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Ann Ardor, April 24, 1846. Wo havo nothing particular tu stnto concern" g tho mnrkete. Whcnt is stationary in price at 75 cents, oud wo judge ihcrc is mure geno rully a disposition to acll. Uukkalo, Apiil 81, 1816. Thero wassomc animation in :hu maikct yca terday, but the sales indícate a downword tendoncy in almoat cvery description of produce. A fclighi rcductioti has been submiited to in flour nnd pork. Wo notico ihe sale yesterday of 500 bbls. Micliigan flour at $4 35; 300 Ojiio at $4 37 : alsoa lot offiÖOOhio at 4 37.- Exp.1 lio N. Y. Correspondent of tlic Woshington Union, wrilcs: "The banks in the New England Stntcs, tho principal región of manufucturing estabJishments, Imve greutly expanded, more so, probably, tlmn at nny former period . A great mnny persons have boon tempted to engago in mnnufacturing from readiftg of the large dividends boing declared by parties established in the same business. A large portion of tho nctv operators have gone into the business to -sorne extent by paper loans and credits. The banks, flattered by the proapcets of the manufacturing pursuits in which their customers were abuut engaging, have encouragod their enterprises quite frccly In addition to ibis channel for loans, the banks of Boston hayo cncouraged theimporters and wholcsale merchnnts of that city to extend their business, for tho purpose of attracting country merchants trom New York to that point. Vnst railroad schemes have nlso been encouragcd; and henee the New England bnnks, and particularly those of Boston, aro in a poor condition to withstand the pressing (Iemand foi specie that is springing tip.- 2he conscquencc will be, that a revulsión will be folt to n considerable extont among ïhe Boston merchants, and especially among the manufacturers themselves."