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This Is The Sweet Morsel Don

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derson, of the Allegan Journal, rolls uuder his tongue : "A. writer in the Washington Chronicte predicts that Sooretary Chandler will prove to be the ' Great Unknowu ' of the Cinoinnati Convention," Souie people have the faculty of seeiug frosts, potato bugs, grasshoppers, and other dire calamities in the near future ; but that Chronicle fellow beats them all. Theke is a new deal at Washington - that is three new members of the Cabinet. Ou Monday the President nominated and the Senate eonfimied, Edwards Pierrepont, of New York (Attorney-General), to be Minister to England. Secretary of War Taft was nouiinated aud confirmad as Attomey(ieneral ; and J. Donald Cameron, of l'ennsylvania, son of Simon, made Secretary of War. The move is reported to be in the interest of Senator Conkling. The Indianapolis Greenback Convention completed its labors on Thursday of last week, by noininating Peter Cooper, of New York, for President, and Newton Booth, of California, for Vioe-President. Mr. Cooper declines the honor on account of his age, and expresses a desire tkat the youthful William Allen, of Ohio, be given the place of standard bearer. Senator Booth declines to either accept or decline. He is in accord with the platform as far as favoring the substitution of treasury notes for the aatioual bank circulation, and the 3.65 interconvertible bond scheine. And that's going far enongh for a California " Reformer." The Republicans seem to have no laok of candidates for Superintendent of Public Instruction. The Rev. J. H. McCarthy, of Jackson, was brought out souie days ago with a considerable flourish of trumpets, and now we notice that Rev. L. R. Fisk, of the Central M. E. Church, Detroit, is also entered for a trial of strength with clerical brother, - Methodist against Methodist. But neither of these names appears to strike the practical teachers of the State favorably, and so the City School Superintendents, at aweeting held at Jackson last week, recommending the nomination of Prof. H. S. Tarbell, now Superintendent of Schools at East Saginaw on a salary of $3,000 - soon to be reduced at his own request to $2,500. The Superintendents wiy, no doubt, be notified to keep hands off, the Republicans just now neediug the counteuance of clergy. Speakinö of a Qraphic assertion that August Belmont "fa vors the nomination of Senator Bayard at St. Louis," the .New York World says : "This is likely enough to be true, for, so far as we oan learn, tnere is no sound Demoorat in the country, East or "West, North or South, who does not favor the nomination of Senator Bayard, uuless it be Senator Bayard himself, who has made and is likely to make no sign whatever on the subject." Confessing to no small adniiration for Senator Bayard, and ready to give hiin a cheerful and zealous support, if the St. Louis Convention shall make him the Democratie candidate on a eound platform, we are yet inclined to believe that the World has put it pretty strong. That journal should revise its sentences : especially as its own columns daily contains quotation from Democratie journals favoring other candidates, and more especially as it would be damaging to Senator Bayard to have it understood that the crazy Bill-Allen-SoftMoney Democracy of Ohio "favor" his nomination. The Democratie State Convention which assemblod at Lansing on Wednesday, to appoint delegates to represent the State of Michigan in the National Convention, to be held at St. Louis, was probably the most largely attended (delegated) convention ever held in the State, nearly every county bbiug fully represented, and by men of character and acknowledged ability. Hon. W. L. Webber, of Saginaw, was elected President of the convention, with the followiug as vice-Presidents and Secretaries : Vice-Presidents- William Adair, Chauncey Joslin, O. C. Comstock, J. W. Flanders, Israel V. Hai ris, Benjamin O. Williams, Myron L. Oage, M. Jefïers, Thomas W. Edward, oue irom each district. Secretaries- A. B. Monte, Geo. P. Sanford, M. H. Ford. The delegates appointed to the National Convention were : At large- W. L. Webber, of Saginaw ; Peter white, of Marquette ; M. I. Mills, oi Wayne ; H. Chamberlaiu, of Bemeu. First District Delegates- A. W. Copland, Edward Kanter ; alteruates- Jame I. David, ü. M. Garrison. Second DiBtrict Delegates- Hem an J. Rediield, George C. Munro; altérnate- Chirles H. Richmoud, W. T B. Schermerhorn. Third District Delegates- A. J. Bowne, M. Shoemaker; alteruatos- J. S. Upton, W. E. Martin. Fourth District Delegates- George B. Turner, E. O. Bnggs ; alteniates- C. B.. Potter, J. B. Fitzgerald. Fifth District Delegates- James Blair, Fred A. Nims ; alteruates- M. H. Clark, Albert H. Feun. Sixth District Delegates- Martin V. Montpomery, J. D. Norton; alteruates - Jerome B. Turner, H. Gregory. Seventh District Delegates- William L. Baucroft, Johu M. Wattles ; alternates- Ira M. Clark, James B. Eldredge. Eighth District Delegates- George L. Buroughs, A. C. Maxwell; alteruates- M. H. Stanford, C. W. Tann. Ninth District Delegates- Thomas D. Stin. son, Edward Ryan; alteruates- Horace F. Alexander, Louis P. Trempe. Don M. Dickinson, of Detroit, was chosen Chairman of the State Central Commitree, with the following as its members : First District- William B. Moran, Thomas D'sMomiebistrict-Elihu B. Pond, W.T.B. Schermerhorn. Third District- E. W. Holhngsworth, E. B. Do'lge. Fourth District - Marshall L. Howell, E. O. Briirgs. Fif'th District-Geo. S. Cooper, Mark D. Wilbur. Sixth District - Jerome Eddy, Santord. Seveuth District - M. U Gage, Jr., A. M. Clark. Eighth District - R. F. Sprague, O. H. Vaa Nmth District - A. P. Swineford, P. A. Yoss. The resolutions adopted by the convention will be publUhed next week.


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