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THK KAST. Jay Ootnj) is said to be loeing his grip in Wall street....Five fishiug vessels and fortyBoven lives have beon lost in the Gloucester fisheriea this yoar. JlAssAcnosETTS hanged two murderers on th o 26th of May- Piper, at Boston, ior tho murder of tho little girl Mabol Young, and Ii'rost, at Worceater, who murdered hia brothorin-law ncarly a year ago. A shocking accident occm-red at tho latter execntion. Wbon the drop feil a terrible sceno was enactod. The fall was ao groat that tho head of Frost was ierked from bis body, which hung only by ligamento. His blood apurtod in ovory diroctii i) over the acaffold and floor.. . .No goods Wlll be receivec] for exhibition at the Philadelphia show after June 15 Threo men were drowned at Suncook, N. II., last week, by tbc upaettiug of a sraall pleasure steaiuer. Kï an explosión of fire-damp in a coal mine near PottsviUo, Pa,, laat weok, four men woro killed and ten ecriously woundod. Nine cadet midshipmen of tho eecond and third classes havo beenexpellod from the Naval academy at Annapolis for stealing " gentlemen' furnishing " goods from a Baltimore drummer The Centennial manngors have again put in forco the foolish rule requiring viaitors to pay their admiaaions in fifty-cent pieces. THE WEST Poetioks of Colorado and Wyoming were visitod by a driving snow-storm on tho 24th of May The trial of Ex-SnpervÏBor of Internal Revenue, D. W. Mrmn, was brought to a cloae at Chicago last week, and resulted in his acquittal. A letter from a Cineïnnatian named Matt, who went out to the Black Hilla some time sinco, atatea : "The Indians areonthewarpath, killing miners at a fcarfnl rato. Minera are retiirning to tho States by hundreds." He eays that out of forty-two men at Deadwood, twenty-nevon of (.hem havo boen killed by tho red dovils. Five more were killed and ecalped within three miles of Custer City. There is plenty of gold northwest of Cuater City, but it is impossible to get it on account of the Indian. A mee in San Francisco last week destroyed $300,000 worth of business property Three young men were drownod in San Francisco bay, a few days ago, by tho upaetting of a boat. Tbey were employés of tho Cornell Watch Company, and recently from Chicago. Dubufe's great painting." "Tho Prodigal Son," was destroyed by firo at Cincinnati last week. Ita value was estimated at $100,000 Reporta havo reached Lincoln, Neb., to the effect that eleven members of a Cincinnati party who went to the Blnck IIills a few weeks a go, under Col. Stoue, havo been killed by Indiana near Custer Judgmenta havo been entered udou distillers' bonds, in the United States court in St. Louis, to the amount of half a million dollars. Most of the bondsmen are able to pay, and will bo compelled to do so. The sudden death is announced of Georgo M. D. Bloss, ono of the editora of the Cincinnati Enquirer, who was run over by tho cars audinstantly killed whilo walking along the track of tho Little Miami railroad, near Braneh Hill station, Ohio, where ho resided. Mr. Bloss had been connected with the Enquirer for twenty-two years, and was widely known as an ablo political writer and statiatician. A dispatch from Fort Fetterman eaya all the young warriora havo left Eed Cloud, going north to join Sitting Buil, leaving their families to be protected at the agencies The indicatious are that Gen. Crook and others will have to contend against tho whole war foree of tno Sioux Mr. Israel Hawes, who hasjust returned to Minneapolis, Minn., from the Black Hills, corroborates the statements of the rumora in regard to the Indian scalping stories, and adds that they aro not half as startling aa the facts. Ho helped co bury persons killed by the Indians every day. The bodies of those murdered are always found with bíx bulletholes and six knife-stabs in them, besides the loss of the scalp, which they take off by cutting the head open in tho shape of the letter V from the back of the head down to the eyes, which presenta a hearUsickoning sight. Indiaus are as thick aa nies around a molasees keg. Every party that attempta to leave or enter the Hills is attacked. and more or loss fall victimt to the devils in human form. One party of twenty-five attempted to escape, and only one lived to