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Around The Farm

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It is said that eggs may bo preserved for six montlis by dipping them in linseed oil, and so placing them in a layer of sand that they do not touch. Alcohol is sure destruction to the mealy bug. With a small, soft brush give them a coat of alcohol, or let a drop fall upon a cluster of the bugs. -Moore's Rural. The nutriënt property of many of our most delicious fruits is less than one per cent. , and yet the most perfect health and strength may be maintained upon a moderate diet of brown bread and fruit. - World of Science. The Country Gentleman says that the Canadian Centennial Commisaion lias made official requisition for space in the live stock yards at the Exposition, Eor the exhibition of 150 head of horses, 150 of neat cattle, 75 sheep, 75 swine, and 300 coops of poultry. To pboteot horses and cattle against flies, take equal parts of lard, tar and flour of sulphur, nielt the lard and tar ;ogether, stir in the sulphur and rub a small quantity about tlie neck, ears and lanks. The same remedy, it is said, will prove effective against ticks and lice. An exchange newspaper says : " A ïorse was taken to a veterinary surgeon recently to be oured of a corn in the 'oot. In paring the corn the operator 'ound a worm about three-eights of an nch long, and one-sixteenth of an inch Mck, and sharp at each end as a needie. Dne end was black and the other end white. The black end was nearest to ;he sole, and the white end was in the lesh. After removing the worm and rarning with nitric acid the corn was entirely removed and the horse permanently cured of nis lameness." Mr. B. B. Gboom, the well-known Sentucky breeder, is in Europe, and in a letter from Berlin to the Paris True JCentuckian expresses the opinión that ;here is a wide field on the continent of ïurope for the introduction of Short ïorns. There is to be seen there a tremendous scope of country owned by eople of great wealth, and he thinks hat the day is not far distant when the demand for Short Horns in Europe will be immense. At present the cattle of nearly the whole continent are of a very inferior quality. The onion is a much more nutritious and healthy article of food than is generally supposed. It takes the place of meat with the peasantry 'of Southern Buxope. As the English peasant takes his bread and cheese for dinner, so the Spanish and the Italian take onions with Ueir farinaceous food, and derive moro trength from these bulbs than their mik would suggest. They are eaten not as a relish, but simply for nutrition. n that admirable book, "ThaChemisry of Common Life," onions are spoken í as containing in their dry state from wenty-five to thirty per cent. of gluten, r muscle-forming material and the intincts of the laboring classes thus coinide with the deductions of science in ie use of this cheap, but nutritious lood. Theke are various opinions held by armers and gardeners in regard to the uantity of seed required for an acre of tu common field crops, still the numerus tables published differ but slightly. 'hc Maryland Farmer gives the followng, which we think is not far out of the way, and will doubtless be useful to our eaders : rtichokes 4 to 6 bush. -sparagus, in driJ Is 6 to 8 lbs. i . ans, dwarf , in drills 1 to % bush. eans, pole, in liills 10 to 12 qts. Beets, in drills 5 to 6 lbs. uckwheat .' 1 to % bush. Barley li to 2 bush. abbagc in beds to transplant lb. 3arrots, in tirilla 3 to 4 lbs. orn, in hills, 3x4 8 to 10 qts. om, for soiling, in drills 3 to 'i% busb. ucumbers, in hills 2 lbs. lustard, broadcast .pcck to X bush. Iclon, musk, in hills 2 Ibs. Melón, water, in hills 3 to 4 lbs. Millet Y tolbashel. Onions, in drills 4 lbs. Onions for setts, in drills 6 to 8 bush. 'arsnip, in drills 3 to 6 lbs Peas in drills li b'Jsh. Peas broadcast 3 bUBh. Potto(cut tuber) 6 to 10 bush. Pumpkin, in liills 4 to 6 lbs. Radish in drills 8 to 10 lbs. Sage in drills 8 to 10 lbs. Salsif y in drills 8 to 10 lbs. Soinacli in drills 10 to 12 lbs. Squash (running varieties) in hills . . 3 lbs. Squash (bush varieties) iu hills 4 lbs. Mrnipsin drill 1 to 2 lbs. ïurnips broadcast 2 to 3 lbs. ornato, to transplant Yi lb. iroom corn in huls 8 to 10 qts. Clover, red alono 10 to 15 lb. Oiover, Alsike alone 8 lbs. Oiover, white alone 8 to 10 Ibs. Clover, lúceme alone 16 lbs. Orchardgrass 12 to ?0 lbs. Blue grass 12 to 20 lbs. Grass, mixed lawn 2 bushels. Kedtop 12 to 16 qts. Oats broadcast 2 to 3 bush. Bye broadcast 1Í to 2 bush. Yetches broadcast 2 to 3 bush Vhoat broadcast 1 to lx 1U8UTiruothy alone M bush. Millet tol bush. Flaxseea ! tolX bush. About tlie House. When two pieces of sugar are rubbed together ín the dark, a sort of electrical jhosphorescence may be observed, due jrobably to the friction of the partióles. Jumbhes Without Eggs. - One cup of ard or butter, two cups of sugar, oneïalf teaspoonful of soda, one teaspoonfnl cream tarter, one cup mük ; flour enough o roll ; flavor to taste ; roli and bake in ins in a hot oven. Ginger Cookies. - One cup of sugar, one cup of molasses, one cup of lard, two-thirds cup of boiling water, one egg, one teaspoonful cream tartar, one tablespoonful ginger, one tablespoonful soda, and one teaspoonful of salt. Jellt Boll.- Tlireo eggs, one cup of sugar, one teaspoonful of cream tarter, one-half teaspoonful of soda, one cup of flour ; pour ít thin into a baking-pan ; bake slowly ; spread jelly over it, aud roll it up. Wrap in a cloth. Mütton Cutlets. - Trim off all superfluous fat from each cutlet, dip them in an egg beaten up with a little oil, some pepper and salt, then cover them with bread cnunbs, and let them rest for a couple of hours. Fry them iu plenty of butter or lard to a light brown color. Arrange them in a oirelo on a dish, and pour some tomato sauce in the center. The following iÉ good recipe for making apple butter : Pare, quarter and core onc-hnlf busliol of sour apples. Put them on to cook, ■vvith water enough to cook them, until they become soft. Then add two quarts of molasses, ono quart of sugar, one quart of swoet eider or one-half pint of boüed eider, one tablespoonful each of pround cinnamon, cloves and alspice; cook three hours, stii ring it continually. This makes an excellent sauce, aud if well cooked will keep the year round. For a larger quantity it will require more cooking.


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