University Notes And Gossip
- Prol. Tyler lectured at Allegan on Friday evening last. Subject: "The Old English Bailad." -Dr. J. B. Steere is going toLondon during the coming vacatiou, to do some work ia the museum,- classifyiug specimens he vrill take over with hiui, te. - A " picked " nine want to Detroit on Friday last and piayed a gaiue ot base ball with the iEtuas, gettlug scooped by 12 tailles to 8. (ireen hands, " you kuow." - Profs. Frothingham and Maclean leit this city on Saturday last to attend the session of the American Medical Association, which couveued 111 Philadelphia on Tuesday. - The class of '71 will hold a reunión at HaugsterLer's on the eveuing ot the 27th inst., - exeiciaes to commeuce at b' o'clock. U. M. Wilkiusou, oí Detroit, wins the class oup. - The Iaat issue of the Chronicle wastes a heap of valuable space on JSdward I. Sears, LL. D., of the Nutional Quarterly Review educatioaal bummar and biackmailer. As well shoot at a crocodilo with pigeou shot. His hide is ball proof. - According to the Chronicle student with exploring aud scientific proclmtiei will haTe the opportunity offered them, during the summer vacatinu of next year, of going to Brazil with J. B. Steere. Eötimated expense iroin $300 to f 500 per man ; each student to own his own collections. -The newty elected ofh'cers of the Q. C. are : President, Miss AtHa J. Wüson ; VicePiesideut, Miss J. Rose Colby; Becordiug Secretary, Miss Cura A. Benueson; Corresponding Socretary, Miss Lucy C. Andrews; Treasurer, Miss Minnie Barry. A reuuion is planued for commencent week. - Mouday of Comuiencement week is set down tor divers and suudry athletic performances on the fair grounds, - a sort of gymnastic tournameut, with vaultiug, tumbling, running, jumping, boxing, throwing weights, clutsing the greased pig, climbing the greased pola, and we dou't know what else. - The " boya " hired a band aud serenaded R. A. Beal of the Uourier, on Saturday even ing last, and Mr. Beal, returned the compliment by " setting up " strawberries, ïce-cream, lemonade, etc, on Monday evening to the aioresaid serenaders and their frienda - aeveral huudred in nnmber. The occasion was the Courier's censure of Forepaugh'a " man trap," - which the boya evideutly thought an approval of their efforts to vie with Forepaugh'a band aud clowns. ' You tickle me Billy and l'll tickle you Tommy." -Dr. Dunster, of the Medical Faculty ha received official notice f rom the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York ; The College of Physiciaus and Surgeons, New York ; the Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn ; the University of the City of New York ; Jeffersonian College, Philadelphia ; and the University of Pennsylvania, that they will continue to recognize the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the Univarsity aa " orthodox " and " regular," aud will receive students on its time certificates as heretofore. All of which will be personally gratifying (?) to the membeis of the State Medical Society who have such a holy horror of contamiuation.