
" ■ ■ ■- - - w RAILROADS. MICIHUAJi CENTRAL BAÏ LRÖADT MAY 28, 18Ï6. oomo wkst. A% !.!.a.7 BTATIOHS. 3 „, M M CO. m _ a á 5 4 !fi , I? L.U. A.M P . M. T. M. r. M. v.n. Detroit, lea ve, 7 Oü ID 05 1 50 4 00 6 00 9 60 Wayne Jiiuctiun, 7 57 10 49 3 32 4 50 6 4" 10 48 ïpsilunti, 8 31 11 10 3 SI S 28 7 12 11 14 AnnArbor, 8 50 11 26 4 18 6 45 7 45 11 30 Dxter, M-20. 4 E5 6 06 8 10, Olialsea, 9 43! 4 47, tl 23 8 '28 (irassLake, 10 07 j 6 49 8 56 Jackson, 1O4Í1Í37 S 43 7 15 9 30 12 45 P. M A.M. Kalamazoo, 1 52 3 03 VI UU 2 64 Chicago arrive, T 80 8 00 I 6 Ml 8 0 GOINÜ EAST. V I_ l_ 5_;?5_ A.M. A. M. 1'. 51. P. M. A. M. Chicago, leave, 5 00 9 00 j 4 16. 8 00 1 P.M. a. M. KuUiim.uu, 10 40 1 30 10 2(1 2 15 P.H. A.w. a.m. Jackson, 2 12 4 00 7 00 13 40 4 55 S 3r, Grass Lake, 2 45 7 30 S 23 a ;.4 Ohclsea, 3 10 7 56 6 50 10 13 Dextei, 3 25 8 13 6 08 ld 25 Ann Arbor, j 3 Ai 6 15 8 36 2 00 6 28 10 45 ïpsilimli, ! 4 15 5 28 8 56] 2 20 6 48 11 00 W.iyue, j 4 46 6 45 9 23 2 40 7 O81II 19, arrive, 6 45 0 ';5 II) 15 3 30, 8 00, 12 00 riundaya excepted. ttíaturday and Sunday expted. lUaily. H. B. LKDYARD, Oen'l Supt., Detroit. H. C. Wentwoiith, (ien. Paaa. Aut., Chicago. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDI ANA RAILROAD. OOINO WEST. - 1876- OOISO EABT. HXAIION8. Mail. Exp. STATIONS. Kxp. Mail, A. 31. P. M. Detroit, dep... 7:00 6:00 ■ " ' " Ypsilanti.... (f:36 7:15 ' Bankers 6:00 2:3 Saline. ... S:20 7:46 Hilladule ... 6:30 J-4J Bridgewater.. 9:45 T:6J Manchester.. 9:15 4:19 Manchester. 10: 1 8 8:00 Bridgewater 9:45 4:38 P.M. daline 10:10 4:55 Hillsdale 1:15 10:00 YyBilnnti.... '10:55 5:20 Bankers. .. 1:30 10:10 Detroit 12:30 6:25 Traína run by Chicago time. To toke eüect , April It;, 1878. W. F. PAKKKR, Snp't, Ypsilanti. Centennial Exüibítíon riIILADKLPATA, Ï'A. THI8 Great iDternationftl ExhibitiODj dcsined to counnemorte BundrOdtb Aiiniversary of Amerlcau Independenee, opcutMl May ioth and will close Norember !Oth, 1870. Alt the Natlonsol the World and all Uh StatM and Terrltorieu of the Gnion wlll partlcipate, bringiog togethcrtliemost conniniiieusivc ooUection uf art trcasures, mechanioal tnvéntions, Miontlfic dlBCOventt, inaiuiiai-turiiK u hirvciiitínt, mineral specimens, and agricultaral prochuts ever i xhibited. The iirounds devottrd to the Exhibition are situated on the line oí' tli' PenoSTlvaoia Railroad, and embrace Tour hu ud red and til t y aerea 0Í Fairmouot Park, all 'highly Ünprored aiul oinamented, ou vrhtcb are erected tho largest buildings ever constructed,- tive of Utese COTerlng au area of flfly acres, and CO8t in g_ $5,000,000. The total numberof buildings erected ror purposes of the Exhibitiou is over out? humln'd. The Pcüüsylvania Railroad, THE GREAT TRUNK LINE. AND FAST MAIL EOUTE OF THE U. S. will be the mosl direot, convenleut and economlcal way oí reaching Philadi'lphia, and this great Elttibition trom all BecUona ol' ilie country. Iu liain to and from Philadelphia wil: pit. - . tlirough a UUAND CENTENNIAL DEPOT, which ttie Conipany have erected at the Ualn Kntranct; to the JOxLibition Ground, for the aucommodation of pÉBengen wlm wih tostop at or start from ihe nuuierous iarge hotels contignous to iliis .station aud the Exhibition, - a GonTenleiiee of the greatetl valuc to visitors, and aübrded exclusively by tlitt Piiiinsvlvania BailrotcL bich Ü TH K (i t.V HNKKUNNINCÍ DiKKCT Tu T1IK CKNTKNMAL BUILDINGS. Excursión trains will also itop ;tt Ëuüampinent of the Patrons of Ilusbaudry, at Elin Siatiou, on thisroad. #-Tlie reuüsylvuuia liailruad i the grandest railway organization in the wurld. It contruls seven thoiiöand miles of roadway, focmiDg contiuuous lines tü Philadelpliia, IVcw York, Balliniuiv, and Washington, over which luxurious dav and night cara are run from Chicago, St. Louis, Loubville, Cinciuuati, Indianapolis, Colambus, Toledo, Cleveland, and Erie, without change.