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Uis. A. DeForest is her on a brief visit ru,n lier new home a,t Oaklaud, Cal. _0ur thanks are due to Hon. A. S. Williams Böveral volumes of Cougressional documenta. - The potato bugs are as lively as the averw ofïïcö-seeker, and about as uumerous and gretfiyAaron Morse, formerly of thil city. is reorted as a 13,600 loser by the recent tire at KidUud, with no insuraiice. _Ou Monday Henry Binder was granted „prmission to contribute Ï13 to the city treasuVY. Saloon opnn 011 Sunday. Mrs. Adahne Torrey, wife of -Edward Torrej'i w'10 has üved in thia city 47 years, jied on Tuesday, aged 73 years. -Company A of this city has accap ted the ivitation to particípate iu the celebration at AJrian on the coming Fourth of July. -A K Hale, tormerly of the ñrm of Hale t Tremam, is visitmg hls many frieuda ia thi ,,'v uiiA we are BOiTy to say uut looking very hearty. „At the State street "rink" rollers and jiooth floors make skatas and ice thhígs of thflpast. But isn't the weather a little warm ot such exeroise ? -A freight train ran off the track on Wedtpsday forenoon, just west ot the depot, deaviag the day expres west soveral hours. L'ausö a niiííplaced switch. Xo one iujured. -Tlie ARGUS office can give you a botter Letter Head, Xote Head, Bill Head, Statement, Wedding, Visiting or Business Gard or Invitaba than any other office in the city. Cal I and sec samples. - Our city and the surrounding country nö?er looked more beautiful and attractive ikaü ie snade trees are iu their prime . jjuj glory, and the circle of hills in the distauce are clothed iu a garb lovely to look upoa. - There was some briiuaut lightning on Monday afternoon, with sharp, artillery-like thuiiüer. We imagiued a strike in our irnmediate yicimty, and Heury Matthows, whose meat niarket is just in the rear of our office, reporte feeling the fluid running a race down his limbs, uearly paralyzing them tor an instant. -The bill of fare for the Michigan Central Bailroad Dining Cars is indeed a tempting oae, but why seud it to an editor who can get s "picked up " diuuer at home at less than that 75 cents. But joking aside, traveler by rail tiud well managed diniug cars a desirable tulntitute tor the usual " 20 minutes " for dinuer at ordiuary eating houses, and the Central timing cara are reported well inauacil. -On Fnday last olücer Mclutyre arrested a nuiwho was resting by the roadside near the toll gate, ou a charge óf stealing a gold watch itjacksou a day or two betore. The prisonersaid be bad sold it to a colored man travelmg witb Forepaugh's Circus. The ofiicer ntut tu Ypsilauti aud with tke aid of Forepaugh reovered the watch. The priaoner's uauie was Geu. Duwreye (or souiethiug likö il„ and be luis been returned to Jackson for bul. - Enianuel G. Schaffer, Register of Deeds ol this couuty iur the la&t 3 1-2 years, died on Wedüesday, Junö 31, at about the hour of 11 o'clock A. M., at the residence of hls faiher a rnila aud a halí west of this city. He has - taeu aick and abueut from the office ust two moiiths, liis disease being quick coiisumption. His age was 14 years. He was au estimable mail and a good officer. Mr. H. W. Hyatt, éepaty, succeeds to the office of Register unta the law. -Ou Fnday afternoon latt a baru was kniöiou tlie farm of Michael Alber, ïbout 2 mïOTtli of this city. The bai'u was occupied br P. J. Connor, who lost a span of iuKci, i set oí doublé harness, aud a lot of taj and graiu. Jd. ƒ . ü'Keilly, or this city, had Uit driïeu out to see Conuor, with the horae of Mrs. T. A. Havilaud, which he had pat in tha baru. The horse was burueit, and U'Reilly has ordereil the purchase of auother brMra. H. Cause of lire uukuown. Xo insorance. - The comrnittee for the investigation of the Douglas-Rose-Laboratory accounts - Mcü-own, (iraut, aud Bstabrook - mei yesterday, aud icmmeuced their labors. The foienoon was ï'umeii m discussing preliminaries and in .o or three propositions made in beton ol Dr. Rose, neither of which, as we are liised, the cominittee had authoi-Uy to acupt. Mr. ïi egaskis, the accountant, waB the fatwituess to be examined in the afternoon,- il not detanied at home by sickness. We hope tint the committee will make every efiort to lacli the bottorn facts. The Uuiversity cauot aiord iouger delay. 4 Railroad Rkvival.