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The following tranaactiona in real estáte ïavO been recorded ia the office oí the Register oi Deeds during the past two weeks . Sarah J. Hall to Ann E. Hopkius, 20 acres off southeast quarter of section 3, Ypsilauti. 6,250. Administrator of estáte of Bobert McCornnck to John Harle 63 acres off southwest quarter of section 16, Ann Arbor. $6,000. Goodrich Conklüi to Joseph McMihon, undivided half interest in hotel property, on Exchange Place street, Manchester. 15,750. John Harle te Josiah E. Masan, óo acres off Southwest quarter ai sectiou 16, Ann Arbor. $5,500. Judith Green to Arthur Green, 100 acres off southwest quarter of sec. 27, Sharon. $5,000. John Bunton to Wm. Webster, a piece of and 10x12 rods off south quarter of section 2, and 7x16 1-2 roda off northwest quarter of söcïiiii 11, Augusta. $4,000. Geo. Mooreman to Sarah M. Olmstod, lot on south side of Cougress strest, west of Hatmlon street, Tpsilanti. $4,000. Jnliette J. Wines to A. R. Hammond, lots 12 and 13 in C. T. Wilmot's addition to Ann Arbor. $i,500. Castle Sutherland to Luther E. Allen, lot 4 n block 9, Orinsby & Page's addition to Ann Arbor. $2,000. John W. Cowan to John J. Ciarksou, part of lot 7 in block 22, Manchester. $1,500. Geo. Moorman to Lizzie N. Olmsted, part of lot 314 in Norris & Cross' additiou to Ypsilanti. $1,200. A. R. Hammond to Juliette J. Wmes, 30 acres off southwest quarter ot section 20, Ypsilanti. $1,000. Wm. H. Wauty to Jas. Kime, 20 acres off northwest quarter of sec. 29, Augusta. $850. Jno. Gilbert to Albert Koyl, lot 52 and north half of lot 53, Gilbert's subdivisión of Hunter's additiou to Ypsilanti. $800. Henry Uole to Jos. Avery, 16 acres off northeast q uarter of section 34, Saline. $800. Joseph Hangal to August Kaauchka, part of lots 8 and 9 in biock 4 south range 2 east, W. S. Maynard's addition to Anu Arbor. $800. Albert Koyl to Alouzo Loonard, lot 52 and uorth half of lot 53, Gilbert's subdivisión ot Huuter's addition to Ypsilanti. $800. Jerry H. Whitney to Wm. Wheeler, lot 5 in Jarvis's addition to Ypsilanti. $659. Aaron P. Wood to John VV. Palmer, 12 acros off southeast quarter of sec. 20, Saline. $57ö. Elizabetb A. Lee to Harnson Fairchild, lot 247 in Harwood's addition to Ypsilanti. $550. Ezra B. Norris to John J. Clarkson, a strip sff tast side of lot 8 in block 22, Manchester. $500. Maria Spears to Cbarles Kanton, 3 acres off sectiou 15, Lima. $400. John W. Flowers to Cyrus A. French, lot 6 in Stuck's addition to Ypsilanti. $350. Louisa Phelps to Wm. Dancur, east half of lot 6 in block 8, Dexter. $300.