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Doings Of The Common Council

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' Couucit met in regular sessiou ou Monday l erening, with all members present except Aid. Page. PETITIONS. Of C. H. Milten and others, for erection of straet lamps in Sixth ward, on corner of Hill and Thayer streets, on corner Twelfth and Monroe streeta, and on corner of Twelfth and South University avenue. To General Fuud Committee. Of C. J. Kiutner aud others, for erection of street lamp on corner of Ingalls and Catherine streets, Fourth ward. To same committee. Of J . Q. A. Sessions aud ot hers, for erection of street lamp on corner of High and Fountain streets, Third ward. To same committee. Of N. H. Pierce aud others, for repeal or moditication of ordinance prohibitiug cattle from running at large. Laid on table. Ot J. T. Jacobs, foi perraissiou to use portions of street, corner of Fourth and William streets, for building purposes. Granted. REPOBTS OF STANDING C0MMITTEE8. Fmance -The Chainnan of the Fmance Committee presented the bilis agieed to liy the committee which was allowed. The following are the amounts : General fund, $411.97; general street fund, $76.01; First ward tund, 96.70; Secoud ward fuud, $37.89 ; Third ward fund, f332.98; Fourth ward fuud, $205.75 ; Fifth ward fund, $83.02 ; Sixth ward fuud, 299.04; Cenietery fuud, $3.00; Contingent fund, $583.22. -Adversely to appropriating the sum of $200 from General Street fuud for the purpose of gravelmg Detroit streel ; also, advorsely to building stone biidge ovor west brimcli of Allen's creok on Huron street, nsar Tripp's shop ; also, that contract for cleaniug streets had been let to Thomas Carroll for $19 ; also, completion of stone bridge over Traver's creek in Fifth ward according to specifications ; also, aaking that the Street Committee be authorized to cause the rebuilding of stone bridge on Spring street, Third ward. Accepted and adopted. Sidewalks-ïn faror of granting petition for sidewalk on east side of Broadway, Fifth ward ; also, against grantmg petition for sidewalk on south side of North street, between División and Detroit streets, not havine been sigued by requialte number of property o waers ; also, soms amendments to sidewalk ordinance. Accepted and adopted. The same committee also submitted specification for bridge 011 Poutiac street, between railroad Crossing and Huron river, and reconimending that the same be ordered built by the property owners along the liae. Laid on table for one week. General Fund- In favor of granting petitioii8 for street lainpa presented at last meeting. Accepted and lampa ordered erected. BEP0BT6 OF SPECIAL COMMITTKS. Committee to settle with late Treasurer submitted their rxport, which shows a balance on hand of $1,703.41. By Aid. King : That the report be accepted, that the late Treasurer be requeated to pay over all sums in his hands to present Treasurer, and that the fund known as Poor Fund be transferred to Contingent Fund. Adopted. BEPOKTS OF CITY OFFIOEES. City Marahal submitted report of disbursemeut of Poor Fund duriug the mouth of May, which shows : Number of pursous relievert, 2-4 ; amount of relief f uruished, insludiug Physician's aalary, $132.30- divided amoug the several wards: First ward, f26.76; Second ward, $25.74; Third ward, 12 00 ; Fourth ward ; $41.82 ; Fifth ward, $5.99 ; Sixth ward, $5.00. Also the followiug as the number of arresta made by the pohoe during the mouth : Total number of arresta, 24- for, drunkenness, 5 ; violatiou of Sunday ordinance, 4 ; yiolation of slaughter-house ordinance, 6 ; violation of billiard table ordinance, 2 : keeping aloona open alter 11 o'clock p. m., 1 ; cruelty to animáis, 1 ; usiug abusive language, 1 ; vagraucy, 1 ; violation of saloon ordiuance, 1 ; violation of victualing house ordinance, 1 ; aasault and battery, 1. Accepted and placed on Keports of Justices McMahon and Clark were preseuted and referred to City Attorney. MI8CELLANEOU8. By Aid. Besimer: Bosolution- That Rule 20, of the Kulea of Order ot the Council, be amended so aa provide that on all questions all members must vote, unless excuaed by the presidiug officer, and that on all motiona and resolutiona the vote be taken by yeas and naya. Adopted. By Aid. Besimer, the following resolution : Resolved, That the City Attomey be and is hereby iustructed to request the Justice beiore whom any person may be arraigned and found guilty under the ordinauce ralative to billi.ird tables, saloons, etc, to place the fine at not more than five dollars, with oosts of suit, and ín default of payment thereof at not more than twenty-four houra imprisonment in the county jail. Adopted : yeas- Aldermen Besimer, Schmid, Gardner, Kyer, Rogers, McDonald, Ortman, King, and the Recorder. Naya- Aid. Ferdon, Cate, Doty, and the Mayor. Adjourued until next Mouday night.