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Ilc;id thu ïóllówlng nutico whicli nppunred tlie Siindiiy Morcury, Fcb. üth:-Only tlioso who hayo liccn aIlicied with lliis diseasc know (hu Siiflering inilicifi; yct imagino yoiirsolf on the puim of su focaiion, ond Inboring Imrd lo goteacli euccessiv brcatli, nnd you can lurm some idoa of it. A thosc so (sirt-Bsingly ufflicicd must bc ever ihank ful for tbc fnéana of relief, we nro indiiccd 10 rec ommend a rcii.(.!y to il.em, and onc tliat luu provoil sigruilly circciual in sceral of the mosi despc-rnio canes. Tilo medicine is cnllcd Eol; gor'a Ulosaoniun, or Alj-bettling Baafff,' and is su ld at Dr. Slicrmun'a LoMllflÓ Wnicliouau,lüG Nussau 8treet. Theró is no miPtnke nboui it. ard we jdvise every Aathniatic to gel nbottle j witlioui dclny. Thie medicino is equtrlly well adaptod lo all aileciiom; of tle long, livcr and alomach, as colds, couglis, whooping cough and evon coiisumpiioiT. Mrs. Wm. H. Attrce waa ciirod hy thio Bülsam, uAer Dr. St-wall, of VVashington Ciiy: Drs. Rose and McLelInnd o{ PhHadelphta; and Dr. Molt and ihelaic Dr. Sttphcn C. Roso, of thia city, had given hor ui as pasi rclicl from medicine, and rccoinmended a voyago up thu Mediterranean as the only chanco for alJeviaiioa. Wo aie no advócale íor puffiogmedicine, but wbÜ wp kmW 040 uricotumun cflecuinl. c not mly fed it our Jmy, but la plenstiro in recoininenJin ii." W.S.& J. W. MAYNARD, Agenta f Ann Arbor.