Notes From The Centennial

[By Our Own Correspondent.] In my peregrinations in and around the grounds, I hear but one expresaion, which is, that the Kxhibition fully comes up to the standard conceived of and earried into faithful execution by its projectors. In area, architectural display, comforts, varied exhibits, management, the Exhibition of onr Centennial yearïs a grand success, withoat any qualiQcations. So varied are the attractions that the most cynical can't faU in being led into enthusiasm, and the most careles will be oharmed at some specialitv that strike the rieht kev. vibrating the Inimañ chorus witn cnarming encct. i neara one of a bevy of sprightly girls, exelaim, "Emma, let's go to Machinery hall." "Augh, knaugh ! we sbaunt. What do women know about machinery ?" Yet the same Emma was ecstacized over a Berlin vane. Thus it is there is something for all and each. " Did you see the Women's pavilion ?" said a fragüe blonde to a two hnndred pound avoirdupois belle. " l'hew ! bless mo. knaw. It wasn't much, was it?" "No! gome little things. I dou't think much of it anyway." "But wasn't that soda fountam just aplendid?" And soit is. All tastes are catered to, and, aa a whole, the Exhibition furniahea dainties for the most cosmcpolitan taste. The being with the most intense Diogeuic instinct will bo drawn out of his tab of conceit and will be skeptical no longer, but will cheerfully concede that virtue to our kind that is developed in the industrial forces and art eliminations that dazzle the beholder who is sensible to worlts of cconomical effort for the general good, and whose eonsitiveness accept the higher and uobler rosuHs of a nervous organization in tho sphere of resthetic thought 0OTTN. The staple is creditably displayed, aod juötly so, as the extraordhiary influence cxerted in our manufacturing circles, and its importance in our exchange systeni, renders ali matters pertaining to its culture of significant interest. The foreign exhibit shows cotton from Brazil, Egypt, Peru, Australia, Asia Minor, (Smyrna), Bengal, East Indies, West Indies, China, Africa, Domestio - Mobile and Memphis uplaixln. The two prize samples in the show cases, one from Memphis, the other from New Orleans, scemed to bear off the palm. There is a -otton pavilion of foreign staples arranged in decidedlv good tasto which will be dotailed in another letter. THEBIimSn HEADQUAKTEUS. The British Goveniment bas gone to very considerable expenso in eecting oïnties on tho grounds for ite Commissioners. Ono of tl e tbroo structures which have been eracted for this purpose is rea'ly a very olaborato and ornamental building. Tho entire group is built after the Elizabethan style of the sixtconth century, the best specimens of which may be found in Buckinghamshire. The largest of the three ia used aH the ollico of the Commisaioners, while the other two contain rooms for the attendants, servants, ote. The largor house is elcgantly furnished. and U, in ithclf, an extremely intoreating exhibition. It is built of biïok and timber, covered on the outeide with piaster, and having tall chimneys, which give it a very quaint appearauce. Ono aide of the building is almost entirely of glass, the panes not being more than four inches eqnare. The rooms are all papored in cool greenish tmU), after elabórate designs by William Morris, the colebrated upholsterer and poot of London. The floor is carpeted with rich Brussels in small patterns ; the chimnoy places are d(;oorated with tiles in antique designs, and on the mantels, wbjiih are of vari-colorfid marblo, aro ■asea deCotated ih rioh añd vivid colora. The urnitúrfe, thotigh toodern. is heaTy atid. eo.tred wlth rich lark atún. On the wliolé, ibarcely auy more luxnrious dwolling-plaoe :onld be detised; evon ith btir modern com'ort-prodtieine rhvtmliohB: Somehoft it gfvóB ne a lirmer belief in the röality of tbát romafcic perlod in English hiatory- the Elizabetlian ira- to bohold tliia admirable represen tation of -ho Bolid boflifort and BVbn öplendör of tbe average coHntry genMetnun öf those dáys. It is bit of the time of '■' Good Qucen Beas, liftsd out of the din past; and set down bodily before lis. Col. Herbert Sandford, the British Executivé CommiaBionfer; aiid bis coadjutor; Prof. Thomas F. Archer, F. R. S. Ê., liro ertremely courteou and obliging, and have won highly favorable ppinions from onr people sinco they have peen ain'ohg us. They, have oertainly dono thoir work hére in the mout admirable manner, and Great Britain will have evory reaaon to be prond of the resulta of their labors. WIIX THE EXroSITIOIf TAY ? Yea ! aa noem as the agricultural iutorest are attended to, tbe farmora of the Middle StateB will come en masse, and from the Western States they will flock to the grandest fair the world bas ever een. Many will come from the Bouth. The general impreasion preYitlling throughout