Exiles Of Erin

A rumor reached this country a few days ago that all the Fenian prisouera conñned in Weste)'n Australia had escaped in an American whaling ship. According to a prominent Irish-Anierican nationalist who was interviewed by the New York Jíerald, the rescue of these exiles had been in contemplation for four years, and was probably effected nearly two months ago. The details of the plot he declined to niakc public, on the ground that it might jeopordize the safety of tnose who aided in the escape. Whkn Mrs. David Patterson, of Green Bay, Wís., got up the other morning, she found the dead body of her husband lying in the pantry, with his face to the Hoor. He had been suffering from disease of the throat, and it is supposed that he had gone to üml something to relieve his hard breathing, but flading nothing he was choked to death.
Old News
Michigan Argus