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NEW ADVEmSEMENTS THE ENEMY OF DISEASE ! THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. ■ the Grand Old MUSTANG LINIMENT Which hin stood the test of forty yeara. There is no Sore it will not hcal, no LamuneBS it will not cure, no Aclis, no Pain that afliicte the Human Body, or the Body ot a Hore op other domeetic animal, that doei not yield to it magij touch. A bottle oostine 26c, 50c, or 1.00, has of. ten saved the life of a human beinr, and reatored to lite and usef ulneu many a raluitble hora. ■jlTISS S. W. PEASE Will give lessons upon the Piano Forte to a limited nurabei" oí pupils during the summer months. TERMS : Twenty Dollars (urTwenty Letions, Applications will be received at No. 32 South ingallsSt., at 12 m. and 5 r. m., or by mail, P. O. Box 1,408. Reperences.- Prof. H. S. Frieze, Prof. G.S. Morri, Mrs. J. B. Angelí, Ann Arbor ; J. C. D. Parker, Boston. 1583 WJ. HEKDMAIK, M. ., Physician Bnd Surgeon. Omce, southwest corner Main and Hurón Sts. Residence, 48 South State Bt. Office hours from 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. M. DONALD MACL.EAJii M. D., Physician andSurgeon. Office and reaidenee 71 Huron Street, Ann Arbor. Office hours trom dtoïi.M. to 2 to S p. m. pASHIONABLU DRESS MAKING. Mrs Wood invites the ladies of Ann Arbor and Ticinity to cali at her Dres-Making Boom, over the store sf A. Bell, Washington street. A ïull line of new and latest styles of patterua constant - ly on hand. Quality of work warranted, and prices made to auit Ihe times. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Iyl678 CVJR EENT. A commodious house, in good condition, on South State St reet. Inquire at this Office. 1584 THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST ! GET THE Charter Oak Lawn Mower AT Gr. J. PEASE'8 Ittook the first prize at Michigan State Fair, in coiupetition with the Excelsior and Philadelphia Holbrook's and Veto. SEED DRII-T.S &. GARDEN CUIjTIVATORS, very eheap at, Peane's. Wire Baskets, Arches, Plant Stands, Trellis, Waste Paper & Sponge Baskets, at Pease's. Or I will make to order any style or pattern desired. A few FIEST-CLASS STOVES AT COST or less. The Lever aud also Peerless Clothei Wringer at Pease's. That (iiauite Iron Ware isa perfect success at PEASE'S. The best -WT-A-TEIR FILTEES Very Cheap, at PEASF.'S. Galvanizad Iron Tolicl Sets, very durable, at Poase'n. House FiiriilRhlng (Joorts, TIn Ware. Ifardware, and 40 reaxOns for usinsr Weeii's Carpet Swecpcr, at 46 S. Main St. G. J. PEASE. $T t iJ4APerday at home. Samples wortl t t0 5Ji U $i free. Stinson & Co., Portland Jle. 1673 Tie TwoBoss Plof s. THE OLIVER CHILLED AND Ge A. L E. These Plows aie to-day the two Boss Plows of he country. They take no back seat for anything alled a Plow. They don't go a begging ior cusoiners ; they get into the hancs of farmers without being forced out on six or eight months time. When they go they stay, and that is a sufficient recommeud for any Plow. I siinply ask auy faruer, whethtr he wants to buy a cultivator or not, ;o step in and examine fchfl GORHAM &. BUCKEYE SIMÏ CÜLT1VATORS ! and judge for himself, as it will cost him uothing, and 1 will wait on him with pleasure. They are arranged for both corn and fallow ; can give the teeth any angle you choose, to turn the earth toor frora the corn plant. Cali and sec them for yourselves and you will be better satisfied than you will with anything I can say on paper. I have various kinds of one-horse cultivators, salt, water lime, and all kinds of Field and Garden Secds, I am still agent for several different kinds of threshing machines, among theiu ia the old reliable Buffalo Pitts, with many new improvements on separator, with ten and twelve horse mountcd power. Also, the Battle Creek Vibrator, with tDounted power. l.r7nin.'ï M. ROCEHS. THE HILL FARM FOR SALK. Adjoining the West line ut theCitjrof Ann Arlxir, in townwhii) two south of range six t-awt, comprising the sust half of the northeast qunrtur of section nineteon ; and that part of tlie went half of the west half of the northwent quartet of Heotion twenty, Jying north of the tnrnpike; in all luit 4--100 aereB, witb House, Barn, an Unfailing Spring of Water, And ahout til'ty aci'e well impioved ; Hint clasn laad and Hituation büautiful. Two-tlurds oí thu purchase tnoney muy rinuin on the land three to flve year. For terras apply to GKO. E. HAND, Or H.J. BEAKKS, Detroit. Ann Arbor. 1574tf SEND 25c. toG.P, KOWBL.L 4 CO., New York, for pamphlot of 100 pagea, containing ltBta of 3,000 newspapera, and estímate Hhuwing coat of advertieing.


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Michigan Argus