C. Bliss & Son.

DOWN COES THE PRICES ! Al tho Jewelry Store of We have A LARGE STOCK 0RG0ODS on hand andaré txmud to aell thora at some Price. We ure st'lling4 CEÏTTJIÏTE AMERICAN WATCHE3 In Salid SUrer Cuas, roitOXI.Y 13, Worth At least 18. Ladies' Solid Gold Watches, Hunting Tase, forSW worth $-10;and all otlier Gooda in likt proportton. Now is the time to huy, while goüdsare guin Cheftp. Housékeeperé uow Is yuur timo to load y uur lablfi wlth a goud stock of SILYER WARE At 1'itm NI'.VKIi BEFORE OFFEBED IN TH 18 00 lNT Y. Cali early a you Will have a bettei u wlect, REMEMBER THE PLACE, XTo. 11 South. Main Street. Ió84ml 0. BLISS & SON.
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