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EEW ADVERTISEMËNTS COE KENT. A comraodious house, in good condition, on South State Slreet. Inquire at this Office. 1584 AT HILL'S OPEKA HOUSE ! Monday & Tuesday Ev'gs MAY 29th & 3Oth. A grand Panorama of a XTation's Frogress From 1776 to 1876. r Particulars see programmes. Admission 50 ents ; Gallery, 25 cents. Cnildren, to all parta of he Housö, 25 Cants. P. M. S, FITO, OF 714 KroaUwaj, Tí. Y., LUthor of Six Lecturea on the Prtvention and Cure of Consumption, Asthma, Heart Difleaaea, may be consulted at Finney'a Hotel, Detroit, Mich., lersoniilly or by letter. He treats ail diseses of malea and femalea of all agea. Family Phyaioian ent free, Conaultationa free. Dr. Kitch's means Huw generosity in chantes. His fame is for curng bad cases. May, 1876. 1884yl SSIGNEE'S NOTICE. All creditors of the late. firm of J. Muthlig & ro. are requested to present to me, at my ofhce, aeir claims in uu authenticated form, as they tood on the ürst day of September, A. D. 1876, in nier that I may get a corrected and complete list f siiid claims, wïth a view of preparing to make dividend. May 22d, 1876. D. CIIAMER, Assignee. Estáte of Margaret Quigley. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, Ova. A t i ne.-ibion of t he Probate Cour t for the ounty of Waehtenaw, holden at the Probate office n thu eity of Ann Arbor, on Haturday, the twen ïeth day of May, in the year one thousaud ight hundrad and seventymx. Preaent, Noah W. Cheever, Jude of Probate. In the matter of the estáte ol Margaret Quigley, eceaeed. Thomas Earl, administrator of aaid estáte, comes nto court and repreenta that he ia now prepared o render his final aecount as auch administrator. Thereupon it isordered, that Tuesday , the twenieth day of June next,at ten o'clock in the torenoon, e aSBtgned for exHmining umi allowing sucb acount, and that the hcirs at law oí said dectased, nd all other persona intercated in aaid eatate, re required to anpear at u sosuion of aaid ourt. theu to be holden at th Probate ofe, in the city of Ann Arbor, in aaid county, nd show cause, if uny there be, wliy the aaid ccount should not be allowed: And it ia f urher ordered that said adminiatrator give notice 0 the peraons interested in said estáte, of the lendency ol said account, and the hearing tioreof, by causing a copy of this order to be mblished in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper iriuted aud civculating tn said county three ucoessive weeki previous to said day ol heanng. CA true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVKK, U81w3 ludn" of Probate. 1 il'IIKT of the conditiou of the ?irst National Bank of Ann Arbor At Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, at theulose f business, May 12th, 1876. BKSOURCES. Loans and Discounts, - - $290,252.17 Overdrafts, - .... 897.68 I S. Bonds to secure ciruulation, - 150,000.1X1 )(her stocks, bonds and mortsages, - 15,520.40 ue from approved Reserve Agtints, - 25,920.03 Duefrom State Banks and Bankers, - 12,248.14 al Kstuti, furniture and fixtures, - 19,000.00 Curreut expenses and taxes paid, - 2,587.36 Olvecks and other cash items, - - 423.21 (ills of other National Han ks, - 3,161.00 'Yactional currency (induding nickel), 1,828.10 Legal tender notes, ... 24,213.00 Itodemption Fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent. of eireulation), - - 6,750.00 $552,296.09 LIABII.ITI12S. Capital stock paid in, ... S150.000.00 Surplus tuud, .... 50,000.00 Other uudirided profil, - - 24,173.76 Nittional bank notes outstandin, - 133,300.00 Oividends unpaid, - - - 66.00 lndivic ual deposits mlbject to.heclc, 128,065.53 Demand certificatffi of depfit, 66,690.80 $552,296.09 Static of Michigan, County of Washtenaw ss. I, Johnson W. Kniht, Cashierof the abovenamed Bank, do solcmuly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my Icnowledge aud belief. J. W. KNIGHT, Cashier. Subsciïbed and sworn to before me this 23d day of .May, 1876. W A. Tol(;ha1LD, Notary Public. Corred- Attest, E. WELLS, ) JAMK8 CLEMKNTS, Directors. PHILIP BACH, j DONALD ISACLEAK, M. D., Phyaician and Surgeon. Office and residence 71 Hurón Street, Ann Arbor. Otfice houra from s to s i. M. to 2 to 3 p. m.


Old News
Michigan Argus