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. The following transactions in real estáte bar been recorded ia the office of the Register of Deeds during the past week : Administrator of estáte of Harvey Rosier to Adelbert N. McAUister, 120 acres off southwitst quarter of sectiou 18, Lodi. $3,600. Gardner Green to Caleb Lamson, 65 acres off sections 3 and 34, Manchester. $3,000. Henry Johnson to Chao. H. Moone, lot near iitursectiim of Ann Albur and Russell streets, Saline. $3,000. Eliza B. Wood to Alice W. Nble, undivided one-third interest in 200 aero off sections 18 in Lima and 1 in Sylvan. $2,800. Franklin D. Cumings to Jacob Van Husen, lot 4 of John C. ïaylor's subdivisión of the northeast corner of block 4, Chelsea. $1,800. John H. Bortle to Kiigar Bogardus, lot 6 in Bennett's addition to Saline. $1,500. Saphronia L. Taylor to Lydia and Rachel S. Smith, house and lot corner División and Bowery streets, Ann Arbor. $1,150. M. M. Gregory to Chas. H. Kempf, lots 22, 23, 28 and 29 in blonk 2, Chelsea. $1,070, Henry Peldman to Henry McKeever, lot 11 in Clark's addition to Ypsilanti. $900. Chas. Holrnns, Sen., to John T. Wanzer, 8 acres off section 10, Ypsilanti. $900. Ribt. W. Hemphill to Eliza Martin, a parcel ot land on Chicago road, Ypailauti. $625. Win Mimey to Wm. H. Wanty, 18 acres off seütion 33, Augusta. $470. Catherlne H. Benedict to Charles H. Moone, lot on Russoll street, Saline. $300. Orson P. Sober to Franklin P. Worden, lot 4x10 rods on west side of River street, Ypsilanti. $237.50. List of Juroes. - On Wednesday the follow jurors were drawn, to serve at the next term ot the Circuit Court, which commences Tuesday, June 20th : Ann Arbor City- Edward Graff, James S. Hooker, Warren Hamilton, Jamas O. Smith. Ann Arbor Toren- Henrj Beusenbark, Wm. Taylor. Bridgetoatcr-Jicob Blum, George Kawson. Dcxler-Wm. H. Arnold, Richard Smith. Freedom- John P. Buss, William Frite, Godfroy Grau, Lewis Haab. Lima -John Allen. Lyndon - William Burkhart. Northjield - Henry Jung. Sao - David Almandinger, Roscoe P. Copelaud, Henry Osboru, George S. Sill. Sharon- Matthew J. Flynn. Webster- Robert McColl. Ypsilanti City-D. B. Green, John S. Jennes8, Josiah Newell, James N. Seeley, A.H. Smith, Beuj. Thompson, Nelson VanTuyl. Dombstic Eoonomt.- No housekeeper or :ook is fully prepared to enter successfully iipon her culiuary duties without having D. B. DeLand & Co. 's Best Chemical Saleratus on ■ïand. It relieves the mind of much of the 3are and auxiety experienced by a skillful ook. For sale by most merchants and gro;ers. Cali for the genuine in red papers. It s bette r than Soda, and far superior to most I irands of Saleratus.