teil the story of how they were butchered and scalped. More partios are leaving every day than arrive in a weok. There are some 5,000 men in tho Hills, among wliom there are about fifty that are makin 20 per day to 1,000 who make a dollar. SOUTH. The New Orleans Picaijune says : "There were twenty-nino negroes killed in Wilkinson county, Miss., during the recent düiturbance there." A fire at Galveston, Texas, laat week, destroyed 8100.000 worth of property. Of half a dozen distillers who havo been on trial at New Orleans for defrauding the revenno, two have been found gnilty and the others acquitted The Methodist General Conference has selected ex-Senator Revela, late colored Senator from Missieaippi, to edit tho Southwestern Chrislian Advocate, at New Orleans. A New Orleans telegram aays : "Northorn papers contain Washington Bpecials asserting that President Grant administered a fitting rebuke to Gov. Kellogg, and stated that ho was tircd of being annoyed with Louisiana affaire. Gov. Kellogg Btates that these reporta are incorrect, that ho reccived from the Pro-ident every asaurance that he could reaaonably aak that the poace would be preserved in Louisiana, and lawlossness suppreescd." Johjt C. Hall, a prominent citizen of Hot Springs, Ai-k., and a sou-in-law of ox-Sonator Browclow, of TennessGo, was recently shot and killod by Wni. P. Walsli, Postmaster at the Springs. GENEKAL, It is stated tbat Tom Seott and his frieuds, failing to got Congressional aid, have put up $2,000,000, and are contracting for steel and iron rails to build 120 miles of the Texas Pacific railroad west of Fort Worth, Texas. The road is to be completed thua far in August. It is understood that they will push tho road westaa faut as possible, lest tbc California Pacific get all the land-grant. Contracta for all the work are to be let immediately The Writing Paper , Makers' couveution, in session at Spriugfield, Mass., last week, representiug soven-eighths of tho products of tho whole country, voted to run all tho milis on hslf timo till Jan. 1, 1877, in order to prevent over-production and brmg up prices. The President is disposed to look leniently npon the inctirsions of gold-hunters upon the Sioux reaervation in the Black Ilills country, and to accept as aninovitableaudaccompüshed . fact the oecupation of that country by adventurous miners. Gen. Sheridan has been directed to afford protection to all porsous coming away from or transporting stores and aupplies to the IIills. This order does not include miners at work or en route for the Hills, but their safety will be largely incroaaed incidentally by the presence of tho troops For the firot thirteen days of the Philadelphia show, thoaggregate attondaijco wn 498.838, or au averago of a fraction moro than 38,000 a dav. At tliia rate, supposing it to be practicable to keep it up, tho whole attendanco for tho season may bo computed at three and a half to fonr millions, giving a revenue, with allowance for doad-heads, of less thau two million dollars. A heavy reduction in passenger rates is annouuced by the New York Central management, owing, it is said, to cutting undcr by rival lines leading west from Boston. The new tariff places the fare between Chicago and New York at $17, instead of $25, aa beforo; Cincinnati, .815; Indianapolis, IJlC : St. Louis, $22 ; Louisville, $19 ; Detroit, $18. WASHINGTON. Bkcretaby Robeson has addreíaed a communication to tho House Committee on Naval Affairs, demanding a hearing for himsolf ar.d any naval offioen againat whom any damagiug testimony ha beon taken in the recent investigations of the Navy department. Ho also aaks that the hearing be had in open Bession of the committee. The House Committee on Commerce, to whom was reforred a resolution toucjiing the ünmigration of Chinese into this country, bas authorized Congreseman Piper, of California, to report a joint reeolntion recommending that tho President cause to bo negotiatod a new tre-aty between tho United States and China, provüUnfl that the Government of each country slmll have the right to prohibit tho iinmigration of citizens of the otber into ita territory, except for commercial pursnita. C. P. Huntinoton, Vico-president of tho Central Pacific liailroad Company, has writton a letter to tho Chaimiau of the