorough and radi cal reform of the civil service, to the end tba the administration of public affairH may bo characterized by ctïicioiicy, economy, ant purity. It is claimed that a largo majórity o the delegation to Cincinuati, which is heaact byll.II. Dans, Jr., will support Briatow first last aud all the time The California dele gatcs to the Cineinuati Convention are unin structod, but are said to be favorable to l'laino The Democratfl of Oregon have renominatec L. F. Lane for Congress. The Chicago Journal says : ' ' An old polit ical slager, who is pretty good at guossing wishes us to place on record the prodiction tha tho Republican candidato íor President will b either Bristow or Washburne, and that tb. Democrats will nomínate either Tilden o Judge David Davis. We will seo.".... Th New York Democratie State convention pronounced for Tilden for President. Sonato Kornan, Liont-Gov. Dorsheimer, Congressma Hewitt, and Henry C. Murphy were appointec delégate at large to St. Louis The Arkan saa Bepublicans expressed a warm proferene for Morton for President, but Jeft their dele gates to Cincinnati uutrammeled, FOKE1GN. Lieut. C!om. Johnson, commanding th United States naval forcea on the Bi Grande, telegraphs to tho Navy Departmen that all reporta of forced loans on foreign mer chanta at NewLaredo, Mexico, are untrue. Ir is reported from Algeria that the insurgents are hemmed in by the French f orces, and must eurrender or suffer extermination The Theater des Arts, at Bouen, France, was recen ti y destroyed by fire. Tho fiamos broko out vhile tho actors were dressing for the play, aud bofore the public was admitted. About a dozen actors were burnod to death, and several othera seriously injured In the British parliamont, last week, a bilí to remove the electoral disabilities of women was defeated - veas 152. nays 239. Hos-nuriF.3 havo actually begun between Guatemala and Salvador, the troops of the latter having been defoated near the frontier au iuu iBiuiun jüumam support tho posmoiiöt the Britirïh Government in tlie Winslow extraditioc A cable diepateh says the plague in Mesopotamia is increasing. Since the last report there have been 553 new cases and 288 deaths Queen Victoria accepts tho title of "Empresa of India." Spain has iust shipped 2,000 soldiers for Cuba. At a conference recently held at Rome botween the representatives of the European powers and the Cardinals, the latter annonnced tjjat peaco waa impossible unloss " the spiritual independence of the church" were acknovrleaged A telegram from Athens to the London Times says although the Sublime Porte has been induced' to abandon an inmediato attackou Moutouegro, it will concéntrate 30,000 soldiers at Scutari and 50,000 in Herzegovina. Pubiic opinión in Turkey is weary of diplomatic interfcrence. The'Governmènt's object seems to be only to gain time to assemble forces and strike a terrible blow regardlesa of consequences. The situation is full of danger. The Government is exhausting its resources in warlike preparatious, and declares it can py nobody. ADECBEEhas-been publlshed restoring suffrage to the inhabitauta of Alsace and Lorraij:e, who, while under Germán rule, have elccted to retain tho ïreuch uationalitv Advices from Cape Coast Cautie report that the King of Dahomey bas refused to paythi fine recentlv imposed on him for maltreáting a British subject, and has sent an insolent messaee to the British Commodore inviting him to visit Dahomey, where he promisea to pay the demand in powder and búllete The French have suppressed the Algerian iusurrection A Mexican special says Gen. Diaz occupied Camargo unopposed. Narranje will jnin him at Mier for the march on Monterey. A battle may be expected at Paso de Loa Muertos Official advices mc-ntion an important victory obtaiued by tho Turks under Muktahr Pacha, who has at length succeeded in relieving the military posts so long isolated aud threatened by the insurgonts. A uoiLEii explosión on & ferryboat at Bingen, Germany, recontly, killed thirty peoplo A Paris journal says tiint boforo tho end of May tho Hinperor of Kussia will take the opportunity of affirming that the peace of Eiirope must not be placed in doubt. Tho declaration will be mado with such solemuity as to dispel all distráete. The Legislativo Appropriatiou bilí was dcbatud. .Lapham introduced a resolution proponing an mendment to tho Constitutton, providing Inat henever an appropriution bill ia passed by ConroRR, and is proacntcd to the President for his Gdgature he may withhold hit approval f rom auy articular item ín tho bill, ttating his rcason for so otng. TnuitspAY, April 27.