The Churches--city And County

Prof. D'üoge preached iu the (Jongregational Church, at Chelsea, ou Suniiay laat. - Rev. Dr. Sproul, ol Detroit, wiil preach in the Congregatioual Church ou Suuday next, moruiiig aud eveuing. - The ladies of the Presbyterian Church cleared about f 70 at their strawberry and ic cream festival on Friday evening last. - On Friday evening last Bishop McCoakry preached in Andrew's Church, and administered the rite of coufirmation to tifteeu persons. - Hereafter, until further ordered, Sunday evening servioei iu the M. E. Ciiurch wiü coramence at a quarter to 8 o'clock, and oq woek day evenings at 8 o'clock: -The Diocese of Michigan held lts 42d annual couveutiou in St. Andrew's Church on Wednesday aud Thuraday, Bishop MeCoskry presidiug aud Bev. J. T. Webster offioiating as Secretary. The attendance has been large anit the exercises interesting. The next anuual ses8ion is to be held in St. Luke's Church, Ypsilanti. - Next Sunday is " Children's Day " in the At. E. Church Calendar, and will be observed iu this city in common with the churches of hat denomination througbout the land. The chmch and Sunday school rooms will be decorated, the moruing sermón will be espociallv or children, and iu the evemug the children will particípate in the exereises. - At this hour, 4 o'clock p-M. Thursday, the Mnance Comraittee oí the Eegeuts is still puruing the laboratory iuvestigatiou. Messrs. ?regaski3, Douglas, Angelí, Prescott, Bennett, and Regents E. C. Walker and Climie have been examined. Dr. Ro9e has declined to apear (unwisely In our opinión), because the ommittee could not stipulate to make its acion final. Mr. Beal also declined to teatify as to his charges that Dr. Douglas had received ommissions on laboratory purchases, - wishiug o reserve his ammuuition tor his libel suit. Our space does not permit even a synopsis of tie eyidence. Suffice it to say that the laboraory deflciency is largely reduced, being but a ïttle over $5,0(10 iustead ot above $8,000 as ïeretoiore claimed ; that the commission story eems effectually disposed of, by the.affidaits of the sellers of the gooda ; and that the yidence as a whole is very satisfactory to Dr. Jouglas and his fiiends. As the Kegeuts are o meet on the 16th inst. to hear the comrait;ee's report we trust the public suspense will oon be relieved. I'bimary School and Fine Monbys. - We lave obtaiued from the (Jouuty Treaaurer the ollowing statement of primary school and fine or library) money9 apportioned to the severul ïties and townuhips in this county : No. of School Fine Children. Money. Money. Ann Arbor City, 2,497 f1,23940 $54.84 Ann Arbur Tovrn, 318 159.00 6.98 Augusta, 534 267.00 11.72 ridgewater, 372 186.00 8.17 )exter, 326 163.00 7.16 reedom, 559 279 50 12.27 ima, 321 160.50 7.03 odi, 385 192.50 8.46 iyudon, 272 136.00 5.97 [mchester, 750 375.00 16.48 Torthtiel(l, 385 192.50 8.46 ittaüeld, 293 146.50 6.43 alem, 268 129.00 5.66 aliue, 081 340.50 14.96 cio, 872 436.00 19.15 haron, 348 174.00 7.64 uperior, 434 217.00 9.63 yivan, 669 334.50 14.09 Webster, 244 122.00 5.35 York, 529 264.50 11.14 Tpsilanti Town, 408 204.00 8.95 psilauti City, 1,504 762.00 33.02 12,941 $6,470.50 $284.06
Presbyterian Church
Old News
Michigan Argus
Rev. J. T. Webster
E. C. Walker