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The Superintendents On "tax-payer."

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Editoe of the Abous- In the issue of your paper of April '28th we notice a communication from " Tax-Payer," in which he comments ou the last annual report of the Superinteudents of the Poor for Waslitenaw county. The writer of the commuuicatiou is evidently on the track of something hidden aud dark in our report. Now, until reading the comtrumication of " Tax-Payer," we had supposed that our f uil and detailed report was satisfactory to the most querulous of tax-payers- certainly at the expense of inuch time and labor we endeavored to make it such. But especially did we thmk that every meraber ot the board of supervisors who tetened to the explanation whioh accompanied the report was satisfied that the superinteudents had faithfully and honestly admmistered their trust. We feit further assured ot this when a few days after making our report the board of supervisors accept ed and adopted the following report : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Wushtenaw County : Your committee to examine the accounts of the superintendente of the poor wou ld respecttuily report that they have examiued said accounts aud compared them with the report made by said superintendeuts and find them correct. We find the boaks and papers in plaln and o'rderly shape, carefully footed, well arranged, and easily understood. We examined somewhat particularJy the prices paid for goods and supplies used in the couuty house, especially tobáceo, and believu them to be iair and reasonable. We also exauiined, as far as practicable, many of the articles used there, and they appear to us worth the price paid. All of which is respectfully submitted. EaBEET P. Hakpeb, i L. D. Ball, } Committee. Anton Eisele, S If we have failed we confesa our inability to make a more satisfactory exhibit oí the poor house accounts, and herewith invite a most thorouh exainmation and inyestigation on the part of any who are still dissatisfied. Therefore, Mr. Editor, without stopping to answer seriatim the charges of Mr. Conrad Krapf, who, to give weight to his communication, which ït most certainly could not have had over his own name, has hidden himseli behiud the name oí "Tax-Payer," we have simply to reply that his commuuicatioü is a tissue of misrepresentations. Edwaed Duffy, F. K. Rexpord, Supts. of Poar for Washtenaw Co. Wnahtenaw. Co. Poor House, May 9, 1876.