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The Churches--city And County

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-A second sale and rental oí pews will take ptae at the new Congregational Church toaorrow alternoon. -Th Manchester Enterprise saya that the Esv. Mr. Gibbs, of Ohio, bas been engaged to SU the pulpit oi the Universalint Church in "t nllage for the comiug year. -Henry W. üelston, oí this city, a rcent g'iduate oi the Union Theologioal Seminary, w York, preached in the Presbytanan Uuren ou Sunday ereaing last. &ei. Prof. Fisk, of the (Jmcago Theologicl Seiuiaary, preached in the new Cougrega'ional Churoh on Suntlay last- ioreuoon and Diagi_all(j wn minister to the same con8'gation next Sunday. -Subjects of disoouis f Bbt. C. H. Brigtam, at the Uniturian Church next Sunday : "Wuing- "Mysteries in Beligion." Eveniug " Uuitariauism in America." Students' cls at 9.30 a. m. -" The Character of MordeCai." -Bev. H. L. Hubbsll and P. L. Page have been in atteudauce duriug the week upon the "eral Associatioa of the Congregational Qtarotej of the State at Pontiac. The next anlua' meeting of the association is to be held in this ei tv. - Rev. W. C. Van Meter, of the American Missiou in Rome, forinerly ot th Howard Missioü, N. Y., will address a unión meeting the Baptist Church this (Friday) evening. Tl addross will be illustrated by maps and Photographic views. He is just from Italy, aM crowded and enthusiastio meetings in St. Louis, Chioago, (Jrand Eapids, Kalainazoo, and toer cities, attest that he is charged heavier thau ever with his old magnetism. Let none aiss of hearing his powerful story of what Cliriatianity is now ffectiug in Kome and ïtaly.