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The Iowa And Nevada Democracy

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have appointed Tildan delogations to the St. Louis Conveution, The delegation from Kalamazoo County to the coming Deniooratio State Conyention ia said to stand seveu for Tilden and one for Hendricks. About tha proportion thronghout tho State. The Ohio Demooracy " went back " on the old-time record of the party on Wedaesday,- a reoord in favor of hard ntouey and against the constitutionality of the legal tender aot and its brood of greenbackg,- by electing au Allen delegation and adopting an exoeedingly soft inouey platform. Cominent unnecMKT. Speaking of Dr. Charles Ryud, of Adrián, as tha prospectiva Republican oandidate for CoBjtresB, tke Dexter leader says : " There is a strong probability that he will ultimately receive the support f the Washtenaw delegation, after an empty compliment has been paid to Cutcheoa and Childs." Au intimation that the Dr. has secured "the indorsement of the central power " which the Leader, in auother item, says is necessary to bucooss. The Detroit Pott olassifies the Bepublioan delegatioBs to Cincinnati as : for Blftina, 18 ; for Bristow, 4. The Oraud Bapids Timet figures them up : for Blaine, 11 ; Bristow, 7 ; Hayas, 2 ; Morton, 1 ; non-oommittal, 1. W. A. Heward, tb Nestor of the Michigan Republicana, chairmau of the delegation, and who generally has his way, is for Mortoa. The four delegates at large are for four different candidatos. That resolution recommending " as much harmony and nnity among themsolves as possible," was a oapital hit. Black-Balled ! It was Secretary Bristow, and it was done at the Union League Club, New York, on Thursday vening of last week. The application of the Secretary for membarship being rsjected by a vote of 118 to 12, - just the requisita number of blaek-bulls against him. Dissatisfied sugar-refin era are said to be the instigators and operators. The executive coinmittee propose a seoond trial, er to make the Secretary an bonorary member. Il Bristow assents to pither arrangement he is not the man he has been taken to be, - in sorae circlas, and would sacrifioe a deeent self-respect without coiapensation. " I. I.," writiag from this city t the Detroit Tribune, and claiming to "have "lately been through the foar oounties composing this (the second) Congres■ional distriot," and to speak from knowledge, thus classifies the vote for a oandidate, - his " guess at the reuult oi the first ballot : " S. M. Cutcheou, of WathUnaw, - - Í J. WebsUr Chilas, of Washtenaw, - ', Edwin Willits, of Monroe, - I J. K. Boiet, of Leuawee, - J Mr. Scattering, - - - 1 He then predicts the success of the " graat unknown," and that his name will be " Hon Henry Waldron," whom ha understands has nol positively deolined. We wait the movement of the "central power." Hon. Samuel Higby, of Jackson, lata judge of this circuit, and wellknown to most of our readers and fellow citizens, died suddenly ou Friday afternoon last. He was engaged in eopying an order in the office of the (Jounty Clerk, whan his head feil forward apon his hands and he died within five minutes. The cause of his death is said to be neuralgia of the haart. Judge Higby was 63 years oíd, has lived in Jackson sinoe 1838, and was one of the most honored and beloved citizens of that oity. He was an able and honest lawyer, an upright and impartinl judga, and a thoroughly good oitizen in every respect. The State oaa ill aöord to lose suoh a man. mii i - i i m The Schurz-Bryant White Conference, held at Nw Tork on Monday and Taesday, adopted an address, a civil service reform resolution, and provided for an executive couimittee, to cali aaother convention in oertain comtingnncies. No definite deelaration was made in favor of any candidato, but the utterancea of the address and the several speakers give it to be understood that Bristow will be supported by the members and their sympathizers if the Bepublican candidate, and that equally unanimous support will be gi ven to Tilden as the Demacratic candidate, any other man but Bristow heading the Bepublican ticket. Michigan was represented in the Conference by Hon. Chas. S. May, Jas. E. Scripps of Detroit, and Geo. W. Underwood of Hillsdale. Occasionally a Democratie exchange objects to the nomination of Samnel J. Tilden for President on the sole ground of location. New York had the candidate in 1868 and again in 1872, and therefore Mr. Tilden should not be nominated at St. Louis. These objectors should remember that the nomination of Horatio Seymour in 1868 is not chargaable to the New York Democracy. He was sprung upon the convention by the Ohio delegation, a delegation whioh feared Chief-Justice Chase and Gov. Hendricks, and headed them off with mour. And the nomination of Greeley in 1872 was accepted both by the Democracy of New York and of the nation under protest. For one, we are for that man who combines fitness with availability ; whose executire qualities, statesmanship, and integrity will not need oreating, defending, or apologizing for ; and who for this cauipaign hai on the least vulnerable arinor, no matter what is his name or wbere is his home. Believing that man to be Samuel J. Tildan ha it, at tliis time, our candidata. - Robert F. Hill, Eaq., Kalamzoo Liberal Ropublican, is for Charles Francis Adams for President, witb Samuel J. Tilden as ni second choice. As to Vice-President he says, " For the secoud place on th ticket my ohoice is the Hon. Tbos. M. Cooley, the present Chief-Justica of our State Supremo Court." So says the Kalamazoo Gazette, a reporter of whioh journal haa inteiriewed the leading Democratio and " Liberal " politioian of the " big village." Harrington the attorney iudicted at Washington, as one of the oonspirators in the safe burglary oase, is said to be rsticating in Canada. Baboock, confident of the disposition and ability of the President to protect him, is still " on duty " ia Washington. The Democratie County Couvention. The Democratie Couiity Conventin met at the Court House on Weduesday, at 11 o'olock A. M-, and was organizad by making Hun. H. W. Hogers, ot this city, temporary chairman, and C. R. Whitman, of Ypailauti, secretary. A committee on credentials and permanent organization was appointed, consistiog ol Messrs. P. Winegar, J. M. Éorsyth and Peter Tuite, and a recesa taken to half-past one F. X Business was resumed at th appointed hour and the committee reported the list of delégate entitled to seats, and recommended the the temporary ofheers for permanent officers Report a;cepted and approrad. The convention, on motion of J. J. Robison, ordered the election of threa delegates at largo by ballot, and of three by each Representativo district, to the State Convention to be held al Lansing on the 24th inst. The delegates electod under the order ar : At arge-Keniy W. Rogers, Ann Arbor Chauncey Joslio, Ypsilanti ; A. McMillan Dexter. Ut district- Aaron Childs, GroTe Saumders A. K. Clark. 2rf district- E. B. Pond, Oo. 8utton, John L. Burleigh. 3d district - J. J. Robison, Chas. S. Gregory W. H. Dancer. A motion for a " new deal " in the apportionment of delegates among the towns, resulted in instructing the County Committee to insert in the cali for the next conventiou no tice of such object, also notice of the appoint ment of a new committee. A motion recominending that erery Demo crat in the county subscribe for and pay for the Aun Arbor Abocs and Ypsilanti Sentirte ehcited considerable discussioa, participatet in by Messrs. Frazer, Beakes, and Robison and was unanimously agreed to. The Dexter Leader being referred to, Bro. McMillan saii the Leader made no claim to support as a Democratie paper, that the leader was inde peudent, that if Democracy occasionaly gol into its columns ït was because the editor was so tull, and that subscrlptions would not be refused. The convention then adjourned sine die.


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