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THK BAST. J!v tho upBettiug of a Hail-boat on Fronii Pond, in the Bubnrbs of Boston, a few daya ago, four persons woro drownod - Mrs. Duncklee, wifo of the proprietor of the Sunnynide honso, Brighton, and her daughtor Maud, Miaa Wilson. and her littlo brother Johnny At Philadclphia, on Tlmrsday of laat weck, was witnessed tho largest assemblage of niembcrs of tho higher order of the Masonic brotherhood ever seen in America, or the world. One lmndred and fifty commandcries from all parta of the Union, and many delegtes from abroad, including the Grand Commandory of South África, took part in the parade. Hox. 8. 8. Bürdette, cx-CommÍB8oner of the General Land office, recently dieappeared very middenly. Several days aiibaoqncntly hiB body waa foniid uear Bergen, N. J., nd tliere wtó every evirieiico thai he liad been foully munlored. When laul seort at the Astor housó, in New York, Mr. Burdetto had a largo amouut of monoy and considerable valuabïe property on bis persou, all of which wr-s missing from tho body when found. Mits. Wilhelmina Wkick has boen aentenccd to death at Buffiilo, N. Y., for the mulder of her stop-son, last November. THK WEST. The latest Chicago sonsation is the atartling story told to the Grand jury by Warden Kimberly, of the Cook County Poor-howse and Insane asylnm, that ho &Tl óhe Clom Periolat, a wholesaio grocer, topetlier witli certaiu membere of tha_J3oaïd. ofl County Conimiüsionoiv, have boon defraudiüg the county to largo amounta by a thiovish conapiracy in connection with contract, etc. The whole ring of scoundrels bas been indicted and will probably be aent to the penitentiary. A DiarATCH from Lincoln, Neb., gives the following particulars of the recent horrible massacre by Indians of a Jarge portion of Capt. Stone'a company of Cinciunatians, en route for the Black ïïilla : "Part of the oxpedition was passing through the í and billa, about fifty miles from Red Cloud Agency. The day was warm and tho roadii noarly impaaBablo from sand. ïho mon bad depositad thoir coate and weapons behind whon thj Indians rnsliofl down and cut them off f roni the traiu. Xho maasacre f ollowed with but little reBistanco, tho Indiana numboring aeverivl bundred. The leaders, Capt. Stone and Janies Wuod, were among tho firat to fall. The bearer of the report declares thac not a single oue of the party of f ortv uine escaped. Several of the bodica, scalpcd and mutilatcd, were taken into Nortb Loup Fort. Tuk frisky grasshopper bas roado ita appearance in Minnesota. . . .Orders from army head quarters have been received and promulgatei at Fort Sully. direcliug that emigrante be pre vented from going to the Black Hills aeroea tb Sioux reservafion, by the Fort Fierro route. ï is understood that tho ordor applies to all route leadiug from the Missouri river through the reBervation. Scakdalous corruption in tho construction of the new Ht. Louis Cuutom-house has Ion boen suspeeted, and recently the Orand jury o tho United States court took the matter in hand for the purpoae of ascertaiuing, if poss: ble, bow it bas bapponed that for au expendí ture of threo millions, origiüaily 8upX)ííod t be a sum sulHcieiit for the complotion of th building, thero ie littlo more than the foundation wiüls to bo seen. Some discoverics o: miaappropriation of money have been made and several arresta "havo f ollowed . . . Officia! reports reoeived at army headquarter in Chicago make it probable tbat the accoun whieh bas been publUbed of the maseacre of Ciucimiati party whilo on the way to tho Blac HUl-i, is a cruel canard. No iuformation o any Bucb butehery haa resched Fort JLaramie but it ia aeoertained that the party were met b Capt. Egan'a scouting forcé on tlie 21st of Ma; witbin twenty-eight miles of Cuater, and far to the uorth of tlie saud billa, where tho traged haa been Iocatod The dead bodiea of a mai woman and child, tbe latter about throe years oíd, were recently found in the woods near Belleville, 111. Tho bodies were identified as those of a family wbo had stoppod at a Belleville hotel on Jlay 1, 1S7G, registered undorth name of Joseph May and wife, Evanaville, Ind The verdict of the jury was to the effect tha May shot the woaian and child and then killet himself. It ia supposed tbat poverty led to th act. Tuk Collier white lead works, in St. Lonis were partially destroyed last week, by tb bursting of throe oí tlie large boilers. Three workmen received fatal injuries, and several others wero badiy hurt Thomas Kelley, Charles l'otorson aud a eoiored man, herder, were recently murdcred by Indiaus ncar Sidney, Neb. SOUTH, A New Okleans dispatch aays: "Three wbite men, McCardle, Grahani and Dumonville, while sleeping in camp, in Iberville parish, were