Houso Committee on tho Judiciary, in which 1 l aays tho company recognized as fully aa the committco the (icsirability, both to tho Government and tho company, of an equitable and final setUomout of all mattors and questions of whatever kind betwoon them, and ibis, he thinks, can be effected by an amicablo arbitration, with good recults to both partios. If it suould be detci-mincd by the committoo to insit upon the cauh paymonts nnnicd by ono of tho committee, the company would prefer tho contriict aa it is, loaving tho qnention at issue to be sett!ed in future on equitable terms. Tle contraction in values, he says, has largely exceeded the calculations of the company, and the amount received from sales of land Uas not been a largo as wan oxpeoted. The road was built in timen of higher prices, and, although ceonomically conatractod, coat a very large sum, and ho raifled the quostion whether the nation, it beiug the principal beneficiary, shoald not Bhare in tho shrinkago, the aaving to the Goverument every year being more than the animal interest it pays on the bonda of the ompany. Edwaud F. Beai,e, formerly of California, now of Washington, has been appointed by the President to succecd Mr. Orth s Minister to Austria.. . .The PoBtoflice departmont is now prepared to fill roquisitioua for the new Centennial Btauip onvolopea. The issue of these envelopes will be diaeontinuecl at the close of tho Centenuial Exhibition ut Philadelphia, bul tliose outat&nding at the time will continuo valid. They are good for postage at any nostofflee in the country. The House Banking and Currency Committee have unanimously agreed to report and recommend the passage of Reproaontative Itandall's bill to authorize the purchase of silvor bullion to the extent of $20,000.000, with any money in tho Treastiry, and iasuo the reBnlt in silver coin; provided that not more than $1,000,000 of the monoybe used at any one time in the purchaao of any such bullion Tho Committeo of the House on Foreign Affaire, while acquitting Gen. Schenck of any 1 ' f rauflulent intention " in tho swindling Emma minespeculations, nevertheleas unanimously agree on a verdict of censuro, flrst, becanse it was not proper for an American Minister to connect himself aa a Director with the Emma Mino Company; second, that his relations with the company wero sucli as to brinR mispicion npon bis motives and exposé him to unfiiondly criticiem ; and third, booaupe "hia speculative dealiugs in the abares of the company were incompatible with his diplomatic station and the maintenance of hia usefulness at the court to vrhieh he was accredited.' The Sonate Postoflico Committeo bas reported a bill to restore the franking privilege for all letters or paekages sent on purely official business by heada of bureaus and exeeutive departmenta, or by senators or members of the House of Representativo. The bill will contain sovore penalties to prevent a misuae of official f ranks John J. Patterson, of New Jersey, bas been appointed Doorkeeper of the House, in place of Fitzhugh, recently bounced. The Michigan delegation is said to stand 17 for Tilden, 8 for Hendricks, and 2 undccided. POUTICAL. Thk New Jersey Democratie Stato convention met at Trenton laat week. A hard-money platform was adopted, and ox-Gov. Jool Parker, of that State, indorsed as a suitable candidato for the Presidency The State committeo of colored men of New York havo declared for Senator Conkling for President President Grant ia said to have suggested the namoa of Cougressman McCrary, of Iowa, and Senator Alcorn, of Mississippi, as hia favorito candidatos íor tho Vice-presidency. Refubijcan conventions wero held on the 24th of May in Illinois, Missouri, Minnesota, New Hampshiro, Nebraeka, Kansas, and Dakotii Territory. Tho Illinois convontion, in additiou to the appointment of delegates to the National convention, also put in the field a ticket for Stato officera headed by Sbelby M. Cullom for Goyernor, and Androw Shuman, editor of tho Chicago Journal, for Lieutenantgovernor. The delegates to Cincinnati received no inatructions, but are understood to be largely for Blaino. Tho Missouri convenion elected a delegation said to consist. as follows : Blaino, 13 ; Morton, 9 ; Bristow, 5 ; Hayea, 2 : and Conkling, 1. The Minnesota dolegation