&(f lts umin line is laid wtth doublé and tliird tracks of heavy steel rails, upori a líep btd of brokcn stone ballast, aud its bridgfifl art: all of In bï -tune. It passenger tratus are equipad wiih eTftry known iuiprovemeul fur comfort aud sa iet y , and are run at faster sieed for greater distances tban the train of any line on the continent. The Coiupany has largeiy increased it eo,uipmeut for C'entt-uuial travel, and it will be prepared to build, iu its own sMi.ijjs, locomotives and pansenger cans at ihortnotlce, sufficient to acconnnodate any extra demand. The uncqualed resourct-s al the coiihdhii.I of the Conipany guaiantt'r the most perfect accumiiitKlatiouíi lor all iu patrous during ilie Centannial Exhibition. THE MAGNIFICENT SCENERY for which the l'tnusylvania Railroad U&ojüstlv celubrated, prestjnts to the traveler over its perfect lioadway an pver-changing panorama of nver, mountaiu, aud landscape views unequaled in Aiuerica. THE EATING-ÖTATIONS on this line are unsurpasnÊd. Meals will be furnished t Buiiable tiouih and ampie time allowed for enjoviug them. EXCURSIÓN TICKETa. at ndiiced rates, will be sold at all principal Railroad Ticket Otfices in the West, Northwest and Southwest. 4&-Be sure that your tickets read via the Great Penusylvauia Route to the Centenuial. FRANK THOMSON, D.M. BOYD, Ju., General Manager. Oen'l Pass'r Ag't. The TwoBoss Plows. THE OLIVER CHILLED AND a a. le. Tiiese Plows ate to-lay the two Boss Plows of the country They take" no back seat fur inytning iullitla Plow. They don't goa begging för custumers; tlivyget intu the hane's ofTarmera iliuut bcing forced out on 5ix or eight montlis Urne. When they gothey stay, aud that is a sufficienl recomiufnd fur any l'low. 1 dlnply :ik ;niy farmer, wh.'llu r he irania t buy a culUvator or not, toatepinand examine the GORHAM &. BUCKEYE SLLKV CÜIriVATOUS ! and jtidge for himself, as It will cost hint notblug, aod 1 wil wail on hlm wiih plearare. They are arranged for Imtli corn and fallow ; can the tecth auy ingle yon choose, to turn the rarth to or from the coru plant, ('all and sec fur yuurselv.'aand you will bc better mUsfled ihan yon will ivith anything 1 can :iy on papar. I have various kinds of one-horse cultiVators, salt w;ltcr linie, and all kinds of Field and (Jarden 8eeds, I am still agfnt fur sovcral dUfereni klndaofthnahIng machines, among'thabi istheold rellable Buffalo Pitte, wltn man; m-w Improvementa on s,-uirator, with ten and Iwelie iior' noqnted ix.w.r Al, the lsaiile Creek Vibratur, with Inounted power. 1579.I.:-: M. EOCERS. THE BEST 18 ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST ! QBTTHE Charter Oak Lawn Mower AT ö. J. PEASE'S It took the first prize at Michigan State Kair, In competltion wltn the Exoelslor and riiilwlt-lpliia, Holbrook'a and Veto. 8EED I)ltn,l,s .t UAUDEN CULTIVATOR8, ry dheap at Peaae'a Wlre BisKeU, Arch.-s. PUntStandé, Tn-llis. Waste Paper A Sponge Backete, at lVast-'s, Or I wil! make to order any stylf or [Kittrrn drsired. A few FIRST-CLASS SÏOVES AT COST or l.-ss. The L0Y6T ainl alao PiM'rless CloliiCi Wringer, at IVase's. Tliat (irnnilu lrua Ware isa perfect raccsMat I'KASK'S. Thebest WATER nX,TEE,S Vcry Ohcap, at PEASK'S. Galvauized Iron Tohet Sets, very durable, at I'ease's. House Kimilsliing Gooil, TIn Ware, Hardware, nul 40 rrasons for uslng Weetl's Car pot Sweeper, at 4 S. M:iin St. G. J. PEASE. SBNDSSe. tofi.P. EtOWBUi 4 00., New York, (or pamphlet f luilpaes, contniniiii; lits of :i.000 newspupen, and eitimatvs Bhowin col of advMrtitiuR. PORRENÏ. A comniodlous house, n good couditiou, on ontli State blrett. luuuir at tliis Ulllce.
Old News
Michigan Argus