attacked by a negro, who killed McCardle aud Graham with au ax, and wounde.1 Dumonvillo. The negro pJundered the camp and fled." Senator Twitchell, who was shot some time ago at Couuhatta, La., by a disguisf d assassin, and whose left arm waa amputated at the time, has eince been compelied to have his right arm cut off alao. Senator Twitchell received twa bulléis in his left arm, one in his right, one in lus hip, and one in the back of bis neck at the time, but is representod as cheerful and likely to recover The Galveston (Texas) JNcws, of a recent date, says : " Nino men were hanged by a mob for horse-stealing in Jack county last week, and sis in Erath. Two of those hanged in Jack county are aaid to have been innocent. Two unknown men wero foimrt hangiug out Beveral miles on the prairie, near Elgin, yeeterday." The law' vengeance has at length ovoptaken some of tho crooked whisky crew in New Orleans. A lot of them were senteceed in the United States conrt there last week, the punishment rangiug down from sixteen months' iraprisonment and $600 fine to six months and $1,000. QENEKAl. Thk recent troubles among tho Uunk lines of railroad between New York and the West have been followed by a general reduntion of passenger rates....The American Sundayscnool Union ha jiust held its fifty-second anniveraary in the city of New York. The record of its work the past yoar shows that 1,236 new schools have been formod, and 3.216 othor schools visited ana aided. which have a total membership of 228,215. Thia work has been done in thirty-one States and Territorios A groat conflagration swept over a portion of the city of Queboc, Canada, a few nights ago. The devaatated district is what is known as the St. Louis suburba, in which about 1,000 houses were burned, with a loss tstünated at $1 - 000,000. A oheat trinmph of railway travel has just been achioved. A special train chartered by Jarrett & l'almer to transport a party of actors and a collection of thoalrical sceuery and properties to the l'acifle coast, left New York at three minutes paat 1 o'clock on the morning of Thureday, June 1, and rencJied San Francisco at twenty-five minutos pat !) on themoming of öunday, th? 4th, thns accomplishing the run in less than ughty-four hours. WASHINGTON. Decobatiou bay was obsorved as a close holiday, and all the departmeucB were closed. The teatimony of Lawrcnce llarnoy, charging Speaker Kerr with the Bale of a comraission in tho army, for ono Augustus P. Green, has been the sensation of the National Capital. Green had previomly testified beforo the committeo that he was appointed to a second-lioutenancy in the armyi 1865, his conimiseion boaring date of July'20 of that year. He carne to Washington with referenco to his appointment seveial times between December, 1805. and the May or Jnne following. He tirst made application to a board of oflicors convenel in Washington for the examinution of applicante, and forwarded his teBtimonials to it ; but nothing cajne of thU, us the board gave its appointments to Congrosamen. After goiug to hia representativo and loaming that the latter had already appointed a man, the witness carne to Washington to seo what he could do himaelf, anri talk'cd with an acqnaintance of hia, a Mr. Haraey, wlio waa at that timo au aseistant doorkeeper of the House of Represontatives. narnev eaid tliat he could secure a nomination for a consideration, which witnoes agroedto. Groene said there was no understanding, nor did he believe that the money he paid Ilarney was paid by the latter to Mr. Korr. Harney, when he appêared before the committoe, was confronted by Mr. Kerr, and by hin) askod to teil all he knew about the allegod bribery. Harney then swora ixint blank that he paid Mr. Kerr, in tho spring of 18G(!, while he (Harney) was a doorkeeper in the House, and Mr. Kerr a momber from Indiana, Í150 for securing a ermmiasiou for Groene, vho Jivèd at the time in Now York ; that ho applied to Mr. Kerr beeauBo othor membera had made thoir army appniutments; that he told hiui 'in bis Boat in tho Honso that ho expected to pay for tho appoiutmont ; that at tho second intorviow with Mr. Kerr at his room the latter said it wa worth $500 if itwas worth anything, but that 9450 was all that Oreen rould raiae, $410 of which the latter paid to Harney and wibsequcntly mado up the full amount by a postal order for Ï40, and all of which Harney Bwoars he paid to Mr. Kerr, who asked him for it ten days beforo theappointment was made, when he handed it over, he says, in the oat corridor of the. House to him. When Harney conoluded Speaker Kerr was Bworn, and made a brief statement, conBisting cf au emphatic denial of overything Harney swore to so fiir aa it iniplicated him. He did uot kuow Ilarney, tho latter had never been to his room, and he never received acontfrom him in any way, J. Dü.naui Cambrón tnok the oath of office Secretary of War on the lst inst. Ex-Socioary Taft was at the eame timo aworn in as Atorney-gcneral. The follOTring table shoirs tho condition of 10 public debt June 1 : x per cent. boncis $ 984,999,660 ivo por cent. bond 710,041,800 Total coin bonds $1,695,041,450 awf ui money debt $ 14,000,000 laturocl debt 5,135,000 egal tenders 870,191,705 3ertiflcates of depoeit .... 