
DRUCS. H. A. Treiaine & Co. (Succonion to B. W. EIXI8 k CO.) ANN ARBOR, MICH. A FIRST CLASS Drug Store. DRUGS AND DYE STÜFFS, Patent Medicines, TOILET & PERFUMERY ARTICIES 3?resoriplions Compounded at All Hours. Cor. Main and Hurón Sts. 15M CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, tí -JiCc . .A.nimal Statement, JANUARY I, 1875. Accumulated Ansets $8JS66jSÍ íiabilities, i ncluding reserve .,,si:.s Surplus beUmginff to JPolicyholder 711,9 Annual incotne ■ %,S'0,; Amount of Insuranre n foree. . .7 .'.i'.is.v THIRTT IUYS OF RACE ALLOWK ON PAYMENT OF RENEWALS. No restriction on Travel. Prompt and libera payment of claims. CLAIMS PAID IN 1874, 8600,000. Total death claims paid in At eight yeB 83,000,000. O. A. WATKINS, No. 10 Bank Block, Detroit, Manager for Michigan. JOHN SEARS, DiBt. Agent, Aun Arbor, Mich. 1538 FIRE NSURANUE. IN8UBE YOUR PHOI'ERTY WITH FRAZER & HAMILTON, Who represent the followmg eafe and truBtworihy Fire Insurance Companies : FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA, Incori)orated 1820, Asflets, Jan. 1, 1876, - 83,289,798.91 AMERICAN m INS. C0„ OF PHIIiAÖELPHIA, Incorporatcd ]810, Assets, - - $1,250,000 ÏESTCHESTËOIREINS.Ci. Assets, - - - 8859,700 Northwestern National FIRE & MARINE INS. CO. Assete, - - $881,425.63 Michigan State Ins. Co. OF ADRIÁN". Assets, - - 8327,493.88 The State Insurance Co. OF1 LA.3STSING-. Assets, - - - 8175,000 OFFICE OVER THE SAVINGS BANK, Ann -A.rbor, Michigan. 1668 "THE VIBRATOR" 1000 SOLD LAST SKASON WITHOUT ONE FAILUKE OK KEJECTION Thia ís the famous Threshing machino tbíit h "ewept tho field " and crcated uch a revolution in tti tniile, by it8 MATCHLESS ObAIN-SaVINU AM TlMtSiT' inij principie!. Hl W il' !■ " n """-já THE KNOBMODS WASTAGK of cmin, W) wn# toilh cOier êlyla of Threshci, can bo 8A■1ÍD Ijy tW Improyed Machino, êitfficient, on ercry job, to more tófl' pay all expenses of threphing. IXAX, TIMOTDY, WILLET, HUMARÍAN vd liko secas aro ttircshotl, separatíd, clcaned aud mw oa casily and perfcctly na Whcat, Oats, Eyo or BarW AN BXTRA PBICE 9 usually pald for grain 1 8co(!b cloaned by this machine, for extra cleonuneflfc IN THK WET GRAIN of 1876, theso were nnbeU Oally tho ONLY MACHINES thatconlct run fitipnjd1 or oconomy, tloinjr faat, thorough and perfect wort teken othtrs nlterly failcd. ALL GRAIN, TIME nnd M0NEY wastlng coropli tions, euch a "Endless Apious," "lioddlee," "BeateR " Plckere," etc, are entircly disatsed tcilk ; lees tW ono-balf tho osiial Geara, Bclts, Boxes, and JounulS eosior m&naged ; moro durable ; ligbt running ; nocc ly rppairs; nodupt; noIitUirIngB" to cleau i oj; troublod by adrerae wintls, min or etorms. FR5TEB3 and GRAIN RAISERS who aro j' ia tho larga savlng niado by it will not ernploy ïn rior and wastefnl machino, bnt will insist on tlu iniproïed Threaher doing their work. FOÜB SIZE3 made for 6, 8, 10 and 12 Bei Powcre. Al a spodalty of Separatobï, dasig'"1 aiul HUido EIl'ERSST.Y FOR STRAM POWEB. TWO STTLK8 OF HORSE POWERS, viz.: oor I provod "Triple Goar,"and our "Spur Spoed" (WW bury Style), both " Mountcd " on our wheela. IF INTEBICSTED in Threshing or Grain EaWoi ap!ly to our nearmt Dealer, or wrïte to na for Illuw tod Oircnlar (sont freo), giving fait particulars of Sis Stylee, Price, Temw, etc. NichoU, Shepard b Co., BATTLE CBEEK, M1 Thoee unrivalcd machines and extrae are suP' plied atlowest factory prigpB by MO8KS RuüEBi I Anu Arbor, Mich,
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Michigan Argus