An Eccentric Editor

Some personal reminiscences of Mr. Bloss, the well-known editor of the Cininnati Ennuirer, are furnished by that japer. At the time of the sad accident wbick resulted in his death, Mr. Bloss md been counected with the Enquirer wenty-four years. During the last few years of his service he wad a privileged charactor, and could write as niuch or as ittle as he chose. His uncompromising aonesty and independence often placed tírn in a position of antagonism to the policy of the paper, and the responsible sditors were frequently obliged to cross out what he had written after it had been put in type. He has been known to write an editorial in direct opposition to one that had appered in the Enquirer a few hours before. Productions of thi sort, of course, never saw the light o day. Before his matter nad been put in type none of his editorial associate could read it. There were just f our compositors in the office- known as Bloss' compositors - who could decipher his manuscript. Three of them have been working for the Enquirer over tweuty years, and the fourth eighteen years. He was a man of large information, intense vanity, loyable diaposition, unwearied industry, and convivia Ihabits, without dignity or balance of mind. He never traveled, and was never easy away f rom his desk. Once when he had been almost ordered away lor a vacation he returned at the expiration of throe days, and, complaining of loneliness, was allowed to resume his work. Bloss was not more than five feet six inches in height, and scarcely ever reached 120 pounds in weight. He was forty-nine years of age.
Old News
Michigan Argus