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Forty-fourth Congress

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Toksday, May 16.- Señale.- Sherman, from the Corumittce on Financc, reportcd adversely on the Senate bilí to reduce the interest on tho public debt and próvido for a safo ond elaütic currency. . . Edmunds, from the Comnilltce on Judiciary, re portod, with ainemlmcnts, the Senate bill to amend tho second, fourth, and fifth sections of the act to enforce the rights of citizene of the;United States to vote in tho eovcral States of the Union. Placed on tho calendar. . . Mitchell spoke at soine length upon the evils of Ohineso luimigration. when coneideration of tho articlOB of impeachnient was resumod, and on inotion of Ertmunds, the gallcries were cloared and the doors closed. ...Before a decisión was reaohed, the doors wcre reopened and the Scnato adjourned. House- Tho Speaker waB directed to certify to the Criminal court of the DiBtrict the ovidence taken acaiust Clapp, Superintendent of tho Government printing offlee The Postónico Appropriation -bill waa under considcration. ïho item allowinff compensation for fast mail servico was parard Ivvis offcred a resolution inetructing the Committno on Bules to inquire into tho proprioty of eonsolidatiug tho ofllces of doorkeepcr nd sergeant-at-aniiB. Adopted. Wednesday, May 17.- Senate.- The bill to próvido for tho J ailding of a custom-houBC at Mcninhis was passod - Consideration of tho artlcles of impcachment was resumod, with closed doors, but no decisión rcached. House. - The bill aboÜBhing the tax on recoipts of Bavtngl b&nkf w.ia passcd Tho House, in committee of the wholo, dovoted a lare portion of tho day to the consideration of the PoBtoflico Appropriation hill, which was ilnally passcd. Thürniay, jray 18.- Señale.- Considoration of the articles of impeachmeut was resumed with closed doors, bnt, without arriving at a decisión upon (he question of jurindictlon, tho doors wore reopened Morton submitted a resolution, which was adopted, instructing the cormnitteo now Idi i tígatlag the jast election in MissisBippi to inquiro Into tho recent allORCd killing of peoplo at Bayou Tunica, iu that State House bill authorizinR tho appointment of recovers of natlonal banks and for other purpose was paastd. Boum.- Georgo M. Adams, Clerk of the House, asked for an investigatlon into tlio charges made against him through the columas of a certain Chicago newspaper. Tho matter was referred to a Bpeolal commlttee A resolution was adopted insructin tbe Appropriatious Committee to inquire into the expediency of making a chongo in the present system of public printing Kandall ri-ported to tho Uouse tho ludían Approprlation bill Jt approprUvtea $3,905,771, and provlde ior the transfc of the ïndian bufeau to the Wat department. FiiinAt, May 1Ö.- Senatv. - The cjueelion ofr jurisdiotion in the Bel knap caso was again debated in secret session, without arriving at a dociaion ..... Very httlc legislative business, and that of rta unimportant character, was trilnsiicied. Béutfc. - MorrJson ofcertd ft rfHo'nMon foir n adjoiirninent on tho 12tli of June, but it was not acted on... The committoo which has been investigatiog the nffalrs of tho Freetlman'tt bank made a report, in wlilch the management of that lnHtitution is arraigneel in Bcvere trmn. It recoxnmende the indlctment and puninhment of Henrv D. Cooko, Lcwis Clephane, Hallet Kilbourn, and J. O. Evans .... The Naval Appropriation bill was tinder consideration. . . .The bilí confinninR to Missouri all the kinds thereiu seïecled kii swaüip &nd OVet fioweil lands was passed.... An cffort was tnaác U liavc ineerted in the Iterord a personal allunion of Singleton to Garfield on Wedneeday in the debate, which had been stricken out at the iustance of Lámar. A mofclon of Itandall to laj' the matter on the table U-as carvir-d. 8ATüRbAY, May 20. - Señale. - Morton, from the Committee on Privileges and Elections, eubmítted a report in the case of Spencer (Ala.), exoneratinff him from tiie charge of briberj in securinir his election to the Senate. The reiwrt was ordered printod The Renate then went into secret fle5ion on the queetion of jurisdiction in the Impoachment matter, and üoutwcll spoke in opposition. Without arriving at a decisfoti, the doors werc re opened aud the Séllate aljourncu. Hou te.- Cate (Wis.) rose to personal explanation, He claimed that he had been elccted fairly and honettiy, and when he dlscovered hiB coat was to be conteptcd, ho had prepared A case and raa ready to defc&t tho contestant. Ikfore tho oase had been deolded, howover, the contestant died, j and he denied the righl of the LoKinlature to interiore in the matter, and hc also deniod the charges which had been made against him . . . Tho Speaker appointcd Payne, Forney, Mareh, Wait and Harrlsou a committee to investígate the oíucial conduct of the Clerk of the House . . The Houee then went iuto Committee of tho Wiiolo on tho Naval appropriation bilí A motion to rednco the appropriation from $0,250,000 to $5,70,000 was adoptfd A resolntion was adoptcd reqniring all persons havlng btiflincsR bcforc the committees of the House to flle with the Clerk the names of their authorïzed repreBentativeB or attorneys. Mondat, May 22.- Señale.- W. II. Barnum, Senator-elect from Connccticut, took the oath of office.... Sherman presoüted the petition of R.M. Clapp, the CongreHsional printer, to the effect that ho is an omcer of the Senate. that great Injustice has been done him by the Committee on Printing in the House of Represent; ives, and that no oplortunity was given him for au explanation of tbc charges before that committee. Referred to the Committee on Privileges and Elcctions Thequestion of jurisdiction in tho impoachment matte r was a'ain debatcd in secret Besfiion, but no deáision reached. House.- k further extensión of tho Speaker's leavo of absence was voted.... The Committee on Rules reported tliat to retain Fitzhugh as Doorkccper would bring the House iuto ridicule and contempt, and advised that tbc ofüce be alxlished and its duties traneferred to the 8ergeant-at-arms A resolution to that effect was adopted Tucker offered a resol ution directing the President to inform the House whether he has recelved any official Information in regard to violenoe and danger menacing American citizena ín the Ottoman Empire, and whether any steps havo been taken for the protection of euch American citizens zeslding in tho Ottoman Empire. Adopted The resolution offered by Page declaring that the power to elect the President has n ever boen delegated to the House of Rcpresentatives was tabled by a strict party voto.


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