84,385,000 racüonal curreucy 37,359,474 Ooin certiflcates 25,714,800 Total without interest 47,650,9T9 Total debt ,18l,82T,6p Total interest 81,788,75T Canh in Troasury : Coin $C6,6?4,76B Cnrroncy 9,285,708 Spccinl di-posltB held f or redeiuption of oertiñcates oídeposit 34,885,000 Total in the Treasury $ 110,295,474 Debt lese cash In the Treasury $3,103,320.742 Decreasoof debt during May 4,617,515 Decrease sinco Juno 30, 1875 25,367,983 Bonda issiiod to the Pacific Railway CompanicB, intorest payable in lawf ui monoy: Principal outstAndinR $ 64,623,512 IntiTOBt accrued and nat yet pald l015,6Bt Interest paid by tho United States 30,141,613 Interest repaid by transportation of mails, ete 685,348 Balanco of intcreBt paid by United States 23,290,163 At a meeting of the House 'Judioiary Committec, on Saturday, the sub-committoe appointed 'sovoral mouths ago to oonaidor the question of whother the House of llepreaenta,tiveB haa jurisdiction relativo to the members King aud Schumaker, who are accusbd of having been engaged in hiï'ing members in previoua CongroüHoa, reported tliat the House had not ench juriadiction. Speaker Kerr went before the Clymer : niittoo, tho otbcr day, and made au explanation of the circumstances under whicu he carne to rccoinmend Green for an army commiesion. He stated that he had offcred to procure the ( commission for two of bis constituents, Col. Jackson and Haj Jlorrison, both of whom ; cliiied. After thia no one from hin district ', applied for the place. When the session was well advanccd, and the timo for these appointments was passing away, he was called upon by Augustas P. Greeu, of New York. "It is possible, " said the Speaker, " tliat he was introduced to me by Harney, but if he was I have no reeollection whetever of the fact. Tliis only I know : that I did never, ander sny circumstances, or at any period of my life, consciously know the man Harnoy. I ncver talked with liim in any eonvcrmition that could have gone beyond the merest expresBions of the day. He never wa at my room. He never visited me anywhcro. I never talked with him on any business whatever. He never paid or proposed to pay me one penny of money for any purpose in the world. His whole statement on that subject is utterly and wickedly falso." A Washington correspondent, referring to Blaino'a explanation in the House, says : "Hia speech commenced in airo out breathless silence. It ended in an almoat perfect thunder of applause. Blaine has long been noted for the wonderful fertility of his intellectual resources, for his parliamentary skill, and for his audacious bravery. He made use of all his resources to-day. He wae calm and delibérate, impassioned and audacious, by turn, and always skillful. As the climax approached, he exhibited a courage which subdued hia opponents and electriñed the House." Í'OLITICAL. A WASHisaTON dispatch says there are intimations that, "should the men who are managing the Conkling movement fail to succeed, their second choice will be for Eliha B. Washburne." The Treaaury department eatimates that the customs receipts will fall short $10,000,000, and internal reven ue receipts $4,000,000 below the estimates for the fecal year, making a total deficit of $14,000,000 for the fiscal year onding June 30. The Iowa Eepublican cenvention indorsed Blaine for Preeident, but lef t the delégales uninstructed The Louisiana delegation to Cincinnati stands ten for Morton and six for Blaine .... Democratie State conventions were held on the alat uit. in Missouri, Tennesseo, Marjland, Virginia and Alabama. In the Missouri convention an attempt to offer a rea lution to inatruct for Hendricks created great confusión, and it was not even allowc-d to bo read. The delegates are said to bo divided between Tilden and Hendricks, Tenneseee indorsed Hendricka, bnt gave no instructions to the delegates. The Maryland dclegation is said to be for Bayard first and TUden second. The Virginiï delegation is altnost unanimous for Tilden. In case it is found the Jatter cannot secure the nominatiou tliey will imito on Hancock. The Alabama convention left their delegates uninetructed. They are eaid to be about equally divided between Tilden and Hendricks. Geo. S. Houston was renominated for Governor. . . . Tho New York Sun is authority for