Real Estate Sales
. The following transactions in real estáte bar been recorded ia the office of the Register of Deeds during the past week : Administrator of estáte of Harvey Rosier to Adelbert N. McAUister, 120 acres off southwitst quarter of sectiou 18, Lodi. $3,600. Gardner Green to Caleb Lamson, 65 acres off sections 3 and 34, Manchester. $3,000. Henry Johnson to Chao. H. Moone, lot near iitursectiim of Ann Albur and Russell streets, Saline. $3,000. Eliza B. Wood to Alice W. Nble, undivided one-third interest in 200 aero off sections 18 in Lima and 1 in Sylvan. $2,800. Franklin D. Cumings to Jacob Van Husen, lot 4 of John C. ïaylor's subdivisión of the northeast corner of block 4, Chelsea. $1,800. John H. Bortle to Kiigar Bogardus, lot 6 in Bennett's addition to Saline. $1,500. Saphronia L. Taylor to Lydia and Rachel S. Smith, house and lot corner División and Bowery streets, Ann Arbor. $1,150. M. M. Gregory to Chas. H. Kempf, lots 22, 23, 28 and 29 in blonk 2, Chelsea. $1,070, Henry Peldman to Henry McKeever, lot 11 in Clark's addition to Ypsilanti. $900. Chas. Holrnns, Sen., to John T. Wanzer, 8 acres off section 10, Ypsilanti. $900. Ribt. W. Hemphill to Eliza Martin, a parcel ot land on Chicago road, Ypailauti. $625. Win Mimey to Wm. H. Wanty, 18 acres off seütion 33, Augusta. $470. Catherlne H. Benedict to Charles H. Moone, lot on Russoll street, Saline. $300. Orson P. Sober to Franklin P. Worden, lot 4x10 rods on west side of River street, Ypsilanti. $237.50. List of Juroes. - On Wednesday the follow jurors were drawn, to serve at the next term ot the Circuit Court, which commences Tuesday, June 20th : Ann Arbor City- Edward Graff, James S. Hooker, Warren Hamilton, Jamas O. Smith. Ann Arbor Toren- Henrj Beusenbark, Wm. Taylor. Bridgetoatcr-Jicob Blum, George Kawson. Dcxler-Wm. H. Arnold, Richard Smith. Freedom- John P. Buss, William Frite, Godfroy Grau, Lewis Haab. Lima -John Allen. Lyndon - William Burkhart. Northjield - Henry Jung. Sao - David Almandinger, Roscoe P. Copelaud, Henry Osboru, George S. Sill. Sharon- Matthew J. Flynn. Webster- Robert McColl. Ypsilanti City-D. B. Green, John S. Jennes8, Josiah Newell, James N. Seeley, A.H. Smith, Beuj. Thompson, Nelson VanTuyl. Dombstic Eoonomt.- No housekeeper or :ook is fully prepared to enter successfully iipon her culiuary duties without having D. B. DeLand & Co. 's Best Chemical Saleratus on ■ïand. It relieves the mind of much of the 3are and auxiety experienced by a skillful ook. For sale by most merchants and gro;ers. Cali for the genuine in red papers. It s bette r than Soda, and far superior to most I irands of Saleratus.
Register of Deeds
Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County
Harvey Rosier
Adelbert N. McAllister
Garden Green
Caleb Lamson
Charles H. Moone
Henry Johnson
Eliza B. Wood
Alice W. Noble
Franklin D. Cumings
Jacob Van Husen
John H. Bortle. Edgar Bogardus
Saphronia L. Taylor
Rachel S. Smith
Charles H. Kempf
M. M. Gregory
Henry Feldman
Henry McKeever
John T. Wanzer
Robert W. Hemphill
Eliza Martin
William Minzy
William H. Wanty
Catherine H. Benedict
Orson P. Sober
Franklin P. Worden
Old News
Michigan Argus