- Senate.- A large auienco was 'present in the gallenen to witncse the npciichiticnt Drooeedinca. Tho managers apearea eaortiy neroro 1 o'clock, and tlie proceedngfl were at once begun by roading tho minutos of ie last seflsion. This was folio wed by the rcadhif f the answers ftled by the managers and counsel ortne defonso during the interim, as to tho quclon of jurisdiction. Mr. Lord eubmitted ft moion thatthe evidence relating to the question of urisdiction of the Senate bc given beforo the argunent relating thereto, and if auch pla s overruled, that tho defendant be equired to answer tho urticles oí unpeachnient within two days, and tlio House's re-. ly, if ihcy deeua it necessury, within two da;s, and hat the trial proceou the next day after the oining of tho iseue. Mr. Carpenter, of tho counsel or the accused, xuovcd that tho trial be postponed illtlio flret Mouday of December next. and asked hat the time for diseussing thismotion be ïixnl at two honrs for each nido. The requetst was granted, forty-eight to thirteen. and Mr. lïlair addrcsstul the Sonate in favor of the motiou. The Senate ihen at 3 o'clock retired for consultation, and returned to the Senate. Chamber at lialf-pant l, when the presiding oflioer announced that the motlon on tho part of the defendant wasdenied. The manager then BUbniittod a proposition to go on with the hearing, take all the tcptimony and thftn decide both the questions of jurisdictiGu and guilt at the close. House. - Morriacu reported r ;:ick the Senate amendment to the House bill defining the tax on fermonted or malt liquors. This amendmeut adds a proviso that nothing ui the act shall chango tho present rules of the law respecting the evidence in any proaecutton or auit. The amendment was concurred in. ...Turne y made a conference report on the bill exclnding Miss ou rijf rom provisions of the act of the lOth of May, 1872, to promote the dcvclopmeut of mining reBOurces. . . .The Legislativo Appropriation bill was debated. Fbiday, Apfcl 28.- Seiiate.- When the impeachment court met, Mr. Carpenter, counsel for the defendant, asked that a postponment bo granted for two weeks, at which time they will be ready to proceed. Manager Lord opposed the grnnfcing of the request, maintaining that ampie time had been afforded to the defendant's counsel to prepare their side of the case. Senator Conkling moved an order that the court hear the argumenta and determine at once whether the accused is amenable to inipeachment, notwithstandiug his rcBignution as Secretary of War, and that testimony be heard touching the exact place of said resignation. Senator Edmunds moved an amendment that the managers and counsel may diacuss the question whether the issues of fnct are material. The Senate, after consul tation, adopted an order that they iroceed first to hear and determine the question of jurisdiction, that the hearing proceed on tho 4tn of May ; that the opening and close, of tho argument be givcn to respondent ; that tliree counsel and thrce managers may bo heard in sueh order as may be agreed on between themselves, and that such time be allowed for argument ae the inanngers and counsel may desire. House. - The Speaker laid beforo the House tho decisión of Cbief-justice Cartter, dischargmg from cufitody Hallett Kilbourne. Referred . . . Tarbox offered a resolution in regard to the Union Pacific railroad, which, it is claimed, bad some referencc to Blaine, as it directed the Judiciary Committeo to inquire into the circumstances connected with the purohase by the the Union Pacific railroad of $75,000 value of the bonda of tht; Littlo Rock and Fort Smith railroad for $64,000. Hurlbut oljectcd, and the reaolution was withdrawn....Th House, after another day'a discussion, passed th Legislativo Appropriation bill without any ver; material changes. The chief feature of the day wa the opposition made by Prof. Scelyo to the incor poration of the transfer of the Indian Bureau to the War Departmsnt in thin Appropriation bill Ii this opposition Prof. Scelye was signally successfu - Speaker Kerr, in an elabórate opinión, sustainíng the point of order. .. .An amendment was marte t rule 6, so as to próvido for the appointmeut of Speaker pro tem. for a period of ten daya, insteat of ono day, as hcretofore. Satürpay, April Í29. - Senate. - Not in ses sion. House.