the statement that "in the recent sale and purchase of the World newspaper, the neecssary capital was furniahed by Col. Thomas A. Soott." The Minnesota Democrats held their State convention last week, and indorsed Tilden and hard money The Vermont delegation to St. Loais is solid for TUden. ■■OKEIGN. The official announecmont is made by the ocean cable, that Abdul Aziz, the Sultan of Turkey, ha boen dethroned, and that his nephew, Murad Effendi, who was the imperial heir presumptive, has been proclaimed Emperor. This cbange bas not been unexpocted. The popular feeling of opposition to Aziz, who is a weak-minded man and a rock] esa spendthrift, has been growing for some years, and either his voluutary abdication or his forced overtbrow was only a qnestion of time. The change of miers is believed to be in the interests of peace. Both Chriatians and Mussulmen expreas great aatiafaction at the turn of affairs. Germany bas called ou Turkey to pav ?60,000 to the family of Consul Atbott, one of the victimg of the Salónica ma8saere...Tho family of the WappiHg bntcher, Orton, who played the charactor of the " Tichborce claimant" with ftuch remarkablo success for a while two or tli ree years ago, appear to be a thoroughly bad lot. His sister, who helped to swear bim into tho penitentiary, bas been herself juat aentenced to aeven years' penal servitnde for stealing Late advices from the disturbed i diHtrict of Bosnia report that the Turks have suffered a series of reverses in encounters with small parties of insurgente. Fon the first time eince the establishment of England'a greatest racing event, the Derby has jast been won by an unnamed horse. There were thirtecn starters, and it was not until the race was over tbat the winner was givon a name Winslow, the Boston forger, bas been again remanded to priaou until after June 15, at the request of tho British authorities. It is learned from good authority that the Lord High Chancellor thinks the argumenta of the United States Government are sound and its pontion correct The cereal erop of England promiaos a yield that has not boon equaled for a huudred years. So says a cable telegram. Tuk preliminary work on the great submarino tunnel undor the Engliau channel, to connect Englaud with Franco, haa been commenced at Langatte, on tho French side of the channel An oflicial organ at St. Petersburg announces that the allied powers will not relax the stringency of their policy on the Turkish question, on account of the change of Sultans. The allies will ' ' continue to domand from the Turkish Government, whatever that Government muy be, the execution of indispensable reforma." The amonnt of the ex-Sultan's troaeure seized is stated at $100,000,000. The Chancellors of Kuusiu, and Germany will hold another conference mi, to consider the chango in the government of Turkey. Tlio conference will take place at I'.iiih, whither Bismarck will acsompany the Emperor of Germany Servia refuses to recognizo the uow Sultan of Turkey, on account of his allegod irregular accession to the throne, and declines to pay tribute, two installments of which are now in arreara. A l'.i:i;i.íN' diapatch says the powers have suspended action on the Berlín memorandum for a few days, in order that the new Turkish Government may give unmiatakable indication of their pol'cy, and their power of maintaining thcmsolves The following announcement of the suicide of the ex Sultan of Turkey bas boen communicated to the Turkish minister at Washington by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey : A sad event has just painfuüly affected our august sovereign and his Government. Abdul Aziz Khan, the late Sulton, who, for some time past unfortunately gave evident nigns of mcnUl derangement, having locked himself up thia morning in his apartmeota of tho palaco of Tcherazan, committod auicido by opening tho vcina of his arms with scisaors which he had concealed on his peraou" A London dispatch to the New York Berald sajs : " England has sent Admiral Drummond to the Eaat with orders to prevent the fercing of the Dardanelles. Unnnished iron-clads are being completod in great haste. Uogimenttí are under orders to be ready to start at a moment's uotice. It is nnderstood in England that negotiations for a modification of the oxtradition troaty botween the United States and Great Britain are in progress- the object being to conform the troaty 10 the common-sense principie that extradited persons ahould only be tried for the crimos charged in the indictment upon which rondition is aaked, . . . At Paris the story of the Sul tan's suicide meet with cemtemptuoug Incredulity. At Rome tho .lournals gcnot-ally onprooe tho bellof that Abdul Atiz wa murdefod.


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