All Sorts Of Pen-scratches

- Murat Halstead, of the Cinoinnat Commercial gave au elegant dinner party last Sunday evening to " a number of prominent journalists " and others In behalf of Bro. Pattison, of the Ypsi lanti Commercial, we protest against the omission of our Beal's naiues i'rom the list. - Olive Logan has been appointec and confirmed as Consul to Curdifi Wales. Held 1 we have made a sligh mistuke, it is Olive Logan's husband Wirt Sykes. And the Lansing liepuhli can says that " he is unfit to represen the American people auywhere." -Too bad ! that the Coldwater Republican should " go for " the Hon. E W. Barber, and just because the AliGUS called hiui " a thorough partisan.' Will the Republican print the model eer tificate it would have ns give him. - In big business: the distinguishoc judgea and other Detroit officials who have signed an " advertising " certiücate or testimonial to Forepaugh anc bis big show. 'Tis pleasant to see one' name in print. - Under the head of " Criminal " the Lansing RepvUican gats in this note " The Anu Arbor investigators have fhiishod their business, and will report about the uiiddle of this inonth.' - The Senate found itself withoul a quorum on Monday,- druinmed one up and adjourned until Thursday. The Cincinnati Convention had more at tractions than the Senate Chaniber. - Down at Cincinnati llegent Kync of Adrián, passed hiniself off as Prof P. H. Rhinds, of Ann Arbor, or at least is reported as addressing a Bristow meeting uuder that name. - On Tuesday Senator Anthony, oí Hhode Island, was eleoted Unitec States Senator for hls fourth term. - "A very bad turn " : that's whal Coñgressman Hale characterized exSpeaker Blaiuo's recent severe illness. - The air that r&ises the ire of exSpeaker Blaine: "The Mulligan Guards."
Old News
Michigan Argus