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We believe now that success is ïmpO8sible without New York, and we are going to get New York by uominating Tilden. We don't like hini as well as a Western man, but th&t is not the thing. We fear a Western man caunot carry New York or auy other Kastern State, so we drop the West and go for Tildeu. - see Ciiicinnati Commercial. Wm take the liberty of informing whomsoever it may concern that Samuel J. Tilden, of New York, will be nominated by the St. Louis Convention on about the third ballot. - Omaha Herald. There are clouds niuch greater than a man's hand visible on the political horizon all round, which unmistakably indícate the tempest of destruction if unworthy or incompetent partizan nominations shall be made this year for important offices. They shade the sky of Presidential candidates and fling their shadowg in the face of mean am bition as it climbs or crawls toward responsible public trust in national, State, district, county and municipal contests. - Philadelphia Times {Ind ) The Democratie party is the same everywhere. - Vincinnati Gazette. Yes; it's rooting out oorruption at Washington, in New York, Virginia, Mississippi - everywhere the corrupt rascáis, who have been plundering the people, are on the retreat betore it. Everywhere it is marching in solid line toward a reform of the whole government, State, national, and municipal, at the beginning of the second century of the ropublic. - Baltimore Gazette. The Boston Pont, in speaking of the Ohio Democratie Convention, guggests that a party that locally persists in adopting the principies and practico of its already oondemed opponents can hardly expect to mame a Fresidential candidato who shall draw to his support the suffrages of the Democrats of the whole country. A party that locally persists in adopting the principies and practice of it already condemned opponent can hardly expect to name a Presidential candidato who shall draw to his support 'the suffrages of the Democrats of the whole country. The time will cotue when the Ohio Democrats will be grateful for the exercise, by their brethren of other States, of that sober second thought which is to steer the organization clear of the fatal heresies which form the practical teaching of its eneuiy. - Donton Pott. Tilden, of New York, seems to be leading in the Presidential race. Our first choice, if choice that can be called when one has to choose somebody elses choice, was Hancock or Bayard, but we go for the strongest Democrat whoever he may be. - Gordontville (Va.) Qazette. The Democratie party might as well understand (and it ig none too early to acquiro the inforination) that it must make tolerably sure of Now York in the coming Presidential election. - Hartford Timen. The Cincinnati Commercial says Governor Tilden ia worth $5,000,000. Good. Then he seeks the Presidency as an honor worthy the noblest aspiration of au American citizen and not as Grant sought, to enrich himself and all his relations ond ring friends. - Vicksburg (Miss.) Herald. The Dexter Leader say : " Re. J. L MoCarty, of Jackaon is benig put orward as a candidato for Superintenent of Public Instruction by some riendly members of the presa. No oubt he would make an excellent offier ; but if he in preaching under a serial cali of tbe Spirit, he need not eaort his Master's wurk under the iiureasiüii that education will suffer if he oes not. There are men enough wlio ïave not been called to preach who are willing and competent to serve the late in the educational departnient. The Hannibal (Mo.) Courier, issued he day before the Ühio Convention, aya : " We would have waded through wildoat's blood knee deep to have seured Allen't election for Governor ast fall, but we should regret vry much to see the delégate to the Nional Convention make such asses of heinsulves as to nomínate him for Presdent." Senator Booth says he will not pay any attention whatever to the action of Grreenbaokers in nominating him for Vice-President. If our Mosei is not held back in reserve for the Secretaryship of the Treasnry under the fir Greenback administration, he may yet be given a leading position on tha ticket. He will accept if all others decline. - Fret Pre.


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