Washtenaw Pioneers, Attention

Ata meeting of the exocutive coniniittee and officers of the Washtenaw County Pion eer Society, held on the 13th inst., the follow ing committees were appointed to asslst in providing a festival and entertaining the mem her ot the State Pioneer Society and the Washtenaw County Pioneera, at the meeting to be held at the Opera House in Auu Arbor on the 7th of June uext : Ann Arbor Township - John Geddes, S. W Shurtleft', Xaaac N. S. Foster, William Biown NortiJield-GeoTge Sutton, George Kenwiek, Emery Leland. -Calvin Wheeler, E T. Walker. Superior- George W. Gale, Philo Galptn, H. S. Crippeu. Webster- J. B. Arms, E. L. Boyden, Morgan O'Brien, Elisha Cranson. Scio- Hiram Aniold, James W. Wing. Lodi-C Almendinger, Jacob H. Hiuks, Jas. H. Stevens. PMsfield -Nathan Webb, David DePuy. Ann Arbor City - J. D. Williams, J. Q. A. Session, L. C. Risdon, Theodore Taylor, Selleck Wood, Martin Clark, Raudall Schuyler, James McMahon, James Jones ; Mrs. Darius Wood, Mrs. C. A. Chapiu, Mi-s. Mary E Foster, Mrs. Eli Moore, Mrs. N. H. Pieerce, Mrs. C B. Cook, Mrs J. Nowlaud. The festival wil! be in the basement of Hill's Opera House, and the above membera of oommittees are requested to consult witi other members of the Pioneer Society in their aeveral localities, and procure a liberal supply of provisions for the oecsaion. All members of the Washtenaw County Pioneer Society are requested to be present. A large number of pioneers from other por:ions of the State are expected. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.
Hill's Opera House
Washtenaw Pioneers Society
Old News
Michigan Argus
John Geddes
S. W. Shurtleff
Isaac N. S. Foster
William Brown
J. D. Williams
J. Q. A. Sessions
L. C. Risdon
Theodore Taylor
Selleck Wood
Martin Clark
Randall Schuyler
James McMahon
James Jones
Mrs. Darius Wood
Mrs. C. A. Chapin
Mrs. Mary E. Foster
Mrs. Eli Moore
Mrs. N. H. Pieerce
Mrs. C. B. Cook
Mrs. J. Nowland