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Forty-fourth Congress

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WfcnjCEBhAï, May 31.- SenaU.- Tho bill in relntlon to tho Japnncse indcmnity ftmd was, áfter i a long deb&te, pasucd by tl vote of 2J to 20. Howte. - Jouen (Ky.) offered a resolution, dctilnring it to be the uñón of tilo Hduo that Congress sbould C&8B, Without dciay, a bilí rcpealing the Remiinntton act, and íliould prohibit ahy f urther conttaction of tho cufrency, and, if neceBRary to Heat deluauds of the poople, ahould ptövide for ita inefease, and should próvido for the displacoment of National bank notes with t'uitcd SUU notes, and BhoiUd siso próvido fot a speeay return to gold tkml sllvcr. itefeïrcai.i.The oontsted eleotion oHso i;t Morey vu. Spencer (Louisiunit) wa deeided aalnst Morey, the gitting member....Durham, from the Couimittee on EcviBiou of the LawR, re]Krted a bill to perfect the statutes of the United States. Thürsday, June 1. - tenate. - Conaideration of the articlcs of impeachtuont against the late Secretary of War was reaumed. The President pro-tempore annom.ced the jndgment of the Senate overrtiling the plea of defendant as to Jurlediction. ATiyte enbmitted an order tuat the aceused be ordered toplead fiither, or the articles of iinpeacbuient, witbin ten daya firoln thls datd Csrpenter said ho wanted tinto to colisirter what fnvther nteps the delende wonld takc. Lord am! McMahon replied ou behalf of the maiiaetc, and tirged that the trial go on. It was liiuilly votd to adjonrn the imieachnient matter imtil 'f uenrliiy, June G - There was no legislativo business bef oro the Senate. House. - A large portion of tho day's seseion was devoted to conaideration of Baaninq's bill for the rednetion of the dttay-, whith ivas jlassed withottt ttmendment The bill to amend titlo 53 of the Revipcd Statutea, relating to merchaut seameu, was passed. It provides for tho appointment by the Secretary of the ïreasury of a ComniiBBioner, to be kiiown as the Shipping Conmuwsioncr, for every port of entry which is also a port of oeean navigatïon. Fbieay, June 2.- Senate.- Tho Senato posed of a few bilis of a private nature, aud then began the conaideration of the Legislativo Appropriation Wil. Hou&e. - The House devoted the day to the Indian Appropriation bill, the greater part of the time being Bpent In wrangling upon points of order relutivc to ameudinents. A good many Wettern and Southern inembers made argument in favor of the transfer of the Indian bureau to the War deP art ment. Satürda y, June 3.- Benate. -The Seuate passed the bill providing for the appointraent of a commission of flve persons to viait the Sioux tribes of Indians to ncgotiato for the Burrender of a portion of their reservation, including the Black Hills. The War departincnt is required by the terms of tlie bill to furnish tranaportation, subsiptenco and protection to the oommigsion. . . .Consideration of ihe Legislativa Appropriation bill was resumed. The aniendments of th: Senatc Oonimittee, which restores the roductions made by the House, were all agreed to. The moet significant action of the öeuatc was the vote restoring the President's salary to $50,000. The vote in detail on Uiïb was as f ollows : ÏW- AUison, Anthony, Bayard, Bootb, Boutwell, Bruce, Christiancy, Clayton, Cooper, Cragin, Dawes, Edmunds, Freliüghuysen, Hainlin, Johnson, llcMillan, Mitchell, Morrill (Maine), Morton, Norwood, Paddock, Patterson, Itansom, ltobertson, Sargent, Shernaan, Spencer, Windoni, Withers- 20. Olaya - Bogy, Cockrell, Eaton, Goldthwaite, Hitchcock, Kelley, Key, McCreery, Maxey, Stevenson, Thurman - 11, House. - Wood, i'rom the Committce on Ways and Means, made a report in regard to the Alaska furneal fishery lease, exonerating the offtcers of the Government and company from all allegations of fraud. Ordered printed The Indian Appropriation bill was uuder discussion ncarly the entire day. A variety of amendments were offered, neariy all of which were rejected. Among thoRo voted down was one proposed by Seelye forbidding the furnishing of rationa to white men living with Indian women. Monday, June S.-Senate.-The Senate discuased the Sundry CivU Appropriation bili nearly the entire day. An amendment proposed by Shcrman was adoptcd, providing that the internal revenue districts be reduced to 131 au soon after tho lst of July as practicable ; alBO vesting in the ConainisBioncr of Internal Bevcnue the power to suspend collectors of internal revenue now posaessed by supervisors, and all other powers now eicrcised by the supervisors to be vested in the collectors. Ilowse. - Blaine (rising to the question of privilege), proceoded to address the Heuse on the Bubject of investigation into the Union Pacific and Norüiern Paciñc tranBactione, in which bis name had becomo in vol ved. The central part, and the most important part, of the whole aü'air the productiou of the letters taKen trom Mulligan. This was preceded by a severe charge of unfair treatment at the hands of the eub-committee charged with iuvescigating the variouB subjects with which nis name had been connected. Keferring to the Icttera, the speaker eaid : " I understaná the Judiciary Committee to have abandoned that issue against me, but there has gene forth the idea or impresBion that because I would not permitthat man, or any man, wheu I could prevent it, from holding as a menace over my head uiy private correspondence, there must bo something in it most deadly and destructiva to my reputaüon. I would like any gentleman on this floor, and all of them are presumed to be men of affairs whose business has been varied and whose intercom-Be has been large, to stand up here and say that he is willing and ready to have hie private correspondence for the laet ten or twelve years handed over and made public? Does it imply guilt? Does it imply a sense of weakneas that a man will protect his private correepondence ? No, sir. It is a man's iirst instinct to do it, and it ia the last outrage on any man to viólate it. I have defied the power to take these letters from me. I doitstill. lapeak with all respect lor thie House. I know ita powers, and I trust that I respect them ; but I Hay that this House has no more power to order what shall be done or not done with my private correspondence than it hae to order what I shall do with the nurture and admonition of my children, not oneparticle more. But I am now goingto show the letters (holding them up in his hand). 1 thank God Aüuighty that 1 am not ashamed to show them. There they are. There is the very original package. With some sense of humiliation, with a mcrüfication which I do not pretend to conceal, with a senee of outrage which I think auy man in my position would feel, I invite the conndence of 44,000,000 of people, and I will read theee letters. [Applaune, which the Speaker pro tem endeavored to suppresB.] Mauy of these letters have not the remotet bearing on the subject, but somo of them will require a little explanation. Some of them may possibiy involvc huiniliatiou, but I would a good deal rather takc that than take the evil surniises, and still more evil inferences, tbat might be drawn if I did not act with this franknesn. Blaine thereupon proceetled to read and to make passing conamentsupon, and explanations of, various points in the several letters. The letters all referred to business transactiona between Blaine aod Fiahor. While they go to show that the foruior was engaged in stock operations, his friends claim that his transactions were legitimate and perfectiy honorable.


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