- On Saturday last fan. Howard and Sniith, of Wooster, Ohio, 'm espeiieneed and practical railroad men, iqnnstüDg Toledo andother Ohio capitalista, we to our city to give the Toledo, Ann Arbor nd Northern Railroad a " look up." ttey speut Saturday and Mouday in making I wquaiutance of our business men and citu generally, and in investigatiug our busiI smterests- present and prospectivo. Monday i 'ui i coníorence meeting was held in the fifior of the G-regory Houee, a goodly numteof the most substantial citizens of the tybeing present. H. W. Hogers, Esq., oc'pied the chair, and C. H. Richmond offici u Sicretary. Messrs. Howard and Smith ted to the meeting that they had purchased 1 road-bed and franchises of Mr. Crane ; t they proposed the orgamzation of a new pany, the road-bed, ties, etc, being put in ctualcostto them, and not at the costto "oldstockholders; that A nu Arbor was eiWedto aid the new company in the sum of 0,000, either stock subscriptions or donations, WMe when tUe road shall be completad, swked, aud put in operation, and not bef ore ; ""J that 125,000 wo uld be asked along the 'o Toledo, The promoters of the scheme, men who were to take the stock and ad"ce the mouey ou the bonds, had not yet rmmed whether to buüd a road of the lomoifgauge or to narrow gauge it. The wuion would depend on the encouragement iei Messrs. H. and S. expressed themlves delighted with our city and its business P'oepects, aud expressed confidence in the 'I itself aud in the beneBta that it would 'fetupoa our city. Aftar quite f uil aud " discussion, the following resolution was red, aud uuanimously adopted : t'id, That we view with favor the plan prolessra. Howard and Smith, lor building ng the Railroau froal Toledo to Ann Ar' , aud Uiat it is the opinión of this meeting that r lt-;iU!tablt! temis thure eau be raised in the ■i Arlior, by donation and stock suba t ,"'"lt; M11" "' my tl'iiusaud doBars- the lid ii], ,.n the completlon of the road to wLPtY' ani that we pledge our best efforts to ""ld amount. "8 have heretofore written editorials 't0llgh iu iavor of this road to lay a track to "Wo, aud shall not inflict any " extensión " "Pon our readers at this time. Suflice it to ! Biat the gentlemen named came here well "ommeuded and indorsed, they mean busi% and that the proposition they make is a r une,- the money when the road is built. 'tbsik it ought to be accepted, and that at " In that direction lies the road out ot 'Vation and to new life. From that direcon (Toledo) is to come iucreased populatiou 'th iucreased cepital, cheap coal for fuel and "imulate manufactures, and competition in 'SMs. Will our land ownes an(1 "le pubjJliBBnUy let this-the last- opportuuity 'Pi Messrs. Howard aud Smith lef t for To0 n Tuesday moruing, going over the "& ou foot for special inspectiou of the -bed. After reaching Toledo they will ; litard from again. Two or three hundred studente, more or les sought for an hour or two of cheerful amuse ment in a visit to Forepaugh's circus onThurs day e ven ing of laat week. Fearing that; th band would be incompetent to the taak of fur nishiiig the muaic for the occasion the afore said studente invested iu horns - in tin horns They went iu at commutalion rates, and wer aasigned to reaerved seats. After one "blow out" - permitted to test theiv wind - Mr. Fore paugh advised "the boys" that lie propose to have good order, and the sheriff and cit authorities aecouded the propoaition. On "toot" was thereafter attempted, but th "special pólice " showing a disposition and de aire t demónstrate, order thereafter raigned and the band and the clown had no rivals fo the balance of the eveniug. The rsauU is oom mended by all order lovmg citraeus. There is no law against tudents beiug gentlemen and conducring theuiselres ÍB an onlerly aud gentleuiünly manner on all public occasions. They hare no more right to disturb a circua or other show or performance than have town boy to whistle aud singand "toot their horns" at a students' concert or lecture. A few impulaive, fuu loving(i')l reckless, lawless students should not be allowed to compel their associates to join them in disgraceiul raids upon the peace of the city or the rights of others, aud there hy compromise tíie good name of the $?reat body of students and the Uuiversity. It will be well for all partios if the lesson taught them last week is long remom bered aud protited by. Decoration day was partially olisorved in thia city on the 3Oth uit., under the auspices of ths Ladiss' Daooration Society of the Fiftli ward,- the Uoinmon Council and Company A participating by special invitation. The procession formed on Main strest at about 2 o'clock p. ie., consistiug of the Band, Company A, Couucil, etc., the Ladies' Society and the childreu carryiug baskets of flowers falling in as it passed through Broadway. Proceeding to the l'iftli ward cemetery the monument and the graves of the sol liers there buried were decorated, and the exercises had, onsisting of addresBes by R. B. Frazer, Esq., and Col. J. L. Burleigh. A poem was read by Miss Kelsey, and another address by a Mr. Ch ase, the latter parties being visiting strangers. After the benediction, pronounced by Rbt. I. N. Elwood, a picnic diunei' was servad in Mrs. Pierce's grove near the cemetery. Forest ilill Ceuietery was nol visited, nor general business suspended. ïhe bankB weie closed for the day, and the postóme trom 12 M. to 4 r. M.