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__VVe undflratand that eiforts are bein made jor 8 celebration of the coiniug Fourth of Julj a this city. _The City Band had a picnic benefit at Reljel Fark on Monday last, - witli favorable ■reather Mid an enjoyadle time. _A meeting of the Board of Supervisors „11 be lield on Mouday next, to equalize the jisessmeut r0s of tlie several townships. _J. Gates, formerly of this city, died at tiinsinS ou 'ne "' 'nst:-' ai;ii(l ö:j years, of iralysis, leasing a wite and uine children - Heoltot being IS j'ears old and the youngesl [jmonthB Couldn't the city fathera see that a little „ore new aidewalk is put down ou the south ie of Hurou street hetwaen Fifth and Dijjjon streets. The trustees of the PresbyterijnOlHircli have set a good pattern. Last Saturday nioruing a treight train got of the track uear the Lowell Paper Mills, and „jsrun into hy an eastward bound train, de„1T1cr the express aud Jackaon trams eaat, - „nethiee hours and the other one hour. _Bro. Fattison, of the Ypsilauti Commer,.„;, liaving beon acratclnng las head for 11 jeek, vre shall look for some brilliant scintiliatioua of genius in his paper to-morrow. Qnrijown-the atreet cotemporury ia on the siousseat meanwhile. _Tbis couuty mnkas very poor sliowing for Ijivvars iu the term of the Supreme Court jliich opened at Lansing on Tuesday, the oulycase on the docket being : Noah W. Cheevet Judge of Probate), for the use of David i:j,m, etc., va. Edward H. Gougdon et al. „Ou Tuesday the locoinotive druwuig the ilsy express train goiug west burat its steani ,,,.. m-ar ir-jiliies, but tiie train was pushed ip tu tlus city by an eiigine called up from Ypjilanti, aml thon takon west by auother mgine backed down irum Dexter. The delay , is brief. -The Leader says : A Dexter merchant lio aJvertises to pay the highest prioe for all tintls of " farmers produce," was somewhat tstonuhed the other day when a woman enüreilaud plaukiiijf a bounuing baby on the muiter, told him the usual market price was om thousand dollars. He Bsplauied tliat he inlj bought farm produce. -Dr. Dowuer, of Dixboro, an old settlev Bd wsllttno wn physiciau ui 2ö years prac:i,t, uied siuidenly on Tuesday, rum a stroku of He had beeu to Ypsilanti and airtiug lor home had reached Boberts' hill, mr the city limits, wheu lie was seeu to fait irinliis buggy luto the rood. Members of Mr. Kuberis' faniily went immediately to lus lid, buthe died witbiu a few minuteu. -Tlie clioir of the M. E. Church of this i mil give a concert at tlie church, o [.rfliy ereniug néii, June 13th. The pro vil] üonsist of Gloe choruaes, quar . etc, The entire proceeds will be Bal in the interest oi the choir, purchasing tb, music, etc. As this concert is really a ,,r.l beneüt, every meniber of the cooir and M,rch should atteiid. Admission ouly 25 ets. -George C. Arms, forroeiiy a faiuier ín the kn ut Webster, but lately doing business iu thevillügo of Dexter, died in the insaue aeyl:im at Xaliiniazoo on Suturitay last. He was veil kuowu in this city, and all who knew iïïi.-teemed him hiphly. His death leaves a ncsiicy iii the offij of Superintendent of the Pr, which will be filied at the special sesïüDOf the Board of Supervisors next week, - il the Board will havo the power, which is at ti;t dmbtful. -The Sheriff and the Mayor, speaking for toeaiitty and city authorities, assure us that !:t; klw of no scheme of Forepaugh to throw duTOtbe seats and maiui and kill the royatoruiAilmts, they should uothave consentedtoorjwinitrrd anv such arrangement, that tteriiiRl nothing of it until "ufter the show," iiltim regarde d it aud stili regard it asa hosi,-probably cff the same piece with the mina that tho stndeurts tore up bridges, sawdlspokesout ot wheols, and otherwiae delayluiJJimageil Forepaugh. -Prol. Z. Truesdel who has recently from a visit to the Ceutenuiileihibition saya tliat the show is really of aguificent proportions, and that the reports [tortioiiate priees aie groundless. He ■ pi goal room at one dollar a day, aud ■ wis at reasonuble fiyures. Others had good private houses at fifty cents a day. Htsays that the Michigan departmeut was tinorder, aud except in fruits, was deü-' uit, or not what it should have been ; aud Jniithsonian Iuatitute makes a bettar fcpliy of Michigan miuerala than do the in exlubitors. Why is this thusly i Hou. Morgan O'Bneii, of Webster, died on lelstinst., aged ü2 y e ars. Mr. U'Brieu was kninLimencic, Ireland, aud carue to this Wij aud State in 1835, with his father, ■ Mb, sufcral brothers aud a sistor, all of ■ lomhe outlive J. His father looated on the I in Webster on which tha deoeased has j anee li ved and died. Mr. O'Brieu was a "f sterling qualities- esteemed and trustlaany fiiuuds ani the public at I ,- He was oua of tlie uieuibera from this I WUy ia the Constitutional Convention of Chusmee been a caudidate for the LogII ", but in a liepublican year aud Rep'ub0111 district and was defeated. He was J'ïmoq aud a member of the Com Jtt;tfj' of Kuights Templar in this liMd the Kuights took charge of his tu"I obsequies by his owu request. His re were depusited in a vault at Foreat Cimetery ou öaturday, ltev. Wyilys "'fficiatrag asprelate and conductiug the ■ " He left a wife (in very ieeble and lid two daughters.