
(O T(l m, IMI1'8 FOR Y(HR MILLINERY. GREAT BARGAINS OFFERED For t lic t Thlrty days At Mrs. Craine's OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, ANX ARIiOK. llave just rcceiveil a large stock of Gashlonable SUMMEH GOODS WHICH I OFFER AT GREAT KEDUCTIOS IN PRICE8. 1 have aü elegant assortment of FRENCHPATTERNHATS These goxls have b66D Imunht for cash inrc the greatdeoHne in ni' . i can therefore offci JO(H BAttGAINa I have a choicc nssortment of Flowers, Silks and Laces. My special alm is to pifiase tho tast1 of ciistomen, and iu pricí. to defy coiopetHion. AfalIlincofFANCV Cfid Ladies' Furnishing Goods. HAIU DRESSING AND I1AÍR WORK done in connQcUon wiih the store. An insp#otion of gootls respect fully aoliclted. 3wi583 MRS, A. 15. CHAINK, Mortgage Foreclosure. DEFAUI'T imvinK been made in the oonditiona of niortttií". by JüOofa i'uul to Leouard C. Wallmgtou, datfed September tenth, A. D. !H74, recorded September twelíth, A. I. 187-1, at 4li o'elock p. m., in liber 47 of inortgagea, ou puye A22, in the Begiater'a Üüice o( Watihteuaw oouoty, Michigan, Hsuigned by the aid Leonaid J. WhI)ni.',tuii to Chritttiau iimk and Fiexlerick Schmid, jr., by deed oi' aasigumeiit, dattd Üctober l.rt A. D. 1S7-I, reeorded Oetober 2;id, A. D. löM, in liber 4 of ussiiiinrnt! of nniilu-'S, page U s, iu itaid lít:j;iíL-i'M unie1, and by Llie ntnd CLriatmii Miick aud Frederick 8chmid jr., asiúgned to Caroliue D. Kuiler, by dteü of ajssiinui'.iit, dated (íctober 2'd, A. 1. IS74, recordad in said KügisK-i'd Offioe in lant menüoned liber, ou page 419, Oetobor 2lid, 1874, and by the said Caroliue D. F u tier reusigned to the mtid Cbriatlan Mack an 1 Prederick Schmiil, jr., by deed of (insix'hnit:ul dated May 27th, A. U. 1Ö7(Ï, recorded on the 7lh day of Juue, A. 1. lS7(i, in liber 0 ot asain menta of mortgag1!, on page 185, whereby the power of eale therein contaiued has beconie operative, and two thousand nine huudred and lifty-fuur dolluru and seventythree centn, besidea twenty-flve dullftrs ;ta uu attorney fee, beiuK at the date htreof cluimod au i.ue thereon ; and no suit or yroctdinL . at law or in equity, having been instituted to recover the aam or aiiy part thureof, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foieclosed by a Bale of the mortaged premmeti, or sonie part thereof , to wit : All that certain piece or parcel of laúd sitúate in the townahip of Freedum, in the coimty of Waahtenaw and Btate of Michigan, beiug the weat half VQ of the northtaastquarter ( i ) ol aection number thirty-six, excepting the tifelve acres on the uoutheaut corner, heretofore conveyed to Adam Broas, at the aouth (tmter) door of the Court House, iu the city of Ann Arbor, couuty and hUUatoresuid, on the secoud day of September uext, at ii ui m. Dated, Juue Sth, A, D. 1876. CHIUdTlAN MACK, FKKDJGttlCK SCUMID, Jr. AMág&eóá By Attorney of Agaigneef, 16H6 Mortgage Sale. W HE RE AS default has been made in theconditiun of u mortgttge, mude and delivered by Charles Wheeler to Williain Croas, beariug dato on tbe fourteenth day of November. A. D. 1857, mul recorded in the utüce üf tbe Kegister uf Detxl a of tbe county of Waahtenaw, in líber twenty-four oí