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Mulligan's Character

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The effort to impcacli Mulligan's tostimony in tho Blaino investigation ia lookod upou by evon Blaine's warmest f riend with very Httlo hopeor favor, as MuUigan ia known as a man of faots and figures ; clear-headed, coo), and consistent ; a man who cannot bo bribod, bulliori, or broken down ; ono of the best and mint accurate accountant in tho city, aud a mcthodical and acrtirato bookkeeper. Muil gaa is a bachelor, has boon in thu country miuiy yeara, and atando wel) in tho cammunity." ÍEditorially the Times aays : "The oxtraordinary xjroceouings of yeatcrday, before the House Committee, reveal Mr. Blaine in a light which ia fatal to hia availability as a l'reaidential candidato. That fact will be as aerious au ojection to him in the eyea of practical politii'iaiin as the distaste for bis character aud associations havo already proved to the thinking maiority of his party. Tho Tribune says : Homo explanation about theie leltcw 8 pensablo. or it will be bolieved that they condal snmetliinK which will not bear tho light. Warren Keher, the man to whom the TOaiue letters wefo addi'esaod, in bis ovideïiöe before tbe committoe toatifled as follovs í Q. How long have volt knoWn Mr. Mnliignn ? Á. 1 havft kuown JÍülligau sixtéon oí tenty Vein. (. Havo j'Gii ko#n bim intiimately 't A. I havo, eir. Ö. What h bis character ? A. Hib cllaf m&ttr U he best - I vtould iay that it is aH good as or peihapii b6ttï tbin, taat oí any man that I ever kaew. , Q. Whiil is his roputation for tnitii 2nn toraMty ? A". I nevor heard it questioned.


Old News
Michigan Argus