consista largely of Blaine men, bul the convention refuBed to instruct, or direel the delegates to vote as a unit. Nebraaka inatmeted her delegatea to voto for Blaine. Now Hampshire expressed no Presidentiai proference, and the delegates were left uninstructed. The sentiment of the Kansas convention was Btrongly for Blaine, but tho delegates wero left untrammeled. Dakota Territory also sent an unpledged delegation to Cincinnati The Michigan Democracy. in convention at Lansisg last week, adopted a hardmoney platform, and selected a delegation to St. Louis understood to be largely in favor of Tilden. It is atated from Washington that an informal conference between somo of tho members of the Cabinet was held recently, to consider tho propriety of any of them attending the Cincinnati convention, as one or two are anxious to do. The sentiment waa decidedly adverso to any person holding such intimnto relations with tho President Doing in fe'inemnati duriD{ the progresa of tho convention, and a mutua undorstajiding was had that all ahould rc.main away, to prevent any criiiciem upon the adminiatration of trying to influence the nomination. William P. Fkïe has boon nominated for Congress by the Republicana of the Second district of Maine. Tire California Demócrata indorso and com pliment Tilden, but send their delegates with out instructions....The Kentucky Demócrata send an unplodged delegation to St. Louis though they are uninstructed to vote as a unit Tho latest estímate in Washington gives Mr. Blaine a send-olT of 362 votes, or fifteen leas than a majonty of the convention. His friends are more confident than ever before and regard his rominatiou as assured almos boyond a doubt. FOKEIGN. Focn of the Greok sailors who somo tune ago murdered the captain, mate and secom officer of the ship Lennie, have been executec at London. Spain is reportod to be negotiating in tho Engliah money market for a largo loan, a eight per cent. interest, to bo guaranteed by tho customs revouue of Cuba. The proceeds aro to bo expended in the Mand, in an attemp to stamp out the protracted insurrection .... Many of tho Euglish cotton milla have com menccd running on short time. It is statec that prices are lower than for the past thirty years, with two brief exceptions, and tha tho prospecta are sorely discouraging. ..Re porte havo reachod New York of a recent figh between the Spanish and rebels iu Cuba, in which the former are aaid to have loat ten or fifteen hundred men. Cabi,e dispatches report another battle between the Turks and insurgente, in which tho latter took the off ensive, endeavoring to occupj au important range of bilis. There istheusua conflict of reporto as to tho result. The war betweon Guatemala and Salvador, in Central America, is ended, tho army of the latter having Burrendered and ito leaders fled A troaty of peaco has been made and ratified The Bteamor Pandora, which last year made a voyage to the Arctic regiona for tho purpose of discovering memoriala of Sir John Franklin, bas aailed on anothor voyage to Bmith's sound, to bring to England any dispatches deposited thoro by Capt. Nares' Arctic expedition A cable dispaton frora Alexandria, Egypt, saya a rumor ia curront that another battle bas been fought in Abyssinia, anc that the remnant of the Abyssinian ai-my succeedod in cutUng its way through the Egyp tian linos. Official telegrams havo been recoived ai Constantinople announeing that the insurrection in Bulgaria has been completely subjugated. Military operations in that provineO havo therofore coaued. The prisoners taken by tho Turkish troops will Boon be brought te trial. AU the villages that were in revolt have tendered their submiHsion to the Turkish authorities The Turkish Govornmeut ia moving vigorously iu its dealiugs with the Salónica rioters, of whom nineteen wore Bontenced on the 27th uit. - four to capital punishment, auc tho othera to forced labor for lifo and to varioub terma of impriBonment. The reaults of the trials at Salónica are telogi-aphed to tho Turkish Ministers at tho leading capitals as an aasiiranco of the intention of the Porte to amply fuuish that recent terrible maasacre Engand is shipping immense quantities of war material to tho Mediterranean.


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