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Known, as Samuel J. Tilden is, to be a roformer, a beliover and practitioner of the doctrinos of honesty, econoniy and strict aooountability in adininistration, he ia certainly one of the gtrongest men that the pttrty can now put in nomination. - Littte Rocíe (Ark.) leriiUl. Aa soon as JBaboook got acquitted McDonald, Avery and McKee all thought that they were innocent ; and now the notion seems recently to have entered the head of Belkiiap that he i a hero and a niartyr. - Montgoim (Ala.) Advertiner. Having surrouuded himself with trusty and competent subordinates, it it did not matter so niuch if Washington did run over to Mount Veruou and stop over Sunday uow and then. He didn't leave a Babcock to conhiro with whisky thieves, or a Belknap to bartr off post-tradorships in bis absence. - Chicago Courier. The Radical aspirant for the Preaideney dolights in spattering all other Radical aspiran f 8 with mud. When caught at the trick, he eticks his finger in his mouth and says, " 'Twan't me - 'twas théni naughty Demócrata." - St. Louw Times (JJem.) The New York Conference is said to be after Conkling's scalp ; as an articl of hirsute adornment it is undoubtedl a succesa, but as a political trophy it i not worth while sharpnning a knifo for Neither of the candidatos will ooin from New York. - Si. Louis Olobe-JUcmo crat {liep.) The National Domocnitio Conven tion oould not perforui a wiser, or mor patriotic act thau the adoption of th liboral platform of 187:!, just as i stands. Of course, it ia not a partisan Democratie platform, nor can any par tizan baptism or label change it into one ; but it embodies the principie held by the majojity of the people o the United States. - Memphis Aoalaneh The Philadelphia Times wants a stat ute of limitation to run against inves tigations into the conduct of the Bac io.til leaders. It thinks when they hav esca'd deteotion for ton years, lik Morton, they aro entitled to immunit; - l'ittsburgh Post. There were just three uien tried anc punished in New York city for illegn voting at the election of 1872. Lot see now ; 3 iu 40,000, 13,333 1-3. If i cost $13,333 1-3 to oonvict one Demo crat of illegal voting in New York cit; wnat proportion oí the traudulent Kitc] ical voters of Philadelphia would th entire rovenue of the Governmimt fo four years suffice to couvict 'Í - Hartfor Timix. The President's dogradation of Cus ter ou account of his volunteer rait upon Belknapery is, we are ashamed t confesa, only a characteri.stic act of tb Chief Magistrata of the Kopublic, ani corroboratory of the view that th President's theory of our (ïovernrnen is that it ia of the oíd Oriental, kuihí barbarous variety, hiinself, an irrespon sible despot, being at its head, with an absolute power to decapítate anyhod; offending His Highness or his favoritu and Grand Viziers. - Boston Transcript {Ind.) An oíd Democrat tells us that he has several times attempted to reach the fountain of silver in the Custom House, but has been obstructed by crowds of soft money Democrats and soft-money Eepublicans, all hungry and rushiug for the hard cash. He thinks, and ho do we, that an old Jackson Dt:moorat should have procedence in getting a supply of the Jacksou nionuy. - Cindn tutti Oommtrcial {Ind.) The suggestion of Samuel J. Tildón in the New York Democratie resolutions is modest and deferentiál. There is no assumption of offuiisivo superiority. It bears evidence of ealm deliboratioo, and of honust conviction. It presses no claims beyond the limite of courtesy, or with any design to dmturb the hurmony or united iiction of tbe party. - MoUpellier (Vt.) Argu (Dem.) Tildón seoms to be the coming man. Though not our first ohoioo, he would be entirely satisfactory. A Jeffersonian Democrat, a lawyer who has presorvod reputation for integrity, and stands at the very heud of his professiou in the United States- a man who was never au office-seeker, but who in office has proved himself fearless, firm, and equal to every occasion, he is one of the few men who can lead the Democracy to victory. - Woodfvrd {Ky.) Leader (l)em.) The feeling in favor of Tilden's nom ination throughout the South 3 rapidl; growing, and we think he is, even now the favorito of the Southern Democracy We are not of those who think Govern or Tilden, or any other man, is " the Democratie party," but we should likn to see hira nomiuated, beoiuse he is one of tho ablest pureat and bravest of our leaders, and becauso he seems to us to rundor vory cortaiu element of strnt;tl essential to our succeas. - JS'cw Oi'learu Demucrat [Detn.) While we do not agree with Mr. Tilden on some pointe, and should personally prefer a Western man and that man Seuator Thurman, of Ohio, whorn we regard as the equal in all respectR oi Mr. Tilden, yet we cousider that Mr Tilden has developed elementa oi 8trength as a candidate thnt ure not foimd in Mr. Thuruian, and eonsidoi that the Democratie, or party of reform, cannot affurd to disregard the indioations that point to Mr. Tilden as the most available candidate that could bo numed. The man hiraself is strongor thaD any platform thnt could be con■tructed for him. - Lynchhurg Virginian. The President's message to the Houso of Representativos, in reply to its inquiry reBjjecting thu )lace where ho lad performed his offioitil acts, is one of ;he most remarkable documents with which a Presidant has ever favorcd an idiniring public Of oourso whut is jood constitutioual law for the Eiecuive, applies equally to tho Legislative ranch of the Government, and Con;ress might vary the roonotony of prooeedings by moving from place to plaoo, f the variations of cliinatu muy indiato. - thüudelpkia Time (1id.)


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