Mortgages, page oue hundred and M.ty-twu, ou the tnird duy of December, A. D. 1857, and whieh aaid mortgage wat) afterward duly asaigned by the said Wiiliam Cross to Murgaret E. Thompson, by dut'd of as-ignment dati-d October 8th, A. D. 1868, aud recordtd n the suid Register' UiHce in liber three of assignmenls of mnrtgageB, pue ftvii huudreiiamd Hfty three, ou the twelfth tiuy of Novembtir, A. I. 187Ü, and waa afterwards injy (tusintjil by waitl Margart-t K. Thoinpaou to Cordelia 0. 1'nrirth, by deed of asHÍKiiuient, dated November 71 M. A. 1). 1872, and recorded iu said Kegister'n OÜice in liber two of ntiiLuiiients oí mortgnges, pago 6ÖS, on the twelfth day of November, A.D. 1Ö72, and was ufterward uwiKneU by suid Oord el i a C. l'nrih to the uuduiHiKUod JoIju M. PrifuUét by ded of asslgnineiit dated December L9tfa, A. D, 1874, and recordad in said Kcgisti-r'-n Ottice in liber lour of ■Htenmente of murtyngru, page WÖ, ou tlio seventetjiitli day of FebruHiy, A ü. 1875, by wbich suid default the power of sale eoot ined in wiid morigae becarae operativo, and the sum of míx hundred aud ninety-four dollarn and Bixttrii ei ii tri bt iiif.' cluimt'd to be due ou unid mortgage at th Aate of tliis notice, bttldea tlie Hum of twenty-tlve dollars providt-d to be pnid iu nuid iiioregage au an attomey fee on tbe tttking uf proceudiug for the toreclosure thereof, and no uit OT proceedings havicg been budor iustituted.either at law or iu cqiiity, to recover tlie sum MOUred by suid mortgage, or any part thereof : Notiou ia theretore herby yivtiuthat suid mortgage will be foroclosed by sale of thu mortgttgvxl prumiHea t ln-niii deccribed, or tome puit thereof, viz : AU that parcel of landknown hb vilage lot number -iixty ttnd Aixty-one (GO Aud 6i), iu ' "n!-s and Bagley's addition to the vilhige of Ypsiluuti, in the county of Wushtenaw und Htate of Micliigan. Aud iilso tlmt parcel of luud deHcrihed nscoinniencin(f at thu nouthweat corner of villaje lot nuinbcr sixty-four (íi-í) mmuii addition; thenco weatvrly along the soutli side of an alley nixteen roda; tiience southt-ily twen(y r...N thence cuntcrly sizteen rodu ; tbenee northerly twenty rola to the pluee of UeKiiiiiiiiK. OOntWDlng two acres ut lund, til public vendue, ut the mui; h door ot the Cotirt Houtje, whuruiu tin; '.irenit Court for the county of Wnnhteiiiiw is beid, in the 'ity uf Ann Aitxr, on the secoud day of optenibtir uext, at teu o'clock in the forelioou. Dated, Auu Arbor, June sth, 17;, JOHN M. PIUNDT.K, Bkakks & (íirroHKov, Arthi-itt ií oí Mortgagt;, Attui ueyt for AHuiguce. 1..m THEENEMYOFDISEASE! THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. is the Grand oii MUSTANG LINIMENT Which lina stood the test of forly yenr. Tliere ia no Soro il will uot heul, nu Latneness it will not cure, no Ache, no Palo tlint aflicta the II iMiifin Ilody, or the Hu K oi u Hoi-hu or other doDUHtiO Animal, thut dot'8 not yield fo its magia toaoh. A bottle costina 2öo., SOi:, or $1.00, Lhb oitu saved the life of n humau being, and restoied tu Ufe ttUd USfulDod muil) vuluttUe iK-rdt:. GlASS TOPS MERL rnWÊ RH ■ 'r'fl 1 t . i jFLAA N.cRW priiAPi rj&Dyll nX n MH E Ti 1 B '"'"' COHANSEYGIASS MFGCD MFR'S