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A MaW# farmer otras some mauiematical crowö. Thk Brooklyn Ghurch choir, coste #170,000 a year. ThB gïeat steam engine at the Centennial weigha 800 tons. New York and Phflniíelpb.ia liAckdrivers think that fare is fonf. Stiok to your thick flannels till thy begin tD stick to yon - Botton Post. Base boys -who play ball are arrested in New York, and the balls confiscated. Or Iowa's population over siitcen years of age, only one in 168 can not read. Bbfobk arithmétic was invented peopie flitdtiplied upon the face of the earth. The Sheriff of Perqnimans cóncty, N. O., weighs 410 pounds. When a prisoner is refractory he site down on him. A eBNTiiEHAN near Palatka, Fia., has an orange grove of 6,000 bearing trees, ■which last year yielded $80,000 worth of otanges. An Engliah prisoner sentenced to death for murderiDg his wife wanted the coiirt to take pity on his motheriess children. The late Baronesa Diergardt of Pruslia left $50,000 to found a hospital at Paris for Germans suffering Irom illness r oíd age. It took seventeen locomotives, one bejind the other, to upset a Nevada snowIrift, but they mashed it. Steam can Deat nature every time. ■ A xouTH aged sixteen marrie-1 a widow iged forty, in Des Moines ; but the pouth weighed two hundred pounds and the widow only ninety. An old edition of Morse's geography says: "Albany has 400 dwelUig houses and 2,490 inhabitants, all standing with their gable endsto the street." The Queen of the Gypsies has arrived in Alexandria, Va., in her chariot, a hothonse mounted on wheels. She travels iuoog. and dechnes all public ovations. A Louisvtlle schoolboy swallowed a slate pencil t-svo inches long whiletrying to learn how to swallow a sword. He has let the sword business go by the board. Siqnokina Spemerina, a rope walker, ■wishes to perf orm on a rope suspended between the towers of the East Kiver bridge, New York. She has asked permission of the Bridge comyany. In Spencer, Wis., mere is a secret society in operation, of wnich the public will probably learn much soou, as the members are to be tried for the murder of a candidato while undergoing initiation. " I mean mtirder, you, I mean murder," were the closing words of a letter sent in Denver, by a woman to a man ; and she really meant murder, for on the next day she shot at kim in the street. A "Mbs. M." advertises in the Now York papers a new 'cosmetïc, which she herself has tried with " lovely '' effecte. She declares that she has no interest in the sorcerers to whom she desires the dollar to be sent. The mode of getting witnesses against unlicensed liquor dealers in Middletown, N. C, is to subpoena supposec drinkers. Two constables scoured the town, and, although many of the men nid, fifty were caught. John MoCuilough and the Emperor of Brazil liad a conf ab about the preseni state of the drama during the receñí visit of the latter to San Francisco. Al the special requeat of bis Majesty, Mr. McCullough played "Lear" at a matinee. " He left a wife and several children.' So reads a reference to the Bev. Mr Parker, late pastor of tho Presbyterian church in Ashland, Ky. He has no left the world, however, but has elopec with the young daughter of a deacon of bis clrarch. Pkincb Bismarck once sent his por trait to Mr. Stewart, and requested tha of the merchant prince in return. The latter ignored the request for the por trait, but sent a check for $1,000 for the relief of the starving poor in one of the districts of Prussia. A STRAY CDBIí. It hung o'er her shouldora divinely, A clin oí xuagnificent gold; I thought, as it lay thero supinely, Of tresses that Germán girls sold. I enviod the curl so rcposing, Lite BünRhine or ambient pearl, But whlle I was drcamily dozing It fell with a quivering whirl - And that curl - ah ! my dream was then ended - It lay there aghast on the floor, Whilo its owner Ín ígnorance wended, 'Mid silence her way to the door. Bibk Citï is on Green river, Ky., an( close under the steep bank by the main street is a bed of quickeand. At tha poiiit a loafer assailed a girl, and she pushed him over the brink. He fel into tho quicksand and sank at once ou of sight. She was so horrified by wha she had done that she became very il and nearly died. A Sodthbbn paper reports that Mr E. T. Fitcli, said to be a son of "the Treasurer of Yale college, murdere( his wife at Tuskalooaa, Ala., recently Young Fitch had been drinking hare f or some years, and has suffered severa times from delirium tremens, but at the time of the murder he was perfecth sober. His wife was a Southern lady He cut her throat with a razor. MUNDUS MUTATTTB. Sing a song of ten-pence Made into a dime ; And ï ehould Think it good- Passes every time. When the dimes are dollars Swap your ragged print, Dickey Dilver, For the silver Shining from the mhit. Currency's familiar ; Specie still is Btrange ; " Mundus muTatur"- Eheu ! What a world of " change !" - Orapkic.


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Michigan Argus