A Louisiana Swamp Tragedy

Reitza Jaokson, a negro, at a lumber camp in the Des Glaize swamp, killed his eraployers, Fr.'ink McCardle and Murray Graham, and dangeronsly wounded Dumonville Devellin, after they had retired to their beds in the small cabin. It was a deliberateiy planned butchery. Approaching Murray Graham's bed, lie drew aside the mosquito bar, exposing the head of the sleeper, and raising aloft hia heayy ax, buried its blade in the skull of his victim. Then he tnrned to McArdle's bed, and, first with the butt and then with the sharp edge, struck so hard and so often that Dumonville heard the blows, and starting from his second sleep, exclaimed, " Boys, boys, the camp is falling." The negro heard this, and, dashing at Dumonville, made a blow at him through the misquito bar. The blow happened to be with the flat of the ax and struck Dumonville ftill in the breast. Dumonvillñ being unarmed, crept under the bed, and there received another blow, and a third that knocked him into the water. Attached to the raf t on which the cabin or camp was built was a skiff, which Dumonville seized by the stern, bnt the negro discovered him, and forced him to let go his hold. The negro supposed his victim was drowned, and tnrned toward the cabin, but Dumonville had strength enough left to cling to sorae bushes about twenty feet off and watch the monster's movements. As the negro turnee! away he hissed between his teetli, "You white , I've got you, too." The negro then poured coal oü over the cabin on the raft, and, before setting it alight, tnrned to the corpses of his victims, still warm, and eoolly rifled them of everything valuable, rolling them over and over, and then throwing them overboard. Then changing his clothes, he picked up McArdle's carpetbag and set the raft on flre. Dumonvillo saw him disappear, and at last the fire died out.-
Old News
Michigan Argus