tho country, that railroad faro will DB redueeil, is holding ihahy backj the great rush froiii tlib South wili begin in July, and continue thronghout the Bummer and fall. In the city of riiiladclpliia, but few of tho citizena attend regularly, as, libe all things near home, the many will poatpone, aud theu they are aware of the unfinished coudition of tlie work. and awftit its completion. Bt from the lfith of Juno to the close of the Exhibition, 1 feel aesured that paying assemblage will be in order, ai id that the attendanco will be sufticiont to amply compénsate, in dollars and centu, the pioprietora' iutorests for thcir outlay. I bolieve the Exbibition will not alone be remunerativo from a financial stand-point, but will pay a thousand-fold in its teaching, in the varied fleldd of utility and ornament. MISCELLANY. Hou. D. J. Morrell was re-olected Chairman of the Executivè Committee ; A. T. Gosborn, Director General ; George W. Biddle, Holioitor; John L. Campbell, Becretary of the Commission. The Syrians have a bazar, near the Turkish pavilion, erected by flve uatives ef Jeruaalem, of oriental woods. The sides are yeliow, the roof olivo green, the cornices blue and gold Tho attachos are en costume, and have on exhibition and for sale bijoutry in olive woof from tho Mount of Olives, banks of the Jordon, Uebron and Bethlehem, omprieing jars cases, sleovo buttons, canes, work-boxes, anc varied ornamenta. A Dragomán, Üavic Jamal, is in charge. The Bureau of Agricnlture offer the folloifing : First beet oow $250, seoond beB: cow $100. For first best herd .f 300. The soale of pointe to be adopted by the club is founde upou that of the Royal Jersey eooiety. The field trials of mowing machines, tedder and hay rakes will take plaoe on grouuds near Schenck's Btation, on the Pennsylvania rail road, between Pbiladelphia and Trenton, fron June 15 to 30, and the trials of reapers from July 5 to 15. I spoke of Australia. Few people are aware of tho importance of this called island, but instoad, a continent. Australia lias an arci of 2,400 miles from east to west, 1,700 miles from north to south, coast line 8,000 miles and possesses one of the greatest natural won ders in the world on the northeast coast. Grea Barrier reef, length 1,001) miles, 350 of -whicl is unbroken, all of which is of corallino strncture. It is no wonder so important and inter eBting a member of the family of colonial nations should be represented by bo distinguish ed a Commissioner and superb collection o articles from the natural and industrial forces of that country. It is well to have the virtues of Argus in your inspection of the beauties aiK wonders of the Exhibition, as a hundred eye will serve you ; but rumember that don't toua ia, or ehould be, upon each article,and think o Briareus, with bis hundred arms, for it neem aa if sotne viaitors had as many, so deftly an oftoutimea do they break "the ruling o hands off. The Commissiou has adjourned to July lsl Geo. W. Biddle declines the aohcitorship of th Commission, and Mr. Shoemaker waa uuani mously elected to a position he haa creditabl fUled in the past. Permanent haadquarters for the presa ar establisfeed in the western wing of the depart ment of public comfort building, east of th Judges' pavilion. The offices of the Commi sion will be transferred to the samo building. The Hebrew monument will be on hand in time to be unveiled Jnly i. The claims of colorcd men are to be recog nized to positions on the Centenmal guard. Oregon exhibita rye nino feet high, oighty sevon and one-half bushels to the acre ; oate ten feet high. eighty-seven bushels per acre concentrated eider put up in sheets, so an indi vidual can carry a quart of eider in bis ves pocket ; canned salmón from the Columbi river ; and mahogany, the only production i the United StateB, resembles the mahogany o Brazil. It coats fifty centa to havo the regulation photograph placed in your paases. The Centennial Exhibition ground covers 236 acre. lier Jlajesty, the Empress Augusta, and her roval highneas, tho Priiicess Ludwig of Hesse Darmstadt, are contributors of albumic views and needie work. Naples makea one of the flnest displays of camoos. France distinguishe herself in filagree, eurpassing, in your correspondent' opinión, the Japs. Germany exhibita artificial eyes. Bohemia haa a magnificent collection ia glass goods. St. Louia haa amagnificent exbibit'of billiard tables. Tbe most superior finished pieco in this or any other exhibition is of Mexican onyx. lthode Island haa a beautiful collection of plated gooda. Dresden makea a creditable presentation of metal and bronze goods. Sorno of these gooda from Berlín are of excellent finish. Hamburg sustains her reputation in ivory manufacture. Thn Centenuial detective forcé has been reduced. This argües well for the goodbehavior of the average American. J. B.
Old News
Michigan Argus