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Two Silver Bills

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Diflcrent Plan to Secure the Issue ol 85,000,000 More of Coiii. The bill introduced in Congress by Mr. Eanclall to provide for the issuo of silver coiii is as follows : Skction 1. In addition to tho amouut of subsidiary coins authorized by law to be issued in redeniptiou of fractional currency it shall bo l:iwful to manufacture at the sevoral inints and issuo through tlio Treasury and its Heveral oflice hucIi coin to the amount of 825,000,000. Seo. 2. T(iat the ailver bullion required for this purpose uliall bo purchased from time to timo at market rato by the Boeretary of the Treasnry with any legal-tendor notes in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and tho resulting coin may bo isrued in Uie ordinary disbursementa of tho Treasury, or in exchange for legal-touder note at par ; bat 110 purchae of bullion shall bo made undor tliis act vrben the market rate for tho same Hhall be snch au will not admit of ite coinago and isfiuo or exchange as herein provided ivithout loaa to tho Treaury, and auygain or seignorage arising from this coinago shall bo accounted for and paid iuto tho Treasury au provided under Misting laws relative to the subskliary coiuago. Beo. 3. That tho trado-dollar ehall not lioroaftor be a lcgal-toudcr. and the Secretary of tho Treasury is heroby authorized to limit the coinage thereof to Biich an amount as he may deem utlicient to moet tho export demand for tho same. Tho bill introdneed iu tho House by Mr. Wells, of Missouri, to provide for issuo of subsidiary silver eóln is aa follows : Any ovner of silver bullion may deposit tho same at any coinage mint o? the ásay-oflice at New York, and receivo paymeut therofor in aubsidiary silver coin at tho rate of prico per standard ounce to be üxedand anuouucod from time to time by tho Diroctor of the Mint, witu the ipproval of the Becretary of tho Treasury ; such prico to be passed on the market value. Tho cost of coinage shall devolvo on the selïer of the bullion, and the profit or soignorago arising thorofrom shall acenio to the Government, provided that tho total amount of Bilver coin issuod undor this act shall not excecd tho sumof $25,000,000.


Old News
Michigan Argus