WNDOW GLASS.BOTTLES &C. PHUflDCLPHIA L.rrr.s ;o. Sewing Machines THE SINGER, NEW DOMESTZC, And tiae HOWE, Aml soverat good Second-Hand Uachioca at the 8EWINQ MACHINE OFFICE, Aun Arbor. Alsu Noedles for uil Machines TheTerybflei tliat areinndo. and aUachments anJ pcta ir lit-aiiy all machines SINGER MACHINES Rspaired bitter therc than anywhere elsc in Aiü-iiiü, II ymir niachiue don 't work woll, trad e it for one that does, or have it repaired. All machines sok! "i easy paymeota at the officu. n -uiit door eaat of Post Office, Ana Ailiur, flkh. (1556 ijuci.i ix; hoi m;s for 8AXE. Ahirgeimd very wll built brick house, with two ur more luU. Two lurc frumed boules. Alsu u good Hized brick house and frtime houne ; aod a amal) frame house on a good lot, intended for adiling a front. Kor imle on fairterma aad a reasouable credit. A l-.i u'Iht buildings, lote, and property. 71OM;v WAMKD-Hi) luany wiuhing to borrow y apply to me tlmt I can readtly .i-tuin t'ur Undtrx good aatisfactory investmenta ten percent. mterEBt. E. W. MORGAN. Ann Arbor, Jan. 3 , ISG. 1&64 TMNSEY & SJSABOLT'S KAKERY, GKOCERY - AND - F LO UU Sí FKEÜ STORK. We keep constantly on mnul, BREAD, OKAOKBKS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESAI-E and RKTAIL TRADE. We shiill uIhu keep a supply ot DELHI ÏLOUXl, J. M. SWIKT & OO'S BEST WHITE WHEAT F-LOUR, RïE KMHJlt, BUCKWWHKAT FLUUlt, CORN MKAL, FKEÜ, At wholesitle hikI rctuil. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS OOBstantly uu huud, whieb witl be sold on as n ui ihk' terniö Krt at miy uther house in thie city. (' puid for Hutitjr, Kggn( and Country FroImU -'iii-rally. RvjT (tui ni i dtilivered u auy part of the city with out extra uharK. ItINSKY Ac SEABOIr, A nu Arbor, Jun. l. 1870. 1564 Coramissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wahtánaw, mh. Tht: underdined haviu boen appointed by the Prob.ite Court for said county, Cumiuissiunerfl to rüceeive, examine and ndjust all cl. tilín and demanda ot all peruon uainBt the ch tato of Hobecca P. L. Qillespic, late of 8aid (■■ n ut y , decuaued, hoït'by givo notico thtit six montlis i'roin date are nllowed, by order of said Probate ('ourt, tor creditot'H to preneut their i'latin.s aKainst tlie eHtatt! of said docüased, and thttt tht y will meet at the store of Li O. lUwduu, Ín the city of Ann Arbur, in Huid oounty, on the 7th day of July rmil ou tbo l"th day of Üntober next, at ten u'clock A. M , of each of uaid dayu, to receirv, i-xninnie and ndjuRt said claimH. Urtted. April 17ih, A. 1). 1876. Dr. S. S. FITCH, OF 714 Broadwny, X. Y., Autliur of Six Lecturea on the PriTeiition and Cure of Ounsumption, Asthma, Hert DiKenpea, muy be nnaulted at Finney'a Hotel, Detruit, Mich., peraoaall; or by letter. He treata aII diseasea of malea and femaleu of all aos. F.iulíIv Fhyaicinn H4-ut frw, ConaultatiouH t'ree. Dr. Pith'a meantt itllow gouerottity in cliarses. Hia farne ii lor curii] luid ciwvü. May, 1876. lKMeuwly ''FUE NEWEST AND Handsomest Visiting Cards IN NEAT CASES AT THE AKGUS OFFICE. ij 1 k A day at home. Agenta wanted. Outflt [)' aml term froe. TRUE & CO., Auguata, Me. TINK JOB PRINTING doue t th. F AEGFÜS OFFICE.
Old News
Michigan Argus