- The Farwell-LeMoyno contested electio case occupied the attention of tlie House, but n decisión was reached. Monday, May 1.- Senate.- Boutwell ictroduced a bill authorizing the Secretary of the Treas ury to renew the issue of fractiunal currency, providlng the total aniount outstanding at any on time shall not exceed $50,000,000. Referred... The resolutions submitted by Hanilin on Friday to auiL-nd the rules in relation to the impeachmen trial, so a to próvido that the dcliberations on th questions submitted shall be in public, was di6 cussed, but no action taken, and the impeach ment trial was reaumed. The pending quefu tion was the motion of McDonald to rct ciuc tho order agreed upon in tho conference o Friday, allowing the respondent to open and clos argumenta, etc., etc. Blair, of counsel for tho re sponden!, spoke against tho motion torescind. Hou of the managers, spoke ín favor of repcinding. E claimed that the managers had a rigbt to close, anc cited English precedentft in sui)port of his view On returning, the presiding oflïcer stated that th motion to rescind tbo vote by whicb the order o argument was made was overruled, aud that the re quest of the managers that four of them be allowe to address the Senate on the question of jurisdictio had been granted. The Court of impeachment the adjourned until Thursday, May 4. Houae. - Holman offered a resolution to suftpem tion act of Jan. 14, 1875, which provides that th redeniption of legal-teuder notos in coiuBhall begi on tho lst of January, 1879. Rejected- 115 yeas i 111 nays- not two-tbirds..,. Bills wcre introducet and referred relating to the punishment of witnes ses adjudged in contempt by either uouse of Con grcsB. and to repeal tho law which requires th Speaker to certify the case of a rectiBant witness i the District-ïittorney for criminal prosecution ... Hale moved to suspend the rules and adopt a reeolution directing the several committes of th House chargcd with investigations to conduct buc investigations with open doors while the te&timon; is being taken, Rejected - yeae, 126; nays, 105 - not two-thirds in tho afflrmative .... Morrison movec to suspend the rules and adopt a resolution direel ing the Beveral committees of tho House cbargec with investigations to conduct BUch investigation with open doors, except in the opinión of suc committee public interest will be prejudícet thereby, but any person accused bef ore a committe fihall bavc tbc rigbt to be heard in bis own persoi or by counsel, or both. The rules wers sunpendec and the resolution adopted without a división . . . Hoskins moved to suspoud the rules and adopta res olution instructing the various committees cbargei with the investigation of alleged f raudB and miscou duet to complete the same as early as possible, an( to makc report thereon on or beforo the lOth o June next. except where otberwiRe expressly providcd by the House. Rejected - yeas, 84; nays, 126. . The Speaker announced the appointment of select committee to investígate the Federal office in New Orleaus as folio ws : Gibson, Blackburn New, Vanee of Ohio, Stcvenson, JameB B. Reiily o Pennsylvania, Foster, Crapo, and Darrall. Th Speaker laid before the Houne a communication from Hallett Kilbourne stating thatho wasnow wfl ing to appear before the House or committee. an answer fully all interrogatories in regar to the sc-called real-estate pool in whic K ilbourne and Latta, or himself , aro o have been in any way connected. Tho commi nication was laid on tho table .... lïlaine made a per sonal explanatiou in regara to newspaper article reflecting upon him in the matter of certainbont! of the Kansas Pacific Railroad Company He sai in conclusión, that he phould not makc any furthei statements about anything which might be inventec and circulated concerniug him, and that tho ex planation of to-day concludes his answer to a chargeB .... Leave of absence for ten days wa granted to Speaker Kerr.


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