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Rioting Louisiana

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New Orleans, La., May 15. - A Ncw Orleans Times special, dated Sunimit, Miss., May 15, says : "Information was received hore last night of a row between negroes nnd whites at Laurel Hill, in West Feliciana parish, near the Mississippi line. On Friday night about thirty negroos went to the store oí a white man in that vicinity and called him to the door and riddled him with bullets. A posso from Bayou Sara went out on Saturday for the body, but the negroes would not give it up. A fight ensued, and three negroes werc kiiled ; two vrhite men are missing. The negroes are gathered, and 1,100 are said to be under arms. The whites are going down from the neighboring counties in Mississippi, and a serioua iight is expected." A special to the HepuJblican froni Bayou Sara, La., May 15, reporte: "Eighfc coloree! men have been shot dcad and four hanged. About twenty were wounded. No whites were killed. Persous frorn tho eceiio report sixty blacks killed, but this statement I consider as exaggerated. Twenty colored men are reported held as nostages. Tlieir fate is uncertaiu, but the supposition is that they -will be killed; also, that .he number of negroes killed wül never je ascertained, precautions being taken ;o remove tho dead secretly. The num)er of regulators onder arms is said to se 500, from East Baton Kongo and East and West Feliciana and Wiikinson county, Miss. The colored people are said to be arniing in self-defense. On Satuxday aDd Sunday niglit a number of colored men crossed to Point Coupee to escape thoso wlio are huntins: them." Stil] another dispatch from Bayou Sara says : " ïhero bas been a regular engagement at Laurel Hill between ■white and colored men. Tliree whites aro reported killed. God only knows where this wül end. The country is ablaze with excitement. All the white s are armed and in the saddle." Acting Gov. Antoine received the following dispatch from Dr. Kaufman, Sheriff of East Feliciana parish, dated Bayou Sarato-day : "In reply to your telegram I havo to say that sevontcen colored men are killed and many wounded on the line of Mississirmi and iana. A largo number of armed white men are approaching this town. I cannot summon and secure a posse coniitatus for the support of civil authority and the supprcssion of riots and tko prevention of f urther bloodshed. Nothing but military authority will keep the peaco. Therefore, I respectfully rcquest that military aid to placed at my disposal." Thosc dispatchcs havo boen laid bcfore Gen. Angur, commanding the department, who has referrcd ihem to Washington.


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