The Put-in-bay Route To The Centennial

;""■ tiie maiiy routes of travel to ï"hila lor the coming season present inore ■" than are ofïered by the above line it to the Ceutennial. Parties leav■i at 8.30 in the morning ou the eleWaod fast steamer Jay Oooke, can enjoy a 'ie on the Detroit Kiver aiid Lake !lg Put-in-Bay at 12.45. At this tiona are made with the steamer ', In order to allow thu arriving to view the beauties of this summor a not leave till soine two hours -ut iu time tu arrive in Cleveland at -i inakiug close connections with three -reiit üiverging lnies tor Philadelphia- the l'ittsburgh & Ponnsylvania, the .&nd the Atlantic & Great Western '4i 't the Lehigh Valley. short stay at tho Islands the Jay ijP'öd on to Saudu8ky, where she ar'lutimefor the afternoon expresa Ualtimore & Ühio Road for Phili,t'lally way of Baltimore and Washiug, through Harper's Ferry and Uum"iay time, through a sectiou oi Li is noted tor beiug most weird and '""u, arriviug at Washington at 5 the afternoon, twenty-iour hours 1 '" nam ot doparture from Sandusky ■; v-i the Quaker City fiva hours later. Ht,.roiJ'li8 euill"erated above coustitute but " ie maiiy otfered by the managen of "uaeugera eau go by way of the "liern Hailroad to Niágara i'alls, Nbw York over the lines of either ew York Central roads, returuot Washington, Baltimoie, SeaxWottk."18 s'ealner 'ay Cooke, close conrm böing niaje traveiuig either eaat or L ,,''"? tlle above route Centennial vismotugan and the Northwest have "ty aud monotouy of railroad trav;.' " by a delighttul and pleaaant Detroit River and among the many , 'WjslaiidsouLakeErie, and a journey Uuough soues aud sights the most . J ctureaque that border ou the linea ( JWUinore & Oluo Kailroad. i?U?ït'"8'route CttU be obtained of CaDetroit' Aahle-V & Mitchell, or "mi , -ce lu Michigan, where any fur"'"■uiation eau be obtaiusd if desired.
Old News
Michigan Argus